How to achieve compile time polymorphism explain in detail.

1 Answer

Answer :

The process of linking of function call to function definition at compile time is called as Compile Time Polymorphism. It can be through Function and operator overloading.

Function overloading: The process of defining the function with same name but with different number or type of argument is known as Function Overloading. In function Overloading, the function would perform different operations depending on the argument list in the function call. The correct function to invoked is determined at compile time by checking the number and type of the arguments but not on the function return type.


Function Overloading:

Swapping of two integers and swapping of two float values.

// Function definition1- swapping two integers

void swap(int*p, int*q)


int t;





// Function definition2- swapping two floats

void swap(float*p,float*q)


float t;





For the function call swap (&a, &b) where a and b are integers and function definition1 will be executed and function definition2 for the function call as swap (&a, &b) when a and b are floats.
Operator Overloading: The Process of defining operator function to extend the use of existing operator to operate on User-defined data type such as „object of class‟ is known as Operator Overloading.
Example: Overloading + operator to concatenate two strings.
class string1
char str[20];
void getdata()
cout<<"\n Enter String :";
void display()
void operator+(string1 x) //Concatenating String
void main()
string1 str1, str2;
cout<<"\n\n Concatenated String is:";

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Last Answer : Compare run-time and compile-time polymorphism.

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Last Answer : Sr. No. Compile-time Polymorphism Run-time Polymorphism 1 Compile time polymorphism means that an object is bound to its function call at compile time. Run time polymorphism means that selection ... binding. 7 E.g. overloaded function call. E.g. virtual function.

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Last Answer : Polymorphism: It is a feature of object oriented programming which allows a programmer to have a more than one function having same name but different /same parameters but performs different/ ... Compile Time polymorphism o Virtual Function Difference between Types of Polymorphism:

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Last Answer : Polymorphism is a mechanism that allows a developer to have more than one function with same name but different signature. In function overloading, one can make use of more than one function with different signature as well. Hence ... main()  { int a[10],i,isum; float b[5],fsum; clrscr(); cout

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Last Answer : Definition: Polymorphism means ability to take more than one form that means a program can have more than one function with same name but different behavior. Types of polymorphism: 1) Compile time polymorphism 2) Runtime polymorphism 

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Last Answer : In order to achieve polymorphism, objects belonging to different classes should be able to respond to the same message at different instances which initiates the use of single pointer variable to refer to objects of ... void accept() { coutroll; coutname; } virtual void display() { cout

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Last Answer : Inheritance: The mechanism of deriving new class from an old (existing) class is called as inheritance. With inheritance, one class acquires the properties of objects of other classes. ... members of derived class and public members of base class becomes public members of derived class.

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Last Answer : Compile time Polymorphism Compile time Polymorphism also known as method overloading. Method overloading means having two or more methods with the same name but with different signatures. Run time ... or more methods with the same name, same signature but with a different implementation.

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Last Answer : Sr. No. Compile time polymorphism Runtime polymorphism 1 In this polymorphism, an object is bound to its function call at compile time. In this polymorphism, ... is implemented with operator overloading or function overloading It is implemented with virtual function.

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Last Answer : When a single derived class is derived from only one base class then it is called as single inheritance. In a single inheritance, derived class can inherit some or all members of base class. It is implemented by specifying ... s; clrscr(); s.getdata(); s.putdata(); getch(); }

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Last Answer : Static member function: - a static member function can have access to only other static variables or functions declared in the same class. It can be called using the class name instead of its object. It can be declared ... ; } static void showcount()----------------static member function { cout

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Last Answer : Primitive Built-in Types: C++ offer the programmer a rich assortment of built-in as well as user defined data types. Following table lists down seven basic C++ data types: Following table lists ... task. Pointer: It is a variable that stores address of another variable of similar data type.

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Last Answer : A class is a user defined data type which binds data and its associated functions together. It allows the data and functions to be hidden, if necessary from external use. Generally, a class ... for displaying their values. These functions provide the only access to data members of the class. 

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Last Answer : A constructor that can take arguments is known as parameterized constructor. In some applications, it may be necessary to initialize the various data members of different objects with different values when they ... as an argument. Member function put displays the value of data member m .

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Last Answer : Allocating memory at run time (when program is in execution) is called as dynamic memory allocation. Dynamic memory allocation use malloc ( ) and calloc ( ) functions to allocate memory at run time. C++ supports these ...  sample *ptr=new sample;  ptr->getdata();  ptr->putdata(); }

Description : Explain the concept of pointer to derived classes. 

Last Answer : Pointer to derived class: Pointers can be used to point to the base class objects and objects of derived class. Pointers to objects of base class are type-compatible with pointers to objects of a derived ... of B,then any reference to that member by cptr will always access the base class member. 

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Last Answer : Friend function: The private members of a class cannot be accessed from outside the class but in some situations two classes may need access of each other s private data. So a common function can be declared which can be made friend of ... xyz x1; a1.get1(); x1.get1(); add(a1,x1); }

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Last Answer : Virtual Function: A virtual function is a member function that is declared within a base class and redefined by its derived class. When base class and its derived class both contain same name member function then ... pointer. Example: #include class Base { public: virtual void show( ) { cout

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Last Answer : Destructor: 1. A destructor is a special member function whose task is to destroy the objects that have been created by constructor. 2. It does not construct the values for the data members of the class. 3. It is invoked ... main() { time t(2,43,56); t.display(); getch(); }

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Last Answer : Multiple constructors in a class means a class can contain more than one constructor. This is also known as constructor overloading. All constructors are defined with the same name as the class they belong to. All the ... default constructor integer(int a, int b) { m = a; n = b; cout

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Last Answer : d) All of the above

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Last Answer : #include #include void main()  { char str1[20], str2[20], rev[20],*p1,*p2; int cnt=0; clrscr(); coutstr2;  p1=&str1[0];  p2=&str2[0]; while(*p1!='\0')  { p1++;  } while(*p2!='\0')  { *p1=*p2; p1++; p2++;  }  *p1='\0'; cout

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Last Answer : Function: A function is a group/set of statements/instruction that performs a specific task. It can be system defined i.e. clrscr(), getch(), or user defined i.e. add(), sub(). ... reflected inside as well as outside the function. Difference between Call by Value and Call by Reference:

Description : Write a program which perform arithmetic operation using pointer.

Last Answer : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int num[5]={56,75,22,18,90}; int ptr; int i; cout<< array elements are:: ; for(i=0;i<5;i++) ptr=num; cout<< ... 3; cout<< value of ptr+=3:: <<*ptr; cout<< \n ; getch(); }