Define a class student with int id and string name as data members and a method void SetData ( ). Accept and display the data for five students.

1 Answer

Answer :


class student


int id;

String name;

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new


void SetData()




System.out.println("enter id and name for student");




 catch(Exception ex)



void display()


 System.out.println("The id is " + id + " and the name is "+ name);


public static void main(String are[])


 student[] arr;

 arr = new student[5];

 int i;



arr[i] = new student();












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Last Answer : a) True

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Last Answer : import java.lang.*; class Even extends Thread { public void run() { try { for(int i=2;i<=50;i=i+2) { System.out.println("\t Even thread :"+i); sleep(500); } } ... public static void main(String args[]) { new Even().start(); new Odd().start(); } }

Description : Differentiate between array and vector.

Last Answer : Array Vector 1) An array is a structure that holds multiple values of the same type. 1)The Vector is similar to array holds multiple objects and like an array; it contains components that ... 6) Array is the static memory allocation. 6) Vector is the dynamic memory allocation.

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Last Answer : Logical Operators: Logical operators are used when we want to form compound conditions by combining two or more relations. Java has three logical operators as shown in table: Program demonstrating logical Operators public class ... & b = false a || b = true !(a && b) = true

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Last Answer : Thread Life Cycle Thread has five different states throughout its life. 1. Newborn State 2. Runnable State 3. Running State 4. Blocked State 5. Dead State Thread should be in ... it reaches to end of the method. The stop method may be used when the premature death is required. 

Description : Explain life cycle of Applet.

Last Answer : When an applet begins, the AWT calls the following methods, in this sequence: 1. init( ) 2. start( ) 3. paint( ) When an applet is terminated, the following sequence of ... ( ) method is called when the environment determines that your applet needs to be removed completely from memory. 

Description : Write syntax and example of : 1) drawRect() 2)drawOval()

Last Answer : 1)drawRect() : drawRect () method display an outlined rectangle. Syntax: void drawRect(int top,int left, int width,int height) The upper-left corner of the Rectangle is at top and left. The ... and height the following program draws several ellipses and circle. Example: g.drawOval(10,10,50,50);

Description : List access specifiers in Java.

Last Answer : 1)public 2)private 3)friendly 4)protected 5)Private Protected

Description : List any four Java API packages.

Last Answer : 6.ava.applet

Description : Describe the applet life cycle in detail.

Last Answer : Below is the description of each applet life cycle method: init(): The init() method is the first method to execute when the applet is executed. Variable declaration and initialization operations are ... ) The method execution sequence when an applet is closed is: stop() destroy()