How to Get Your Birth Certificate & Social Security Card?

1 Answer

Answer :

Many people don’t have the essential birth certificate and social security cards that they need to prove their identity because they lost the originals and don’t know how to get copies, but there is an easier way to get these documents.Okay, so maybe you moved and lost your essential paperwork or maybe you accidentally threw it away, but the fact is that your birth certificate and social security card is essential. While you don’t need to carry these around all the time, you need to have access to them to prove who you are. Unfortunately, many people don’t know how easy it is to obtain these documents when needed and that can lead to many people who don’t have their proof of identity.Birth CertificatesIn the past, it used to be time consuming and difficult to get a copy of your birth certi

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Last Answer : It isn’t a credit card or a Social Security number so I doubt that anyone could do much with it. I would report it to the police though. Contact the town where you were born to get a new copy.

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Last Answer : The only circumstance I can think of in which the mother might be left off is if the baby is abandoned and no-one knows who the mother is. Otherwise no, it’s not legally possible to leave her off.

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Last Answer : If you were born in the US, contact the county where you were born.

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Description : If my adopted friend asks for a birth certificate, what version do they get?

Last Answer : They would get a copy of the original

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Last Answer : You have to apply for it. I know we filled out forms at my hospital, but had to wait for the actual birth certificate to come in the mail for my son.

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Last Answer : I was in San Francisco requesting my birth certificate a couple of months ago. On the form, it asks if you were adopted, and if so, for the names of your birth parents. I would imagine other county vital records departments would have a similar way of tracking your original birth certificate.

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Last Answer : Get StartedAn official certificate of every birth is on file in the vital statistics office in the state where the birth occurred. Use this letter to request a copy of a birth certificate from a state's vital statistics office.

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Last Answer : Since it is the name on your birth certificate (most likely) you do not need to legally change anything. You just need to contact any business or utility that has your last name as your married name ... was able to change my name on my driver's license, social security card and bank account, etc.

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Last Answer : You can apply for a birth certificate in person or by mail. Birth certificates can only be given to people who have had their birth registered. there is a website (http://www. ... ?id=%7BFD38A07F-80B6-467D-ADD9-DB065B99DBEA%7D) that gives instructions on getting a birth certificate from trinidad.

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Last Answer : Is it just about verifying the credit card or could it be an anti-terrorism thing, where they have to do a background check on you or something? I haven’t flown in a long time, so I’m not up to date on this stuff.

Description : I lost my Social Security card and need to get another, but I start a new job tomorrow. Do you think they will still allow me to start?

Last Answer : Your passport should probably be sufficient….I have always used passport + driver’s license and been fine. Good luck.

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Last Answer : Thats just wrong.

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Last Answer : My friend sells them for $10 a piece.

Description : what shoul you do if you lose your social security card?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Can I get a replacement social security card at the social security office if I have a misdemeanor warrant in Ohio?

Last Answer : Yes, you can get a replacement card. Misdemeanor makes nodifference.

Description : What is the process to obtain a replacement Social Security card?

Last Answer : You need to fill out an application at

Description : My purse was stolen 2 weeks ago, and now I don't have my social security card. Is there a place in Denver, Colorado where I can get another one?

Last Answer : You can get a new social security card in Denver Colorado at the following places of business. US Social Security Administration, located at 1500 Champa St, Denver, their phone number is (303) 844-5208.

Description : How do I go about getting a new social security card if I lost my old one?

Last Answer : In order to get a replacement Social Security Card, you first need to fill out form SS-5 from the Social Security Administration. You can get this form online at ... need to provide a driver's license, state issued ID card, or passport to prove your identity.

Description : How long should it take to get a replacement for my social security card?

Last Answer : The authorities usually tell you that it will take 6 to 8 weeks. But they give such a long time frame just to be on the safer side. It usually takes about 2 weeks in reality.

Description : What is the phone number for the social security administration so I can get a card applicaton mailed to me (I'm in Michigan)?

Last Answer : US Social Security Administration, 77 W Jackson Blvd, Suite 300, Chicago, IL 60604. The telephone number is (800) 772-1213. You can also look up and possibly print out the form you are seeking at their web site. The web site is

Description : At what age can you apply for a social security card?

Last Answer : A social security card should be applied for as soon as a person is born. Ususally when you are in the hospital you will be given an application to fill out and mail off to get the card. It is a ... you wait until you are an adult it will be much harder to get one and it will seem also suspicious.

Description : How do I get a replacement social security card?

Last Answer : Fill out form SS-5 ("Application for a Social Security Card") which is available online from the Social Security Administration (SSA.GOV), attach proofs of identity and citizenship and bring into your ... out a ss-5 form that can be downloaded or you can visit your local social security office.

Description : Can I file a social security card application online?

Last Answer : You can find the application for a social security card online, but you cannot submit it online. if you go to the social security website, you can find the application in pdf format and the address of where to send the form to.

Description : Is it possible to get a new social security card?

Last Answer : If something was to happen to your original social security card, it is possible to get a replacement. You will have to go to your local social security office, stand in line, fill out some paperwork and you will eventually get a new one.

Description : if your social security card is vaild is that proof of citizenship and if you were married in the USA is that sufficient proof of citizenship?

Last Answer : A social security card is not sufficient proof of citizenship. Social security numbers are given to legal aliens. I don't think being married in the US is sufficent proof that you are a citizen either. ... . if you don't have that, a birth certificate or adoption records would be pretty good proof.

Description : Where would I go to get a copy f my social security card if I have lost it?

Last Answer : To get a copy of your social security card, you need to go to your local social security office. You can find out where this is by typing your info in at

Description : how do i obtain a social security card when i never had one before ?

Last Answer : First complete an application for getting social security card in online by visitng the site completing the application send it to your local ... know the local social security office visit the site and follow the instructions

Description : what if i need my childs social security number i lost my card and social security office is closed?

Last Answer : Your going to have to wait until the social security office is open again. you can not get numbers from the internet or even calling the 1800 number. all answers will be answered at

Description : How to Acquire A Social Security Card Reissue?

Last Answer : In most cases, acquiring a Social Security card reissue is a simple matter. Anyone who is a citizen of the United States can even receive their new card within a day. There are various ways to ... Other than that, an individual does not need to worry too much about this matter in most situations.

Description : Reissue Social Security Card?

Last Answer : A social security card is one of the most important documents a person has. Individuals need these important documents for most life activities including working, applying for credit and ... employers and government organizations. The applicant will receive an official card within two weeks.