Why is "In God we trust" printed on our currency, When greed is a sin?

1 Answer

Answer :

greed is sin, money is not. The love of money is a sin. Love God, i think its just there to show that the foundation of our country even our currency is in God.

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Last Answer : Compared with a politician motivated by the public good they are all equally unwelcome.

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Last Answer : I think it is a both , money grubbing and protecting themselves from being sued for any kind of malpractice, saying they did everything they could for the patient .

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Last Answer : Hopefully “T” will find a way to buy “S” out, or find some other way to wrest control of the company. Surely, “S” can see he’s killing the Golden Goose.

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Last Answer : Because you are taking someone else’s money to give away to a third party. Instead of reaching into your own pocket to pay the third party. Because that would obviously be too much.

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Last Answer : We had a Saint Bernard that was terrified of thunder. 180 pounds of dog. I was napping on the couch one afternoon and a storm came up. The girl never left the rug in the kitchen usually. That day I woke up with the dog on top of me. We lost her a while ago. She was a great dog.

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Last Answer : Yes. Yes he did.

Description : What is the origin's of man's greed?

Last Answer : answer:Who knows? What is the origin of man’s innate goodness and impulses toward empathy and doing good for others?

Description : Are there other motives for being a thief, rather than just greed?

Last Answer : Have you never read Les Miserables?

Description : Has corporate greed and arrogance really gotten so bad that $10 in revenue is worth more than a decades long business relationship?

Last Answer : I feel bad for you and all those who are getting screwed by banks despite having a good history of managing your accounts.

Description : When a public company's actions affect many innocent people due to their personal greed, what can be done to remedy their actions?

Last Answer : Hold individuals accountable for corporate misdeeds.

Description : What are some examples of greed and generosity in the novel the appenticeship of duddy kravitz?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t ask here. People have been known to give erroneous answers when they think someone is asking them to do their homework.

Description : Are you ever disgusted by the greed and consumer lust that occurs this time each year?

Last Answer : I’m disgusted by all types of greed. Consumer lust is one of the worst in my mind.

Description : “There is enough for everybody’s need and not for anybody’s greed”. Who said these words ? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Mahatma Gandhi

Description : The Earth has enough resources to meet the needs of all but not enough to satisfy the greed of even one person.' -SST 10th

Last Answer : 'The earth has enough resources to meet the needs of all but not enough to satisfy the greed of even one person.' This can be said that this above written statement is relevant and ... the balance of environment must be kept in mind to fulfill the requirements of present and future generations.

Description : ‘The earth has enough resources to meet the needs of all but not enough to satisfy the greed of even one person’. -SST 10th

Last Answer : This statement is given by Mahatma Gandhi: (i) It means that the earth has abundant resources to satisfy everyone's needs but in our greed and hurry to develop, we have been recklessly exploiting ... risk. (v) Thus, there is a need for conservation and judicious use of resources for development.