Glass lined vessels are not used for handling/storing
(A) Dilute H2SO4
(B) Dilute HNO3
(C) Dilute HCl
(D) Hydrofluoric acid

1 Answer

Answer :

(D) Hydrofluoric acid

Related questions

Description : Glass lined vessels are not used for handling (A) Dilute H2SO4 (B) Dilute HNO3 (C) Dilute HCI (D) Hydrofluoric acid

Last Answer : (D) Hydrofluoric acid

Description : The electrolyte in a lead-acid battery is a) H2SO4 b) HNO3 c) HCl d) NaCl Ans. a

Last Answer : ans a

Description : For conduct of forced degradation studies under acidic conditions, which of the following substance is used? A. HCl B. H2SO4 C. HNO3 D. Citric acid

Last Answer : A. HCl

Description : Lead pipes are not safe for carrying drinking water, because water, containing dissolved oxygen attacks lead thereby forming poisonous Pb(OH)2 . Lead pipes are readily corroded by (A) Dilute HCl (B) Acetic acid (C) Concentrated H2SO4 (D) None of these

Last Answer : (B) Acetic acid

Description : Phosphoric acid is produced in wet process from phosphate rock and (A) Dilute H2SO4 (B) Concentrated H2SO4 (C) Concentrated NHO3 (D) Concentrated HCl

Last Answer : (A) Dilute H2SO4

Description : Lead lined equipments & vessels are suitable for handling (A) Hydrochloric acid (10%) (B) Nitric acid (C) Sulphuric acid upto 60°C (D) All (A), (B) and (C)

Last Answer : (C) Sulphuric acid upto 60°C

Description : Which among the following is used as a catalyst in the production of high octane fuels? (1) HNO3 (2) H2SO4 (3) HCl (4) HF

Last Answer : (2) H2SO4 Explanation: Sulfuric acid is used as a catalyst for refining and for producing alkylate, an essential component of highoctane fuel. The hydrocarbon molecules are reformed into more complex molecules with a higher octane rating value.

Description : Aquaregia is a mixture of the following in the ratio 1 : 3 by volume– (1) cone. HNO3 and cone. HCL (2) conc. HNO3 and conc. H2SO4 (3) dil. HCl and dil. HNO3 (4) cone. HCl and cone. HNO3

Last Answer : (3) dil. HCl and dil. HNO3 Explanation: Aqua regia or nitro-hydrochloric acid is a highly corrosive mixture of acids which is formed by freshly mixing concentrated Nitric acid (HNO3) and Hydrochloric acid (HCl), optimally in a volume ratio of 1:3. It is used in dissolving gold.

Description : For the COD test of sewage, organic matter is oxidised by K2Cr2O7 in the presence of A. H2SO4 B. HNO3 C. HCl D. None of these

Last Answer : ANS: A

Description : Flushing liquor used for cooling coke oven gas constitutes of (A) Ammoniacal liquor (B) K2CO3 solution (C) Dilute H2SO4 (D) Dilute HCl

Last Answer : (A) Ammoniacal liquor

Description : Glass is soluble in - (1) H2SO4 (2) HCIO4 (3) HNO3 (4) HF

Last Answer : (4) HF Explanation: Hydrofluoric acid is a highly corrosive acid, capable of dissolving many materials, especially oxides. Its ability to dissolving lass has been known since the 17th century. It is a solution of hydrogen fluoride in water and is represented by HF.

Description : Which of the following would not be a suitable material of construction for handling aqueous hydrofluoric acid (HF) at 100°C? (A) Monel (B) Stainless steel (C) Graphite (D) Kel-F and Teflon

Last Answer : (B) Stainless steel

Description : 100% H2SO4 at 30°C can't be stored in a vessel made/lined with (A) Cast iron and high silicon iron (B) Mild steel and stainless steel (C) Aluminium, tin and rubber (D) Teflon, glass and porcelain

Last Answer : (C) Aluminium, tin and rubber

Description : Centrifugal pump made of pyrex or glass can't be used to pump (A) Milk and fruit juices (B) Alkaline solutions (C) Dilute H2SO4 at room temperature (D) Brine

Last Answer : (B) Alkaline solutions

Description : Brine solution is stored/treated in __________ lined vessels/pipes. (A) Rubber (B) Lead (C) Glass (D) Nickel

Last Answer : (D) Nickel

Description : Nitration of nitrobenzene with HNO3/H2SO4 gives : (a) m-dinitrobenzene (b) o-dinitrobenzene (c) p-dinitrobenzene (d) m-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid

Last Answer : m-dinitrobenzene

Description : Brass container is suitable for storing (A) Aqueous ammonia (B) Beer (C) H2SO4 (95%) (D) Phosphoric acid (95%)

Last Answer : (B) Beer

Description : SO3 is absorbed using H2SO4 in a (A) Cast iron packed tower (B) Stainless steel plate tower (C) Packed steel tower lined with acid proof bricks (D) None of these

Last Answer : (C) Packed steel tower lined with acid proof bricks

Description : Why hydrogen peroxide is kept in wax lined glass or plastic vessels in dark?

Last Answer : Ans-In the presence of metal surfaces or traces of alkali (present in glass containers), the above reaction is catalyzed. It is, therefore, stored in wax-lined glass or plastic vessels in ... a stabilizer. It is kept away from dust because dust can induce explosive decomposition of the compound.

Description : Laboratory glass wares which reacts with hydrofluoric acid, are made of the __________ glass. (A) Lead (B) Borosilicate (C) Soda lime (D) Alkali silicate

Last Answer : (B) Borosilicate

Description : Raw materials required for the production of CAN (Calcium ammonium nitrate) is NH3 (A) HNO3 & limestone (B) CO2 & H2SO4 (C) HNO3 & NH4Cl (D) CO2 & KNO3

Last Answer : (A) HNO3 & limestone

Description : 2 ml each of concentrated HCl, HNO3 and a mixture of concentrated hydrochloric acid and Concentrated nitric acid in the ratio of 3:1were taken in test tubes labelled as A, B and C, A small piece of metal was put in ... the metal dissolved in test tube C. The metal could be: A) Al B) Au C) Pt D) Cu

Last Answer : B) Au

Description : Lead pipes are not safe for carrying drinking water because water containing dissolved oxygen attacks lead thereby forming poisonous Pb (OH)2 . Lead pipes are readily corroded by (A) Dilute HCI (B) Acetic acid (C) Concentrated H2SO4 (D) None of these

Last Answer : (B) Acetic acid

Description : Pick out the wrong statement. (A) Dehydration of ammonium carbamate to produce urea is endothermic (B) Direct use of liquid ammonia as a fertiliser for a tropical country like India ... manufacture of ortho-phosphoric acid (D) Phosphate rock when reacted with dilute H2SO4 produces superphosphate

Last Answer : (B) Direct use of liquid ammonia as a fertiliser for a tropical country like India is suitable

Description : Rubber lined vessels are corroded by the action of (A) Aqua regia (B) Chloroform (C) Sulphuric acid (95%) (D) All (A), (B) and (C)

Last Answer : (D) All (A), (B) and (C)

Description : Specify the material of construction suitable for handling concentrated HNO3 at 100°C. (A) High silicon iron, Kel-F and Teflon (B) Tin and wood (C) Silicone rubber (D) Stainless steel

Last Answer : (A) High silicon iron, Kel-F and Teflon

Description : Is hydrofluoric acid attacking glass and etching designs in glass a physical change?

Last Answer : No, it is a chemical change. The glass is changed into newsubstances where it is etched.

Description : Hydrofluoric acid is not kept in glass bottles because it reacts with - (1) visible light (2) silicon dioxide of glass (3) aluminium oxide of glass (4) sodium oxide of glass

Last Answer : (2) silicon dioxide of glass

Description : Sulphur containing amino acids after catabolism produces a substance which is excreted: (A) SO2 (B) HNO3 (C) H2SO4 (D) H3PO4

Last Answer : Answer : C

Description : Naphthalene undergoes nitration with HNO3/H2SO4 at 60°C to give mainly (a) 1-Nitronaphthalene (b) 1,2-Dinitronaphthalene (c) 2-Nitronaphthalene (d) 1,5-Dinitronaphthalene

Last Answer : 1-Nitronaphthalene

Description : Which of the following compounds reacts most rapidly with HNO3/H2SO4? (a) toluene (b) anisole (c) nitrobenzene (d) benzonitrile

Last Answer : anisole

Description : Benzene reacts with concentrated HNO3 in the presence of concentrated H2SO4 to give nitrobenzene. This reaction is an example of (a) Electrophilic addition (b) Nucleophilic addition (c) Electrophilic substitution (d) Nucleophilic substitution

Last Answer : Electrophilic substitution

Description : Benzene reacts with concentrated HNO3 in the presence of concentrated H2SO4 to give nitrobenzene. This reaction is an example of (a) Electrophilic addition (b) Nucleophilic addition (c) Electrophilic substitution (d) Nucleophilic substitution

Last Answer : Electrophilic substitution

Description : When glycerol is treated with a mixture of concentrated HNO3 + H2SO4, it forms (a) Nitroethane (b) 1-Nitropropane (c) Nitroglycerine (d) 2-Nitropropane

Last Answer : Nitroglycerine

Description : Diazotization is carried out by… a. HNO3 b. H2SO4 c. HNO2 d. NO

Last Answer : c. HNO2

Description : Which of the following reagents will react with furan to form 2-furansulfonic acid? (a) SO3 in pyridine at 100°C (b) Dilute H2SO4 at 200°C (c) SO2 at 100°C (d) Dilute H2SO4 at 100°C

Last Answer : SO3 in pyridine at 100°C

Description : On passing H2 S through dilute HNO3 the colourless solution becomes turbid. Why ? 

Last Answer : Ans. Due to formation of colloidal sol of Sulphur. 

Description : Which of the following reagents will react with propene? (a) Hot alkaline KMnO4 (b) Sodium metal (c) Cold dilute HNO3 (d) LiAlH4

Last Answer : Hot alkaline KMnO4

Description : Copper is dissolved from its ore by H2SO4 in a percolation tank made of (A) Wood (B) Stainless steel (C) Reinforced concrete lined with lead (D) High silicon iron (14% Si)

Last Answer : (C) Reinforced concrete lined with lead

Description : Why are sulfuric acid ( H2SO4) and hydrochloric acid ( HCl) harmful to human body ?

Last Answer : They are strong acids. One of the properties of acid is decay. When these fall on the skin, it causes wounds. Therefore , these are deadly harmful to human body.

Description : Most of the bacteria in food are killed by ________. a) HCl b) NaCl c) HNo3 d) water

Last Answer : a) HCl

Description : Aquaregia is a mixture of the following in the ratio 1 : 3 by volume (1) conc. HNO3 and conc. HCl (2) conc. HNO3 and conc. H2 SO4 (3) dil. HCl and dil. HNO3 (4) conc. HCl and conc. HNO3

Last Answer : dil. HCl and dil. HNO3

Description : Which among the following is used as a catalyst in the production of high octane fuels? (1) HNO3 (2)H2 SO4 (3) HCl (4) HF

Last Answer : H2 SO4

Description : Leaching of sugar from sugar beets is done by (A) Hot water (B) Hexane (C) Dilute H2SO4 (D) Lime water

Last Answer : (A) Hot water

Description : Leaching of coffee from coffee beans is done by (A) Hot water (B) Hexane (C) Lime water (D) Dilute H2SO4 (hot)

Last Answer : (A) Hot water

Description : Which of the following has the lowest Prandtl number? (A) Molten sodium (a coolant used in fast breeder reactor) (B) Water (C) Transformer oil (D) Dilute H2SO4

Last Answer : (A) Molten sodium (a coolant used in fast breeder reactor)

Description : H2S is scrubbed from refinery gases by absorption using (A) Dilute H2SO4 (B) Ethanol amine (C) Chilled water (D) Tri-butyl phosphate

Last Answer : (B) Ethanol amine

Description : The catalyst used in the manufacture of DDT (from chloral and chlorobenzene) is (A) Dilute H2SO4 (B) Oleum (C) Ultraviolet light (D) None of these

Last Answer : (B) Oleum

Description : Ethyl acetoacetate undergoes acid-hydrolysis with dilute HCl to form (a) Acetoacetic acid (b) Succinic acid (c) Acetic acid (d) Adipic acid

Last Answer : Acetoacetic acid

Description : What steps can be taken to avoid stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in steel vessels used for storing anhydrous ammonia?

Last Answer : The U.S. National Board of Pressure Vessel Inspectors recommends the following in one of their classic articles: 1. Pressure vessels should be fully stress relieved or fabricated with heads that ... at least 0.2 percent water to inhibit SCC. Source: National Board of Pressure Vessel Inspectors