State one of the consequences of the disbanding of the armies of the annexed States by the British. -SST 10th

1 Answer

Answer :

One of the major consequences was that thousands of no officials and soldiers got out of jobs. The dispossessed Zamindars became the opponents of the British rule.

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Last Answer : 'This answer was deleted by our moderators...

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Last Answer : (i) Carlos and Smith were held guilty for violating the Olympic spirit by making political statement. (ii) Medals were taken back. (iii) Norman was not included in Australian team. (iv) Action helped in gaining international attention for Civil Rights Movement.

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Last Answer : General or National Emergency: The President may declare a General Emergency at any time if he is satisfied that the security of India or any part is in danger or is likely to be ... his instructions. (iv) The exercise of Fundamental Rights including Right to Constitutional remedies is suspended.

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Last Answer : (i) Spread of Nationalism, (ii) Spread of Democracy, (iii) New balance of power, (iv) Rise of dictatorship and economic depression were the main consequences of the First World War.

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Last Answer : (i) The Axis powers Germany, Italy and Japan were defeated at the end of the Second World War. (ii) The Soviet Union and the USA emerged as the Super Powers.

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Last Answer : Important leaders prioritized internal cooperation over war and sought to end the war. They were also determined to prevent another such war taking place in future. When Second World War ... that would be called United Nations, will take measures to prevent hostilities between member countries.

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Last Answer : Division of the World into two Power Blocs: England and France: Though England was one of the victors, her status in the International field was lowered. Germany's occupation of France, left her ... Europe. USSR captured half of Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and many parts of Germany.

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Last Answer : (i) The people of Awadh had to pay higher land revenue and additional taxes on food, houses, ferries and justice. (ii) Nawab of Awadh's army and administration threw thousands of nobles, officials and soldiers out of jobs.

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Last Answer : Answer: A 

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Last Answer : answer:I think that, in general, it has something to do with the fact that the British economy is strong and reliable, and that the UK has always had very profitable trading agreements throught ... how the buying power of a coin is, supposedly, representative of its country's credit reliability)

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Last Answer : 1

Description : In 1814, the British army defeated American forces at the Battle of Bladensburg in Maryland. After this battle, the British marched to the United States capital. What happened when the British arrived in Washington, D.C?

Last Answer : The British burned many public buildings, including the White House.