Has your life personally been affected by scientology?

1 Answer

Answer :

I’ve enjoyed John Travolta(in PulpFiction) and his most lovely wife Kelly Preston (in or out of anything)....oh Kelly. <3

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Last Answer : answer:I saw the documentary but didn't read the book. The parts about celebrities were not surprising. The parts about L. Ron Hubbard were weird, he seems so weird. The parts about them using their ... whims were sad but not surprising, either. It wasn't the best documentary. It was a little dry.

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Last Answer : I’d be good with $500 million Canadian. That seems like a good round number.

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Last Answer : answer:Hm, I'm not sure about smoke, never tried before With baked-on-food, I usually putting a dish of water in the microwave for a long time-enough time for the water to steam up the ... off surfaces And, since baking soda and vinegar are both edible, any leftover residue-turned-fume is fine.

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Last Answer : answer:I fret and pace and wring my hands. I make Doomsday plans. I put on a brave face for the loved ones and totally freak out. I gorge on bad food. I over drink. I do not cope with ... wish for your mother a benign outcome, and that all your worry be needless and unfounded. Eat a pizza anyway.

Description : Can someone personally recommend a showerhead I do not have to keep replacing yearly?

Last Answer : Best that you visit your local (big) home improvement store and ask there. And use a little thread sealing tape when you install. Don’t over-tighten!

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Last Answer : Art to me can be uplifting, saddening, heart warming, anger-making. I think that is it: it stirs my emotions.

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Last Answer : “El Paso” by Marty Robbins

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Last Answer : My ex-wife. The only actual malicious and vindictive person I’ve encountered.