How to Release Tension ?

1 Answer

Answer :

How to Release Tension
Tension build- up puts a strain on your work performance and personal relationships. Don’t let stress hinder you from living a happy life. Here are some tips you can follow to release tension.

Breathing Exercises release tension so you can continue doing your tasks. Sit or stand straight. Breathe in through your nose and slowly release the air through pursed lips. While doing this, contract your abdominal muscles and feel the air flowing out of your lips. Do this several times until you’ve calmed down.
Eat Healthy. Some people say that alcohol and cigarettes can relax you, while this may be true for them, keep in mind that these things aren’t healthy for your body. Reduce stress by eating right. Keep your mind and body in tiptop condition by fueling them with healthy foods and avoiding harmful substances like alcohol and nicotine.
Relaxing Activities. Unwinding is the key to releasing tension in your body. Do something that entertains you. Treat yourself to a good dinner or a heart warming movie after work. You deserve some nice treats for all the  efforts you’ve given through out the day.
Have some quiet time alone. After a busy day, converse with yourself.  Go to quiet place and go through everything that happened during the day. Appreciate the good things and commend yourself for the right decisions you made. Let your thoughts flow out of you. Analyzing your day will make you realize that though there may have been some bad things, there were also good things that happened. Take the bad things as learning experiences. Like what they say, charge them to experience.
Exercise is an effective way of releasing tension. Get physical and sweat your stress out. Exercising also balances your hormone levels and keep your neurons working correctly.
Don’t bring home work. Your home should be your refuge after a toxic day at work. There shouldn’t be a place for work at home. Give this time to your family. Eat dinner together and avoid bringing up work on your conversations.
Have enough sleep. Getting adequate rest will help you go through the next day without being sluggish and cranky. Stop thinking about work and other problems when it’s time to go to bed. Think about relaxing things. When you sleep happy, you’ll wake up happy.
The only way to release and avoid tension is by having a balanced life. Remember that relaxation means releasing all concern and tension and letting the natural order of life flow through one’s being.

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