Specific gravity of uranium and plutonium is about
(A) 8
(B) 13

1 Answer

Answer :

(A) 8

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Description : Which of the following is not a naturally occurring nuclear fuel? (A) Uranium-238 (B) Thorium-233 (C) Plutonium-239 (D) None of these

Last Answer : (C) Plutonium-239

Description : Fuel for a fast breeder nuclear reactor is (A) Plutonium (B) Uranium (C) Radium (D) Neptunium

Last Answer : (A) Plutonium

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Last Answer : (A) Uranium

Description : What do uranium , plutonium , hydrogen produce ?

Last Answer : Radioactive elements like uranium , plutonium etc. When left unmanaged, they can be left astray and lose the right path.

Last Answer : Uranium , Neptuneum, Plutonium are radioactive substances.

Description : What is the difference between plutonium and uranium?

Last Answer : For more informations about uranium: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UraniumFor more informations about plutonium: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlutoniumFor a short answer to an identical question, see : What_are_the_differences_between_plutonium_and_uranium

Description : An element that does not occur in nature but can be produced artificially is – (1) thorium (2) radium (3) plutonium (4) uranium

Last Answer : (3) plutonium

Description : Which of the following elements is not radioactive? (1) Radium (2) Plutonium (3) Zirconium (4) Uranium

Last Answer : (3) Zirconium Explanation: Zireonium is a lustrous, greywhite, strong transition metal that resembles titanium. Zirconium is mainly used as a refractory and pacifier, although it is used in small amounts as an alloying agent for its strong resistance to corrosion.

Description : The long range potential of nuclear energy in India depends on its reserves of – (1) thorium (2) uranium (3) plutonium (4) radium

Last Answer : (2) uranium Explanation: India's domestic uranium reserves are small and the country is dependent on uranium imports to fuel its nuclear power industry. Since early 1990s, Russia has been a major supplier of nuclear fuel-to India.

Description : The element which is commonly used in nuclear for producing electricity by nuclear fission is – (1) Radium (2) Plutonium (3) Uranium (4) Deuterium

Last Answer : (3) Uranium Explanation: Uranium is used to produce a chemical and nuclear reaction which makes a lot of heat.

Description : The radioactive element used in heart pacemakers is – (1) Uranium (2) Deuterium (3) Plutonium (4) Radium

Last Answer : (1) Uranium Explanation: The actinides (or actinoids) are the chemical elements with atomic numbers between 90 and 109 inclusively. They occur between Groups 3 and 4 in Period 7 of the periodic table. ... scale, it is also used as a power source in smaller devices such as the heart pacemaker.

Description : Which of the following can be used to absorb neutrons to control the chain reaction during nuclear fission? (1) Boron (2) Heavy water (3) Uranium (4) Plutonium

Last Answer : (1) Boron Explanation: Boron shielding is used as a control for nuclear reactors, taking advantage of its high cross-section for neutron capture. Elemental boron is rare and ... aluminium. Crystalline boron is chemicallyinert and resistant to attack by boiling hydrofluoric or hydrochloric acid.

Description : wo elements which are used to absorb neutrons to control the chain reaction during nuclear fission are - (1) Boron and Cadmium (2) Boron and Plutonium (3) Cadmium and Uranium (4) Uranium and Boron

Last Answer : (1) Boron and Cadmium Explanation: Since the continued chain reaction of a nuclear fission reactor depends upon at least one neutron from each fission being absorbed by another fissionable nucleus, the ... and then the control rods are slowly lifted until a chain reaction can just be sustained.

Description : Which of the following elements is nonradioactive? (1) Uranium (2) Thorium (3) Plutonium (4) Zirconium

Last Answer : (4) Zirconium Explanation: Zirconium is non-radioactive. It is a chemical element with the symbol Zr, atomic number 40 and atomic mass of 91.224. The name of zirconium is taken from the ... important source of zirconium. It is a lustrous, grey-white, strong transition metal that resembles titanium.

Description : An element that does not occur in nature but can be produced artificially is-----? A. Plutonium (Answer) B. Uranium C. Radium D. Thorium

Last Answer : A. Plutonium (Answer)

Description : Fuel used in a Fast Breeder Reactor is -------? A. Uranium Oxide B. Uranium Plutonium carbide C. Uranium Plutonium Oxide (Answer) D. Uranium thorium Oxide E. None of these

Last Answer : C. Uranium Plutonium Oxide (Answer)

Description : In a breeder reactor, new fuel is formed as non-fuel uranium-238 absorbs a neutron and ultimately becomes which of the following fissionable atoms: w) uranium-235 x) plutonium-239 y) uranium-239 z) neptunium-239

Last Answer : ANSWER: X -- PLUTONIUM-239

Description : This natural fiber obtained from the stems of a plant of the nettle family has found popularity in modern fibers with a high wet strength, absorbent but dries quickly, it can be spun or woven, has a high rot ... a source of heat or power? w) Plutonium-238 x) Strontium-90 y) Cesium-137 z) Uranium-235

Last Answer : ANSWER: W -- PLUTONIUM-238

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Last Answer : ANSWER: X -- URANIUM

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Last Answer : Zirconium

Description : An element that does not occur in nature but can be produced artificially is (1) thorium (2) radium (3) plutonium (4) uranium

Last Answer : plutonium

Description : Which of the following can be used to absorb neutrons to control the chain reaction during nuclear fission ? (1) Boron (2) Heavy water (3) Uranium (4) Plutonium

Last Answer : Boron

Description : Two elements which are used to absorb neutrons to control the chain reaction during nuclear fission are (1) Boron and Cadmium (2) Boron and Plutonium (3) Cadmium and Uranium (4) Uranium and Boron

Last Answer :  Boron and Cadmium

Description : Nuclear energy is a mineralbased energy source. It is derived from (1) uranium (2) thorium (3) plutonium (4) All of the above

Last Answer : uranium

Description : Which of the following elements is non-radioactive ? (1) Uranium (2) Thorium (3) Plutonium (4) Zirconium

Last Answer : Zirconium

Description : The long range potential of nuclear energy in India depends on its reserves of (1) thorium (2) uranium (3) plutonium (4) radium

Last Answer : uranium

Description : The element which is commonly used in nuclear for producing electricity by nuclear fission is (1) Radium (2) Plutonium (3) Uranium (4) Deuterium

Last Answer : (3) Uranium It is the most common element used to get nuclear energy Hope this will you

Description : The radio-active element used in heart pacemakers is (1) Uranium (2) Deuterium (3) Plutonium (4) Radium

Last Answer : Uranium

Description : A mercury (specific gravity = 13.6) manometer connected across an orificemeter fitted in a pipe shows a manometer reading of 2 cms. If the manometer liquid is changed to carbon tetrachloride (specific gravity = 1.6), then ... new manometer reading will be __________ cms. (A) 17 (B) 42 (C) 84 (D) 1.8

Last Answer : __________ cms. (A) 17

Description : For which of the following reasons is plutonium-238 used for generating electricity on spacecraft? w) It is an alpha emitter with long half-life. x) It is a beta emitter with high specific power. y) It occurs abundantly in nature. z) It has low specific power.


Description : A piece of metal of specific gravity 13.6 is placed in mercury of specific gravity 13.6, what fraction of it volume is under mercury? (A) The metal piece will simply float over the mercury (B ... will be immersed with its top surface just at mercury level (D) Metal piece will sink to the bottom

Last Answer : Answer: Option C

Description : A piece of metal of specific gravity 7 floats in mercury of specific gravity 13.6. What fraction of its volume is under mercury? (A) 0.5 (B) 0.4 (C) 0.515 (D) 0.5

Last Answer : Answer: Option C

Description : The specific gravity of mercury at Standard Temperature and Pressure is: w) 0.75 x) 4.0 y) 13.6 z) 19.3 

Last Answer : ANSWER: Y -- 13.6 

Description : H2 is a better coolant than CO2 , due to it’s relatively (A) Lower density (B) Higher specific heat (C) Non-reactivity to uranium (D) Lower neutron capture cross-section

Last Answer : (B) Higher specific heat

Description : Reynolds number for water flow through a tube of I.D. 5 cm is 1500. If a liquid of 5 centipoise viscosity and 0.8 specific gravity flows in the same pipe at the same velocity, then the pressure drop will (A) Increase (B) Decrease (C) Remain same (D) Data insufficient to predict pressure drop

Last Answer : (A) Increase

Description : A bed of spherical particles (specific gravity 2.5) of uniform size 1500 μm is 0.5 m in diameter and 0.5 m high. In packed bed state, the porosity may be taken as 0.4. Ergun's equation for the above fluid-particle system ... What is the porosity of the fluidised bed? (A) 0.2 (B) 0.5 (C) 0.7 (D) 0.8

Last Answer : (C) 0.7

Description : Specific gravity of hot metal (pig iron) is __________ times that of the blast furnace slag. (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 0.8 (D) 6

Last Answer : (B) 3

Description : Spent fuel from the nuclear thermal reactor contains (A) Fission products (B) Plutonium (C) Unused fuel (D) All (A), (B) & (C

Last Answer : (D) All (A), (B) & (C

Description : Plutonium (A) Is recovered from spent fuel from thermal nuclear reactor (B) Has much lower melting point (640°C ) compared to thorium (1690°C) (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B)

Last Answer : (C) Both (A) and (B

Description : Specific gravity of diesel oil is (A) 0.84 (B) 1.14 (C) 2.7 (D) 3.8.

Last Answer : Ans: A

Description : 260 g of wet soil was taken in a pycnometer jar of weight 400 g in order to find the moisture content in the soil, with specific gravity of soil particles 2.75. The weight of soil and remaining water filled in pycnometer without air ... is (A) 24.2 % (B) 18.2 % (C) 53.8 % (D) None of these

Last Answer : Answer: Option B