What do you think about America being the leading nation?

1 Answer

Answer :

Think it’s because not everyone believes in this as the right way to go about things.

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Last Answer : On a scale of 1 to 10, I would say 0 (zero). What does it even mean to love a “nation”?

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Last Answer : To find the royal bride! “No journey is too great when one finds what he seeks” Prince Akeem :¬)

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Last Answer : dear lord

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Last Answer : Much of that unity is really myth - and that's ok. When people are calling for unity and bipartisanship, it's really a call for the elimination of dissent. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging ... described as being divided or troubled . However, these are really the most healthy of times.

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Last Answer : Yep. And most sexual assaults are perpetuated by white men, too, although that seems to be changing.

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Last Answer : To impress a pretty young girl woman.

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Last Answer : answer:I would say the Republicans have had consistent support for free trade. I found this comment in an article online All of the eleven free trade agreements on which Congress has voted ... near-unanimous support of House Republicans, who backed ratification more than 91 percent of the time.

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Last Answer : I’m really out of touch. I thought both men and women were required to sign up.

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Last Answer : I wonder where they’ll be on the lists for public housing. Will they move to the top of the lists and replace someone who has been waiting?

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Last Answer : I think we would be in a similar standing to where North Korea is in the world today; isolated, feared and hated with a great disparity in internal wealth and a miserable populace.

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Last Answer : Ka-Boom

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Last Answer : Oh, it will someday get to that point, but not for a long while. People are too busy being pleasers of self and people pleasers (because it helps them more than those they are pleasing) that a whole lot of crap will have to jit that fan before a major tipping point is reached.

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Last Answer : That's an idea that makes sense, which means there isn't a chance in hell of it going anywhere. The logical Idea to gear minimum wage requirements to prevailing local cost of living rates has ... more backward and destitute the region, the louder the protests against the evils of the minimum wage.

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Last Answer : It depends on the laws of each of the fifty states. There was a legislative initiative a few years ago in the State of Florida that would have required regular drug testing of all recipients of state ... very slim margin. The bill will be sent back to the legislature for a vote again next year.

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Last Answer : answer:You're quite right, I think, that high-speed rail is best when combined with short-range transportation options at each station so people can get around entirely without cars. The U.S. ... candidates for rail) but little supporting public transport within any of those cities (not so good).

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Last Answer : Probably Wyoming or Montana; very low population density.

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Last Answer : answer:I'm not an immigrant, but I know many. My Vietnamese friends came here and knew little English, so since they had shared meals with us, we had a Mexican night, and made all kinds of good ... so, and we later saw my little friend Dang, carrying a burrito in his pocket. It was sooo funny!

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Last Answer : answer:With the vast array of religions, cultures, and races of people residing in one country, I still believe we are a melting pot. However, I'm willing to concede that I'm not an expert on ... to America? If someone has immigrated to another country, I'd love to hear why they chose that country.

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Last Answer : I normally just say Them Yanks…fuck yeah!!”

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Last Answer : Fuck/Eat

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Last Answer : answer:My ex was a regugee from Guatemala and served 4 years in the Army, First Airborn. He is still not a naturalized citizen, but has an American wife and family. I told him he should never go to Arizona ... . Anyone who served in the armed forces of the U.S. should de facto become a U.S. citizen.

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Last Answer : Absolutely, it isn’t the vehicle for people who like to speed and go on trips, which consists of many Americans.

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Last Answer : answer:The air smells like warm rootbeer and children jump on gumdrop trampolines under the melted blueberry ice cream sky every day. But seriously. I'm from the Southeast and the Appalachian mountains. The people ... willing to give the shirt off our back if you need it. I'm very proud of that.

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Last Answer : If China attacked the US, they would have no-one to sell their products to, and their economy would implode. That in a nutshell is why they haven’t tried to collect the massive debt we owe them.

Description : Is there a website where i can get graphs,tables and maps to give evidence of the standard of living in different regions in america?

Last Answer : do you want the data to make your own graphs, or just stuff already made? Try GapminderUSA for ready made stuff.

Description : What is America going to do to deal with its huge obesity problem?

Last Answer : Eat more.

Description : Has America hit its "highpoint" and now crumbling?

Last Answer : answer:Cheer up - tomorrow things will look better. Yes, America has had some problems - as has much of the rest of the world. America is taking longer to recover, but it is happening. It is ... dominant nor a financially dominant country but it is a great place to live. America will be the same.

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Last Answer : Yes. Because I speak the language and I’m familiar with everything here. Mostly. Also, I like my freedom (while I still have it), but I do rue having a puritanical FCC.

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Last Answer : no!

Description : Is America a Democracy or a Republic?

Last Answer : It is a democratic republic. Small groups of democracies joined together to form a republic.

Description : Where can I find out about the founding fathers of America and America's political stances, etc?

Last Answer : America did have good military you know like the rifles and their military tactics utilizing the terrain. While i was learning US history in Florida, theysaid that the US sniped the key ... was better structured for battles (the square formation of the english army easily yielded much casualties)

Description : If America was invaded or infiltrated by an overwhelmingly superior foreign power, militarily speaking, would Americans resort to terrorism in a bid to liberate their homeland?

Last Answer : The Americans practiced Guerilla warfare to get rid to the British..so I would say yes..

Description : Is russian military stronger than that of america?

Last Answer : Russia. United States. Click to expand the “Military” category. I’m really too nice.

Description : How do immigrants preserve their culture when immigrating to America ?

Last Answer : That's how the immigrating generation does it. The next generation learns English and integrates. They walk the line between both worlds. The generation after that doesn't speak the old language. I'm ... who has spoken Gaelic for many generations. I'd run the other way if I saw a Haggis.

Description : What is one thing you would change about america?

Last Answer : I would call it just The United States, so people stop calling it America . There are two whole continents called America. I don't think it's fair we're the only one known as just America . ... , there aren't any other countries. Call me weird, but it always seemed rather arrogant to me. -Dan

Description : If Our Founding Fathers could see America today, what would they say?

Last Answer : “Well, we had a good run”. I believe it’s fair to assume that they were pleased with what they created. If that’s so I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t want it to be subjected to what Obama promised to be, quote Fundamental change.

Description : Is it time to end the stock market... and put a close to non-stop expansion in America?

Last Answer : No.

Description : Is racism "dead" (in America)?

Last Answer : No, racism not dead and never will be. The Civil Rights Movement made Whites and Blacks equal in the eyes of the law, but not in the eyes of each other.