What is the output of the following code
CF =0,
BH = 179
BH, 1
a) CF=0, OF= 1, BH= 01100101 b) CF=1, OF=1, BH=01100110 c) CF=1, OF =0, BH= 01001101 d) CF=0, OF=0, BH=00101100

1 Answer

Answer :

c) CF=1, OF =0, BH= 01001101

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Last Answer : d. All of the above

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Last Answer : c. Control unit, arithmetic-logic unit and primary storage

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Last Answer : d. COM (Computer Output to Microfilm)

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Last Answer : a. Input

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Last Answer : c. Both A and B

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Last Answer : b. Output

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Last Answer : a. Input

Description : In which form CPU provide output: a. Computer signals b. Digital signals c. Metal signals d. None of these

Last Answer : b. Digital signals

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Last Answer : c) 4, i,ii,iii

Description : In ADC 0808 if _______ pin high enables output. a) EOC b) I/P0-I/P7 c) SOC d) OE

Last Answer : b) I/P0-I/P7

Description : 8096 has ___ general purpose I/O ports, Port 2 includes ______ of the following i) two quasi-bidirectional I/O lines ii) two output lines iii) four input lines iv) open drain outputs a) 4, i, iv b) 6, ii, iii c) 4, i,ii,iii d) 6, i, ii, iv

Last Answer : c) 4, i,ii,iii

Description : 8088 microprocessor differs with 8086 microprocessor in a) Data width on the output b) Address capability c) Support of coprocessor d) Support of MAX / MIN mode

Last Answer : a) Data width on the output

Description : In immediate addressing the operand is placed a. in the CPU register b. after OP code in the instruction c. in memory d. in stack

Last Answer : b. after OP code in the instruction

Description : Which of the following code is used in present day computing was developed by IBM corporation? a. ASCII b. Hollerith Code c. Baudot code d. EBCDIC code

Last Answer : d. EBCDIC code

Description : Because we wish to allow each ASCII code to occupy one location in memory, most memories are _____ addressable. a. BYTE b. NIBBLE c. WORD (16 bits) d. DOUBLEWORD (32 bits)

Last Answer : a. BYTE

Description : The most commonly used standard data code to represent alphabetical, numerical and punctuation characters used in electronic data processing system is called a. ASCII b. EBCDIC c. BCD d. All of above

Last Answer : a. ASCII