What's the most recent gem of knowledge you picked up?

1 Answer

Answer :

That my new cat turns into a hungry saber-toothed tiger when I try to clip his claws.

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Last Answer : Hypocrisy_Central GQ! I have a lot to say this, but I’m on my phone right now. I’ll be back later this evening or in the morning with a long detailed reply.

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Last Answer : answer:Dude, this is, like, the third time you've asked this question. I have tiny A cup boobs but even for me it hurts to walk up and down stairs or to run without a bra ... passed over for job opportunities, etc. because it is currently considered unprofessional or rude to show nipple dimples.

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Last Answer : Yes. Not all “evidence” is equal, though.

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Last Answer : answer:Short term, it sounds enticing and positive. Long term, it always fails. It has to, because human are humans, and not all alike.

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Last Answer : Sometimes, like who invented Italy & why is it shaped like a big boot?

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Last Answer : answer: common sense tells us that there's a first time for everything, right? Not sure I agree with this, as a kid growing up I was always out for adventures and I learned valuable experiences that ... can simplify what you're asking? I'm really just trying to feel this question out at this point

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Last Answer : answer:Wow, way to open yourself to the collective, @Katniss :-p On a somewhat similar note, people rag on me when they find out I like Savage Garden, but I continue to adore them. Their ... -poppy for my taste. I'll save some other embarrassing factoids for @ETPro's next TGIF NSFW question.

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Last Answer : answer:It's typically not the evidence that is in question but rather the interpretation of it. I generally stick to political questions and there is virtually always evidence to bolster either point of view. I ... 't like. I try not to ignore any of them but I suspect our interpretation may vary.

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Last Answer : I often wonder how actors learn so many lines. But what has worked for me in the past was to do a mind map . I'd take an A5 sheet and place key words on it, then stick it in the ... eventually the memory was firmly placed in my mind. Repetition though, does also help, and is probably used the most.

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Last Answer : And if anyone says “Fact from fiction…..blah blah blah” I will hunt you down and shake you until your teeth rattle!

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Last Answer : The US. national debt has climbed to $14.3 trillion. In $1,000 bills, it would now be more than 900 miles tall. In $1 bills, the pile would reach to the moon and back twice.

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Last Answer : Wikipedia

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Last Answer : answer:Which version should you choose? Do what you think is right.

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Last Answer : answer:Normal means: conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural. Likewise, abnormal means: not normal, average, typical, or usual; deviating from a standard. ... just as we have to describe some things as natural . Otherwise these terms have no meaning.

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Last Answer : answer:The statements you give as examples cannot be measured in any useful way. The Yankees are the best team in Baseball! is similar; opinions (and interpretations of facts) are like that. Religious, ... is key. Opinions can have pros and cons to them, but asserted facts can be right or wrong.

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Last Answer : answer:Category: Users Is the user that repeats a pheonix-like regeneration periodically to renew his gains on the site. too lazy to google yours

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Last Answer : Chocolate was smoked before it was eaten.

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Last Answer : answer:Most people shield themselves from pain, which may be hypocritical but necessary to be able to move on and still enjoy life and not be crippled by self loathing. People could never learn anything from ... but it may be as much truth as they can handle at that time. Everything in moderation

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Last Answer : The opinion you state above is normative, whereas the facts you are citing are descriptive. These are two different categories that cannot directly contradict one another.

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Last Answer : I bet you never knew there are 332 dimples on a golf ball.

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Last Answer : The guy is insecure. Instead of commenting on how impressed he is with your knowledge, he feels overshadowed by it.

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Last Answer : When it gets too big for it’s beaches ;)

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Last Answer : answer:There is a glaring lack of evidence for the existence of possession. Survey says… no.

Description : Can you base an assertion or a belief on the fact that the opposing argument or arguments does not have clear evidence to support it, and that fact alone (DETAILS FOLLOW)?

Last Answer : answer:Criminal convictions (at least in the US) are a binary thing: guilty or not guilty. No shading. So a jury that returns a not guilty verdict has reasonable doubt about the charge (the exact ... . That would be a refutation of a bad argument with an equally bad assertion on the other side.

Description : What is truth?

Last Answer : There can only be one truth. It is not relative. “The sky is blue” is truth. That’s absolute. How can it be relative? If another person goes to say it’s green, that would be a lie. Truth and lie is like black and white. There is no grey area that’s relative

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Last Answer : I think what needs to be determined firstly is the difference between a persons survival instinct and a phobia. A phobia is defined as a type of disorder in which the affected individual ... and is still apprehensive of the possibility of falling but disregards this in favour of excitement.

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Last Answer : I’m guessing this is homework?

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Last Answer : Grass is green.

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Last Answer : Carpets used to be made there, but not any more and the factory is now derelict.

Description : Do you agree with these sayings?

Last Answer : 100% agree with you. Especially the light at the end of the tunnel.

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Last Answer : I’m not a Catholic but aren’t there sins of commission and sins of omission?

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Last Answer : I think the whole trick is to know when to walk away from such a debate. I have not been blessed with that wisdom yet.

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Last Answer : I tend to not believe in the soul and to see the mind as a function of our experience in the world. So what we have seen and what we expect to see and feel forms the basis of our mind – and, therefore, our actions.

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Last Answer : I think after you've watched mainstream news for a while, you can kind of read between the lines. I like NPR, PBS, and BBC, too, but even NPR is sometimes not totally clean. If it is an ... happening. I suggest reading It's Our Turn to Eat by Michela Wrong. I think you'll find it interesting.

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Last Answer : all the time. more than 80% of what i do is on instinct. I dont even notice when i drive anymore.

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Last Answer : The human skeleton weighs around 20 pounds. Always makes me feel morbidly obese.

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Last Answer : I read on a Snapple cap that 100% of Snapple facts are true. For whatever that’s worth….

Description : Are all Snapple facts true?

Last Answer : This Washington Post reporter says they are true.

Description : What boggles your mind?

Last Answer : When the media reports on Bush’s overall job approval, they always make a point of saying how low it is. It’s always boggled my mind that anyone at all approves of the job he is doing. Just who are these 3 out of 10 people and just what have they been smoking?

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Last Answer : No. You’re an idiot if you do.