Do birthmarks tell your fortune like your palm may?

1 Answer

Answer :

I’m sure someone believes that…but what happens if you don’t have a birthmark?!

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Last Answer : First I’ve heard of it.

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Last Answer : Empty cookies, and one time, a totally blank piece of paper.

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Last Answer : You yourself must choose your own path. You may create your own destiny.

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Last Answer : Maybe. I have a little genie lamp/teapot looking item that my grandmother gave me that received it from her grandmother. It's gold with some little etchings on it. I've wondered if it was ... be torn between keeping it as a rememberance to my grandmother or cashing it in for much needed cash.

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Last Answer : answer:You'd have to know the difference between my husband and me to really understand the irony of our respective fortune cookies. He's just a take it as it comes! No worries! kind of guy, while I worry ... the words bed, at the end of your cookie fortunes, don't you? Just checkin'!

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Last Answer : I say bring her in. Better safe than sorry, and you’d hate yourself if something went wrong and she didn’t make it through the night.

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Last Answer : Personal choice :)

Description : What fortune was in your fortune cookie?

Last Answer : I open fortune cookies for the sole purpose of trying to find bad spelling or grammar mistakes, hopefully as a result a funny one.

Description : Have you heard about the millionaire that gave away his $4.7 million fortune?

Last Answer : Good for him!....and a few others. I think he might have the right attitude :)

Description : An 80 year old multi millionare,man/woman,invites you to spend the weekend with them as their lover.In return you will inherit their entire estate worth a small fortune.Would you accept their invitation?

Last Answer : Go in a second. I can bear almost anything for a couple of days.

Description : What are your thoughts on tarot card fortune telling? are you a believer?

Last Answer : No. Yes. You will believe what you want to. I predict that @Snarp will say… “I don’t believe anyone can predict the future” @kheredia will say… “Nope.. its just another way of making money.”

Description : They say good "fortune" runs in cycles, do you believe this?

Last Answer : Changing your job seems to have been the deciding factor in your change in fortune'. Work places and their staff vary so much from company to company that circumstances are out of your control. If ... your work experience. This gives you more control when choosing a job that is suitable to you.

Description : Why do contestants get dressed up on Wheel of Fortune, but they wear their "street clothes" on The Price Is Right?

Last Answer : Well…either Wheel of Fortune has a dress code, or people watch the shows on TV and decide how to dress. I am thinking however, that before the people go on either show, the correspondant from either tells them what to do, how to dress etc.

Description : What's you favorite fortune cookie wisdom?

Last Answer : I opened one that was blank. For once, one of those damn cookies didn’t try and push it’s knowledge on me!

Description : How do bonus puzzles on Wheel of Fortune get determined?

Last Answer : I believe that they are preloaded for the show. Sometimes folks get easy ones, and sometimes not. The envelope just determines what the contestant wins or doesn’t win.

Description : If you ran Wheel of Fortune, what would you do?

Last Answer : I’d get a new job

Description : What's the best fortune you ever pulled out of a cookie?

Last Answer : Look behind you!

Description : Have you ever tried for fame or fortune? How? What happened?

Last Answer : Only in my department at work. So far I’m doing ok!!

Description : What does it mean when your fortune cookie has no fortune in it?

Last Answer : It means you make your own fortune.