Why do people read a-book-a-week?

1 Answer

Answer :

Huh? Can’t one do all of the above? I’m lost. A book a day or a book a week?

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Description : What would be a great part to read in public from The Catcher in the Rye for this year's Banned Book Week?

Last Answer : answer:In chapter 22, the famous explanation of the title. It might or might not be germane to the reason for banning the book, but it’s a start.

Description : What is your favorite classic book that you think people should read and why?

Last Answer : lord of the flies was very entertaining. it really grasps the true nature of pre-adolescent boys. also, and then there were none is one of those books that you just cant put down. its a murder mystery and you only find out the answer in the very end. like last page.

Description : Anyone read the book "The Lilac Girls" and what did you think?

Last Answer : I only read about half of it but then I’ve read and known a lot about the Holocaust.

Description : When was the last time you read a great book?

Last Answer : Finished George Washingtons life story a few weeks ago, getting ready for another Mark Twain this weekend (my fav author!)

Description : What was the last book you read?

Last Answer : I've just finished Apple Tree Yard by Louise Doughty. It is the story of a very respectable lady with a high powered career and a family who has an affair with disastrous consequences. It is written in a way ... want to read on. It wasn't my usual kind of book but it gripped me from start to finish.

Description : Can you help me find a book to read?

Last Answer : answer:The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry might work for you. Or: The Unliekly Pilgrimage of Harold Fry or: Something by Rumer Godden such as Greengage Summer. or: Have you read Pride and Prejudice?

Description : How do you decide which book to read next?

Last Answer : answer:Mood, balance, and timing. I always have several books on deck. That's so I'll have plenty of choice, because I'm never sure what's next until I finish one. I usually start another immediately- ... to yet, and sometimes I even return books unread. I'm never reading only one book at a time.

Description : Which book from your favorite author have you not read?

Last Answer : Bleak House. And it bothers me that I’ve yet to really read it. Life is just one big tedious distraction. Like so many other things, I’ll get around to it.

Description : Have you ever read a book for over 8 times? And what's the name of the book?

Last Answer : Good night moon and pretty much every Dr. Seuss book 20 times or more.

Description : How do you read a book?

Last Answer : When I feel comfortable and then I curl up with a good book, and I read a few pages a day. When I was a child I used to read the entire textbook or novel in one bath sessions where I stay in the tub ... up all the hot water so I covered my self in a wet beach towel and kept warm in the bath tub.

Description : What's a good sci-fi book or short story I should read?

Last Answer : Slaughterhouse Five (Kurt Vonnegut) Ishmael (Daniel Quinn) Stranger in a Strange Land (Robert Heinlein) Siddhartha (Hermann Hesse)

Description : Recommendations for easy book to read in french?

Last Answer : Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince) by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. It may seem like a child’s book, but it really isn’t.

Description : What's the worst book you ever read?

Last Answer : answer:Finnegan’s Wake, by James Joyce (although I never got past page 1. Why? Here’s the first page.

Description : What's the best contemporary, English language, fiction book that you have read?

Last Answer : Windham’s Day of the Triffids and Stephen King’s The Stand both share a common theme of the quick, unexpected fall of society, and the survivors struggles. I love both these stories.

Description : When you read a book for the second time, do you imagine it the same as when you first read it?

Last Answer : A lot of the scenes stay the same. Sometimes there will be a slight change, because I know what’s coming, or because I didn’t catch something the first time around. Though its very common that some scenes are completely different.

Description : Who has read the book: Peace, Love, and Baby Ducks by Lauren Myracle? Important themes in this book?

Last Answer : Sorry I’m new and they deleted thus original post and reported it right now.

Description : Have you ever loved a book but only been able to read it in small doses?

Last Answer : Yes, because I have ADD.

Description : How can I read a .pdf book file on a Kindle?

Last Answer : Not exactly sure but I’ve read that if you hook up your kindle to your computer, and select it from your drive, then you should see a folder called document. Put your pdf files in that folder and you should be able to read them.

Description : What was the last book you read because someone told you how much you would love it but you ended up hating it?

Last Answer : A Confederacy of Dunces. Oh! And also Wuthering Heights.

Description : What was the last book you read that you really didn't think you would like, but did? (please read details)

Last Answer : A friend of mine is a huge Lance Armstrong fan. He read the book about Lance’s battle with cancer and wanted me to read it. I absolutely could care less about Lance Armstrong, but read the book anyway. I loved the book and now am a big Lance Armstrong fan.

Description : How far into a book do you read before deciding it isn't for you?

Last Answer : Sometimes I’ll give it to the midpoint if I really want to be generous, and sometimes all it takes is two pages. But most commonly I’ll give it one night’s bedtime reading, about an hour and a half. If it doesn’t win me in that time, it’s gone by the next night.

Description : What book have you recently read that really impressed you?

Last Answer : I was given The Land Remembers. Excellent book.

Description : Any ideas on a really good book I can read?

Last Answer : Any of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels.

Description : What book out there have you read that really has changed the way you perceive the world?

Last Answer : The Drunkard’s Walk by Leonard Mlodinow

Description : What unpublished book do you want to read the most?

Last Answer : Jane Austen’s seventh novel!

Description : What is the best paranormal/ghost book you have ever read?

Last Answer : The ghost stories of MR James are I think the best, though Sheridan Le Fanu also wrote some very, very good ghost stories as did Algernon Blackwood.

Description : The best book you have ever read?

Last Answer : answer:They’re so many. I can’t really pick just one. Recently, I really loved Bill Bryson’s “Shakespeare: The World as Stage.”

Description : What was the first book you ever read?

Last Answer : Tip and Mitten was the first book I remember reading. It was about a dog and cat. I remember my older brother introducing me to “Alfred Hitchcock Presents” short stories when I was in grade school and that started my life long love of books.

Description : What is the thickest book you ever read in your life?

Last Answer : Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol. I went through it pretty quick in about a week or so. I was kinda disappointed in the very end.

Description : What book series should I read?

Last Answer : Read the dictionary and when you are done, quiz me on words and see if I can guess the meaning. That sounds fun I know. Make sure you read the Webster unabridged dictionary and get set and go.

Description : What book should I read next?

Last Answer : This one http://etext.virginia.edu/toc/modeng/public/Twa2Pud.html

Description : Do you think it is rude to go to a Barnes and Noble and read a whole book?

Last Answer : I guess some feel as if libraries don’t have mochasippies.

Description : How to read a book in one day?

Last Answer : I’ve read lots of books in a day. Sit down and read. Easy.

Description : What is the best book(s) you have ever read?

Last Answer : Anything by Mark Twain :)

Description : How do you pick the next book to read? For example, do you go by buzz, reviews, recommendation, author, title, cover...?

Last Answer : I work at an independent book store in the summer, so I go by what my coworkers recommend. I also (as part of my job) have to read up on new books, so that helps me get an idea of whether or not I ... browsing, I read the first sentence or three of the book. If it doesn't grab me, I don't get it.

Description : What was the last book you had to re-read immediately after you finished it?

Last Answer : The last book I had to re-read was the one detailing how to use my new Vector Software.. The last book I re-read fictionwise must have been World War Z., just for kicks :)

Description : Have you ever read the last page of a book before actually reading the book?

Last Answer : Not the whole last page, but I read enough to connect the primary man & woman in the story to see if they stay together.

Description : Not knowing anything about Dean Koontz, which book do you recommend I read?

Last Answer : He writes thrillers, and what you do is close your eyes and point.

Description : If you were to suggest reading Ayn Rand to someone, which book would you have them read first?

Last Answer : The Fountainhead… no doubt. (In my mind her best work)

Description : What is the best history fact (or based on fact) book you have ever read?

Last Answer : The Other Boleyn Girl by Phillipa Gregory http://www.amazon.co.uk/Other-Boleyn-Girl-Philippa-Gregory/dp/0006514006 has been made into a film and I think there are some follow up books

Description : Any help on finding a new book to read?

Last Answer : How about Good Omens, by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett? That might actually be approximately where Sedaris meets Grimm.

Description : Do you ever read more than one book at a time?

Last Answer : All the time!! I will read about 2–3 at a time, I will switch on and off depending on what I am in the mood to read that day. Although I will not do this if one of the books I am reading is absolutely amazing. In that case I can’t bother with the other books.

Description : Which chuck palahniuk book would you recommend I read first?

Last Answer : Survivor all the way. It’s awesome and a quick read. I also liked fight club (the movie). I haven’t read the book yet but I heard it’s a little different from the movie. I plan to read Choke before the movie comes out too.

Description : What book is a "must-read" for one who might claim to be "well-read?"?

Last Answer : A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

Description : What's the best non-fiction book you have read recently?

Last Answer : Standard and Poor’s Guide to Money and Investing

Description : What is a good book series to read?

Last Answer : Earthsea Earthsea Earthsea! Do it. Start with A Wizard of Earthsea.

Description : What is the best book you've read lately?

Last Answer : answer:The October Country by Ray Bradbury. It’s a book full of short stories. Check it out on wikipedia for a description of each story.

Description : What is the best book you have read in the past twelve months?

Last Answer : Such a difficult question….

Description : Am I the only one who notices that some people don't read all the answers and then gives an answer that has already been given and debated to DEATH?

Last Answer : Did you really have to ask it? I mean, was it really required of you or did you just ask it because you wanted to or you gave in to peer pressure?

Description : Do you negatively judge people who don't read books for pleasure?

Last Answer : I’m not going near this one with a 10 foot pole.