Are we more likely to get rain in hot or cold weather?

1 Answer

Answer :

Hot. The temperature will increase water vapor in the air through evaporation.

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Last Answer : I have an extremely poor tolerance of cold weather, my body just shuts down if I get too cold. I know I can tolerate 100+ for three hours (I've done it and felt, well, uncomfortable but ... . I don't think I would last more than an hour at below 20 degrees without needing medical intervention.

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Last Answer : kevbo I prefer to go with; Shit happens. ;-)

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Last Answer : However they do it, they are often wrong.

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Last Answer : I have no certain knowledge, but I'll offer a hypothesis: I would expect that the plane's fuel consumption at takeoff and landing (can't forget that landing also requires fuel) in cold weather ... seems to me that the plane's wing surfaces would be more efficient then, leading to lower consumption.

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Last Answer : I walk the shores of a huge lake every day. I’ve been seeing long sleeve sweaters with bikini bottoms at the volleyball courts for a week now. It’s topping out at 60 degrees. Direct sunshine feels great, but those girls are nuts.

Description : How do you cope with hot weather?

Last Answer : 1. I don't cook inside my house when it's hot. 2. I minimize my intake of hot food. I eat loads of salads and fruit during the summer. 3. I wash and rinse my hands with cool water. 4. As ... 3 straight weeks of 100º+ F temps. During that spell I was storing tank tops in my freezer and wearing them.

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Last Answer : answer:@syz: That looks very good. Sweet, but good. I like homemade chicken soup. I also like baked chicken with rice and a vegetable like string beans. Not soup and chicken in the same meal – one or the other.

Description : Do you have any cold-weather tips that might not immediately occur to others?

Last Answer : answer:Don't wear cotton next to your body. It absorbs the moisture from your body and then chills, unlike many modern fabrics or wool. My other tip is move someplace else. The 5 degrees where I ... last weekend is not as bad as the minus teens in Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin, upper New York.

Description : Chickens in cold weather?

Last Answer : answer:Chickens are fairly hardy but can suffer frostbite on their feet, combs and wattles. If there is snow on the ground or freezing or below freezing temps at night just be sure they have a draft ... also good to feed them scratch grains before bed to help keep them warmer at night in cold temps.

Description : How will the late-March snowfall and cold weather in the mid-Atlantic and northeast affect the wildlife population in those areas?

Last Answer : answer:Not so badly, I think. This is a pretty normal event. I've lived in New England for more than half my life, and I can recall a great many snowstorms even into April. The ... can have agricultural problems. But wildlife, including fauna and flora, generally don't suffer greatly from snow now.

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Last Answer : Just when you have to work and drive in it,other than that I don’t mind winter.

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Last Answer : Covering your ears is the only way I know, ask yourself what option is worse, feeling overly wrapped up or suffering from earache, it’s a no-brainer as far as I’m concerned.

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Last Answer : This happens to me on occassion. I think it must have to do with the weather drying out my skin, but I’m not sure.

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Last Answer : Four seasons in the Northeast but with February in California.

Description : How's the weather where you are?

Last Answer : It was 7°F when I left for work this morning, which is an improvement from yesterday’s -1°F. It’s currently a balmy 23°F, however (in MA).

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Last Answer : No

Description : Weather app with past events?

Last Answer : I don’t know about apps, but there is at least one great web page that does that, for the known history of weather around the world, even.

Description : Does the State of Texas’ Weather Modification program impact storms in the Gulf?

Last Answer : No, they wouldn’t waste the money on cloud seeding that produced no good for the state. Cloud seeding is usually done to promote rainfall for crops or to eliminate fog around air ports.

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Last Answer : Nope. I’m in the frozen northlands. The winters suck here, but we at least know how to deal with them.

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Last Answer : It is moving to the North East

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Last Answer : I am in NY today.. The 89 F here is much more uncomfortable than the 95 F in California on Saturday when I went running at noon.

Description : Do you think they're making mountains out of mole hills about the weather again?

Last Answer : Don’t confuse weather with climate. Climate change refers to the worldwide, long term changes, which scientists have been tracking for years. And yes, changing our habits worldwide could delay the inevitable.

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Last Answer : Snopes says it's real, but there is something about the kids that doesn't seem right to me. The wind doesn't seem to be blowing their clothes and they seem totally unaffected by it. They never go ... meridian. Their stroll doesn't seem to be actually natural for the scene but Snopes says I'm wrong.

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Last Answer : I’ll add a few more to the list Albedo Reflectivity Transmissivity

Description : What is a good weather app?

Last Answer : I like AccuWeather.

Description : How's the weather in your area?

Last Answer : Gorgeous. About 65 degrees, sunny, light breeze. (Suburban Atlanta) We had snow and ice early this past week, but that’s long gone.

Description : What is the oddest weather event you have personal experience of?

Last Answer : I don’t know about odd but Hurricane Sandy was pretty traumatic to go through, particularly the aftermath of 12 days without power.

Description : How's your weather?

Last Answer : Our summer was the hottest driest in decades, causing the worst forest fire season we have ever seen here in BC but our fall is starting out pretty normal and hopefully winter with a good snow pact will put these remaining fires out.

Description : How do you feel about several states having weather modification programs?

Last Answer : I’ve been aware of cloud seeding for several years. Do you consider it a bad thing?

Description : With all this dangerous weather, who is safe?

Last Answer : No probs here. Light rain, wind 9 knots out of the SE. 24°C/76°F at 0600hrs AST, 13° North of the Equator at Greenwich minus 3hrs.

Description : What, to you, is your ideal temperature and weather?

Last Answer : answer:Temperature: no idea, I never check on that. Weather: sunny, if possible (not necessarily), but not hot. Like in winter, when it’s sunny, but still cold-ish.

Description : Do you check the weather report every day?

Last Answer : I have no choice, got the weather app on my phone’s home screen & there it sits complete with temperature & everything.

Description : Is Hurricane Matthew messing with the weather in your state?

Last Answer : Nothing of note. Nice weather this week with a warming trend expected for the weekend with the high Sunday of about 78 degrees. Nice, cool fall here in southern Idaho.

Description : Can you show me a piece of code for weather forecasts on a super computer?

Last Answer : answer:Er, I don't have anything that meets your specific request, but here's a fun little algorithm for simulating schooling in an aquarium game that I wrote. There's an absurd ... others) this.velocity = this.velocity.addVector(pullToward.multiplyScalar(this.schoolingCoefficient)); return; } } }

Description : Ever been in or near a bad Weather or Earth-related occurrence?

Last Answer : answer:I was in my first earthquake when I was about 8 or 9. It was only a 6.3 or so, but it terrified me since I was sleeping on the second story when it struck and woke me. When I opened ... Sorry if there are any errors, I'm typing from my phone and autocorrect doesn't tend to like me very much.

Description : Has the weather where you live been really weird lately?

Last Answer : answer:Yes. I'm told by the locals on St. Lucia that seasonal changes, as subtle as they may be here but extremely important to agriculture, are occurring about 1 to 1½ months late this year. My ... , 4 - 12 knot breeze throughout the month. Sailors are very happy about this, but it is unusual.

Description : How has the winter weather been where you live so far, and how does it compare to last winter's weather?

Last Answer : Oregon… Totally warm and overcast today. I walked to the store in a t-shirt and was fine. We got about two days of snow. Just enough to be annoying. Pretty normal winter here. Tons of rain but I like that.

Description : Has the weather in your area been really weird lately?

Last Answer : Way to warm, except for one week in October. No snow at all – our ski resorts are suffering, too.I have high hopes for January.

Description : What is the difference between climate and weather?

Last Answer : answer:I live in Florida. We have a humid subtropical climate. It will not snow where I live until there is a drastic change in climate. We get a significant amount of rain during the course ... is a snapshot. Climate is the running pattern. This is an extremely simplified version of the answer.

Description : How is your weather behaving?

Last Answer : Kinda mild for fall. It was a bit chilly today, though. Maybe 50s.

Description : Can fluctuating weather cause health problems?

Last Answer : I read somewhere once (haha) that extreme temperature changes (such as going from a warm dry house to a wet, cold outdoors several times a day) can assist viruses in breeding, and reduce the ability of the immune system to compensate. I will see if I can find that article.

Description : What's the weather Right Now at your place?

Last Answer : Beautiful In spite of global warming

Description : What is the best and most accurate way to find out what the weather was on a certain day in the past?

Last Answer : answer:Will this page do it for you? You can search by month and date; January 2015 should be the one that comes up. In any case, I did a search for “daily weather January 2015 westchester county new york” and several choices came up.

Description : What weather conditions do you find to be romantic?

Last Answer : I always wanted to make love outside in a nice summer rain. Or in the waters of a nice lake. As long as I have something to hang on to if it gets wild.

Description : What's with Phoenix? Is all this wacko weather divine retribution for their right wing tendencies?

Last Answer : I think it has to do with all the illegal immigrants bringing the bad luck across the border into Az.

Description : Has the weather where you live been cooler than the typical summer, this year?

Last Answer : It was boiling hot in southern California all summer. We had disgusting, humid weather. The weather was consistently in the mid to high 90s and broke 100 a few times. Totally gross. I've moved up ... of hot days since I've been here, the weather has generally been less humid and with more wind.

Description : What's the weather like at your house today?

Last Answer : It was warm and mostly sunny today.

Description : Is it fair for an employer to force you to risk your life to come into the office during bad weather?

Last Answer : It is not illegal. You could be fired for not coming in if required to.

Description : What's the weather like near you?

Last Answer : answer:@jca: Just wait a few hours; report back midafternoon. Snow started here a few minutes ago and will keep on going and going until perhaps mid-March. I just checked the 10-day forecast and wish I ... he snacked on a phone line, shoe lace, part of his bed and, for dessert, an entire chapstick.

Description : Have you ever noticed that people tend to forcast bad weather when there is none forthcoming?

Last Answer : answer:It's the midwest weather obsession lol I hear it and giggle, then participate in the drama. Often to my friends and family, I'm like Storm Watch 2014 , or text them saying Wall Clouds , ... talk about, which may be partly true. Around here it's really common and the media plays along, too.