Obama or Clinton??

1 Answer

Answer :

I think at this point, clearly Obama

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Last Answer : I would agree with that idea.

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Last Answer : They’d accuse him of being chicken.

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Last Answer : answer:No. He’s a politician, not a jurist. Granted, he taught constitutional law, but he has no experience on the bench. It will never happen.

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Description : Are the Clinton haters coming out of the wood work to bash Obama?Where was Gingrich hiding?

Last Answer : Which Clinton? What do they have to gain? Our government (UK) are just as bad, back stabbing when the worlds on it’s knees. These bloody people need shaking. Is there no such thing as being united?

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Last Answer : answer:There’s a great post about this in one of my favorite political blogs: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/178957.php. As the blog title sums up: she’s trying to attack one of his major strengths: his authenticity.

Description : I'm completely ignorant. What are the differences between Obama and Clinton?

Last Answer : White woman. Black man.

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Last Answer : Better the Devil you know, than the Devil you don’t know.

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Last Answer : (b) President Obama

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Last Answer : (a) President Trump

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Last Answer : (D) George Bush  

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Last Answer : (A) John Kennedy 

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Last Answer : You bet YA !

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Last Answer : Wasn't that the lady married to Bill Clinton? What's she been up to anyways?

Description : If Clinton was impeached and Hillary went to jail how would Trump be defended by his fans?

Last Answer : What? I don’t understand the question.

Description : Can you please fact check this accusation against Hillary Clinton from Michael Moore's Sicko documentary?

Last Answer : 1) it was Bill, not Hillary, who gave the speech. The payment was for the speech 2) it was from the Altria Corporation, not a lobbyist.at all. And they give millions upon millions to ... ) Proceeds went to the Clinton FOundation, not to either Bill or HIllary personally. Basically = Moore = FALSE

Description : Ivanka Trump is found to have used her personal email address for government work. Will she be subject to the Hilary Clinton treatment?

Last Answer : Initially it was reported that it was both Ivanka & Jared. That was just after the election. Since I couldn’t find a reputable source to confirm it, I just let it go. I knew what trump would say even IF it was true!!!

Description : Inquiring minds want to know - what does Hillary Clinton think about yesterday's Manafort decision and Cohen pleading?

Last Answer : I am trying to imagine what the more conservative jellies are going to say. No doubt something along the lines of how she is feeling so relieved that it is Trump's team that is being ... all his campaign workers, the first two congressional Trump supporters have been brought up on criminal charges.