What do you look for in a therapist?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Intellectual acuity and mental agility; if this is someone I’m going to be spending some time with, I want him or her to appreciate wordplay and thoughtplay. Empathy and understanding for the situations I’m likely to be struggling with.

Related questions

Description : What would you look for in a therapist?

Last Answer : answer:I ask them what their philosophy is. Where do they fit in the pantheon of psychology. I ask them how they relate to their patients-looking for a sense of how they interact, how cool or close they ... meeting. I just expect to figure out if I'm willing to try a few more sessions with them.

Description : Is it unethical for a licensed therapist to have a weekly show on YouTube?

Last Answer : Forgive me for not understanding the point here, but why would that be unethical?

Description : Just so you know I finally got a therapist so I'm starting to get real help with all the BS so this might mean bye or no?

Last Answer : Why would this mean bye? You can still come here and ask or answer questions. You can become a valued member of our community.

Description : Has anyone else lied to their therapist?

Last Answer : Ask your therapist what would be best for you. They unusually have a feel for what works and what doesn’t.

Description : How do you "fire" your therapist?

Last Answer : answer:I have done this, and this is how I went about it. Sit down with a pencil and paper, and come up with as many WH as you can. Ask How did you decide to get into this field? ... inform your prospective therapist that you want to interview him or her, and ask if this would be a good time.

Description : How do you find a good therapist?

Last Answer : Ask your primary care physician. They are used to making referrals and usually know of quality clinicians. You could also contact the psychiatric unit at a hospital. They will have recommendations for individual clinicians or outpatient clinics that specifically treat anxiety disorders.

Description : How should a therapist advertise to you?

Last Answer : answer:Tough question. So much of the advertising process is word of mouth and the temperature of the first session or two. Plus, whether the patient is new to therapy or has done it before is a ... marketing for a large, integrated delivery system, so that's where a lot of this is coming from.

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Last Answer : Go outside and walk around . I am on my computer too much at times and my upper back, neck and shoulders start to hurt, due to bad posture and leaning into the computer. ( apparently the ... up Balance is important in ones life otherwise too much inactivity will have negative effects on one's body.

Description : Do you know of any reliable online therapy service?

Last Answer : My daughter uses betterhelp.com. She has had good experiences with it. She has had a few therapists, and she said changing therapists is easy. That is important, because it sometimes takes a few ... virtual therapy can work, but you've got to be even more involved than in the traditional setting.

Description : Is psychotherapy a money making scam?

Last Answer : It's not exactly a scam, but it is pretty expensive and can often not have any results. But for some people it can be very valuable and worth it. At least they didn't ... to something you can do yourself. Also learning Holistic Peer Counseling. And Feldenkrais awareness through movement classes.

Description : What punishment, should a person who groped someone receive?

Last Answer : I think that AT&T bears some of the blame for groping. For years, they had the advertisement Read Out and Touch Someone , which may have tacitly implied that unwanted touching was an acceptable ... start getting into penalties, let's try and classify the offenses in some cogent and consistent way.

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Last Answer : Yes. Both my wife and I went to a hypnotist, nutritionist. We both lost about fifty pounds each and got off most of our meds.

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Last Answer : Where I have a big problem with it is that people who say they are in touch with their previous lives are all precious snowflakes that have been chosen, and the rest of us are just unfortunate slobs.

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Last Answer : This lifestyle difference absolutely won’t dampen the therapy process if she is at all a competent practitioner. If a personal belief difference is so dramatic as to affect the therapy, she will refer you to another person.

Description : Do you know of anyone diagnosed with any form of cancer who decided to go it alone with no conventional therapy?

Last Answer : answer:I knew 2 people who didn't go with conventional medical treatment after diagnosis. One drank wheat grass juice, ate sparingly an organic vegan diet and passed in six months. The other chose not ... , I imagine they were diagnosed in late stages anyway, and were likely too far gone to treat.

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Last Answer : answer:I'm pretty sure that most people who go to therapy occasionally feel like their problems are petty and they should be able to handle them on their own. I've been trying to cut down on seeing ... at all. But after that, I lucked out and found a wonderful therapist who has been very helpful.

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Last Answer : If the couple is really toxic, I feel divorce is better.

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Last Answer : You don’t. The whole point of having an inner child is to keep you from turning into an sad old man (person).

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Last Answer : No, because there is no social premium on straight people becoming gay so there would not be any customers.

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Last Answer : answer:Just a warning, research the meds they want you to give your son THROUGHLY before you give them to him. So many just take the pills a doctor orders without second thoughts. ... discipline here is some information in video format: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4482433245240650484#

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Last Answer : oh man….go and see a physiotherapist. I think it would be dangerous to keep trying without the correct supervision and prescribed exercised to strengthen your muscles.

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Last Answer : Step 1— lots and lots of school then Collage than University. Family therapy sooo your 13 now?, you should be good to go to step-2 by the time your 30–40

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Last Answer : It really varies depending on the individual, but yes, some people find it helpful. Hypnosis by a hypnotherapist didn’t do much for me, but I do use a form of self-hypnosis to deal with anxiety and panic attacks.

Description : What has your experience been with formal psychoanalysis?

Last Answer : Formal Freudian analysis? Yes, six sessions in the late 1970s. I found them to be a complete waste of time, nothing more than verbal sparring matches , Thirty five years later I was ... talking methods require some level of trust and autistic-types will seldom offer that trust to anyone.

Description : Has anyone heard of/used hypnotherapy to stop "living in the past"?

Last Answer : I don't know about hypnotherapy specifically for this issue, but I think that anything that helps you move through your thoughts, feelings and issues having to do with the past can help you live in the ... can write, therapy, Rx drugs, yoga, AND hypnotherapy. Fight hard, girl! You can do this!

Description : How long is psychotherapy?

Last Answer : It lasts as long as you want it to.

Description : Does anyone here have BPT?

Last Answer : Marsha Linehan at the University of Washington. It's not easy, and it's expensive, because if you can get into the program at all, you must have a lot of attention: groups, your own therapist ... quickly. But this program truly helps. And nothing else has ever done so very consistently. Good luck.

Description : Has anyone heard of, or successfully utilitzed, the book, Getting the Love You Want?

Last Answer : I just googled it and it’s all over google and amazon if you want a copy. I’m just a research nerd, I haven’t read it. The previews for it look great though! I hope that helped.

Description : How do people pay for therapy?

Last Answer : Lots of therapists have a sliding scale for people without insurance- also, people licensed as PhDs charge much more than professional counselors, mental health counselors, or social workers. Those people ... the same education level as PhDs, and just didn't pursue the higher level of licensing.

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Last Answer : You stop, suffer the withdrawal, and take care not to relapse.

Description : Do you believe in the concept of repressed memories?

Last Answer : answer:I have a dear friend whose entire family was torn apart by a repressed memory her older brother had. He somehow hooked up with a psychologist who convinced him that awful things happened to him ... the same since. My short answer? No, I do not believe in the concept of repressed memories.

Description : Who makes more a Network Systems Engineer or Massage Therapist?

Last Answer : The national average salary for a Network Systems Engineer is $76,444 in United States. The national average salary for a Massage Therapist is $74,768 per year in United States. - You can go to https://www. ... a country in the website. I'm in the USA which is why I posted the average for USA.

Description : Is it Illegal to Contact a Therapist Fraudulently With my Email Address?

Last Answer : For starters, do you know who that person is?

Description : [SERIOUS] Therapist of reddit,Have you ever fell for a patient? If so whats your story?

Last Answer : answer:Attention! [Serious] Tag Notice Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be ... performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Description : Would you feel comfortable seeing a therapist if you had mutual friends on Facebook?

Last Answer : This is a good question. I have been in therapy for a very long time. My relationship with my therapist is very important, and I want the ability to talk about absolutely everything that is ... will receive my words because they know whom I'm talking about. I would choose another therapist.

Description : How do I go about finding a therapist?

Last Answer : If you trust your GP, you could ask them for a suggestion. Or ask any friends you know who are in therapy. Failing those options look in the business directories and make some phone inquiries. Realize that you may have to try out one or two before you find someone that will work for you.

Description : How do you find an effective therapist?

Last Answer : answer:I have done well with practitioners who use CBT in their methods, as it employs actual ways of changing one's approach to damaging thought processes. My last therapist couldn't prescribe ( she ... of luck with this, @DigitalBlue, it can be a daunting task to find an appropriate practitioner.

Description : Is there a huge difference between trying online articles about psychological therapy & treatment and actually going to see a therapist?

Last Answer : I think it’s a bit like reading about the physics of the perfect baseball swing and actually practicing hitting the ball. The textbook will actually be very useful and you’re going to be better off for having read it. That said, reading and participating are two very different activities.

Description : What type of therapist should treat Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Last Answer : Psychiatrists administer meds; they do not do therapy. The person might need a psychiatrist for meds if the anxiety is severe as well as either a psychologist or a licensed clinical social worker who has been trained in CBT.

Description : How can I learn the basics for being a mental health therapist?

Last Answer : I don’t know what APA formatting is. However, you need to get a college degree to practice any kind of therapy.

Description : Respiratory therapist help!

Last Answer : answer:You could type out each question or requirement with bullet points. Then answer them as best as you are able. Double space between topics. I’m wondering what is behind the question about job market post graduation. That’s a red flag to me.

Description : What's the worst thing that can happen to a girl who falls in love with her therapist?

Last Answer : answer:Maybe he's married and hates his wife, so he murders her and frames the young, naive patient for the crime. Knowing she is innocent, she is unable to convince the judge or jury. The crafty psychologist's ... of that love. And at the tender age of 26, she is executed. Is that worst enough? :-)

Description : What is the difference between a chiropractor and a massage therapist?

Last Answer : answer:A massage therapist is a person who is licensed to do body work to loosen muscles and joints and give people exercises to help themselves at home. A chiropractor is someone who believes that by manipulating ... and again and keep paying him money. You make the call as to who you should go to.

Description : How many years of school would it take to become a physical therapist?

Last Answer : You usually need a 4 year Bachelor's degree in medical science, biology or physiology of some sort then another 2 years of a physical therapy focused masters degree. In my area so many people want to go ... the profession many go back to get a Doctorate just to get a job. The market is flooded here.

Description : Do you think a therapist could have a crush on his/her patient?

Last Answer : Of course. Although, the other way around is much more common.

Description : Should I tell my therapist I'm pregnant?

Last Answer : What kind of therapist is it you are referring to?

Description : Is the empathy of a therapist hollow for you?

Last Answer : answer:I think it will always feel like they are just placating you if that's what you already think they are going to do. Sometimes people can provide a perspective on your thought process that ... Not all therapists are good. Some are excellent. Sometimes just having someone to vent to is good.

Description : Should I tell my therapist that I smoke pot?

Last Answer : He/she probably won’t, and it’d be fine to tell her/him. Unless you planned to murder someone, a therapist isn’t allowed to tell your parents anything. And smoking pot amongst teenagers is quite common; it’s likely they smoked at your age, too. I told my doctor I smoked pot.

Description : What kinds of things did you or people you know want to see a therapist about?

Last Answer : I had a post partum depression that I didn't want. I learned that I subconsciously resented the fact that, at age 9 or so, I took my mother coffee in bed so she wouldn't be in a bad mood when I ... my mother, but I didn't need her any more either and I went to lunch, or whatever it was, instead.