What is the best eBook reader for the iPhone? I'm currently using textonphone.com but cannot read purchased books.

1 Answer

Answer :

I dont use one but I would check the apps on Apple.com. I have seen some on their. After you get there click on Iphone and then on the right it will say top apps or something like that. You can click on that and browse the apps by category.

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Last Answer : I have the Kindle for iPhone application. It doesn't show a specific page number (largely because the pages' on the Kindle don't correspond to the pages on a physical book, because you can change the ... you tap the screen, it will show you a slider that indicates how far you are from the end.

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Last Answer : There are a lot of new technologies coming out. Most college books are bought online now, I'm sure that now, because of the popularity, you can find business books that would help small businesses.

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Last Answer : answer:Yep, you get no credit for owning the paper version. One disadvantage of the Kindle is its lack of support for ePub books. And there are millions of public domain ePubs available from Google Books and Project Gutenberg. Doesn’t help with copyrighted titles, but still, that’s a lot of books.

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Last Answer : You can safely read books 1 & 2 for sure. I have not finished the others to tell you if you are safe to read them, but I think the television series is working on book 4. Hopefully someone else can tell you a definitely stopping point, but while you wait, you can start with the first two.

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Last Answer : answer:“My Life In Court by Louis Nizer” is absolutely great. His other work is great reading as well. But, the one I am touting, is short stories…which I love anyway. Nizer is was a straight shooter…and, a damn nice guy.

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Last Answer : Beyond Secularism – Neera Chandhoke

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Last Answer : You could read The Stranger by Albert Camus. I’ve always liked that book. Or you could read a short story, like The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. It’s excellent, and pretty creepy.

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Last Answer : Faust I and II by Goethe Bahnwärter Thiel by Gerhart Hauptmann Kabale und Liebe by Friedrich Schiller I’m sure you can find english translations of those.

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Last Answer : I wish somone would answer my question =(

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Last Answer : Animal Farm 1984 Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein and yes I have read them . ;)

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Last Answer : honestly, as many as I can. I probably average a book a week.

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Last Answer : answer:I read pretty much the same type of books that you do, except not history so much. I also have to admit that I love the horror/romance books, too. I like informative books on just about any topic.

Description : What kind of book reader are you?

Last Answer : I can not read.

Description : Do you own an ebook reader?

Last Answer : My mother does. I tried to use it one day but I just couldn’t. Even when I forced myself to. I ended up putting it down and getting a real book to read. Using an ebook reader takes all the fun and the meaning out of a book. It just doesn’t feel the same. They are a useless invention in my opinion.

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Last Answer : Personally I think it’s a waste of money to buy a ebook reader. A Ipod Touch can do pretty much the same thing plus more. However it does have a small screen. Before I had G1 I used to read my ebooks on a modded PSP.

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Last Answer : Children’s books (Asterix, Tin TIn, fairy tales), and cook books can be good for that.

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Last Answer : i tend to use FFView, because it’s simple yet very powerfull for comics :)

Description : What determines the identity of an ebook reader ?

Last Answer : iBook Reader's own format.

Description : Can you recommend a good ebook reader? It would also be important to consider value for money. 

Last Answer : I’ve heard good things about the Amazon Kindle and a January test (http://www.pcmag.com/roundup/294182/the-best-ebook-readers) also put it out as the best. Price is mid-range, if I bought it I would buy it.

Description : Is Kindle the most popular eBook reader?

Last Answer : Yes, Kindle is the most popular eBook reader on the market. There are also several other brands of eBook readers that are available, too.

Description : Where can I find an online eBook reader?

Last Answer : You can purchase a Kindle ereader from Amazon or a Nook ereader from Barnes and Noble.

Description : What is the most popular eBook reader?

Last Answer : I want to get my husband an eBook reader but I know nothing about them. Which one is the most popular? IPad for sure, it's really amazing and convenient to me. I love it

Description : Which eBook reader should I buy?

Last Answer : Buying an eBook can be a tedious process and one would want to make sure that they are getting the best deal out there. A Kindle Fire seems to be the most popular of the eBook readers out there.

Description : What is the best rated eBook reader?

Last Answer : According to eBook-reader-review.com the top seller is the Kindle 3g eBook reader. It is available through Amazon for $139.00. The next most popular one is the Nook by Barnes and Noble for $249.00.

Description : The Popularity of Ebook Reader Software?

Last Answer : Ebook reader software allows consumers to read ebooks on electronic reading devices. The popularity of ebooks has caused an increase in the ebook reader software available to consumers. Some ... software. For example, individuals with Kindle software can only download books offered by Amazon.

Description : Getting an Android eBook Reader?

Last Answer : There are a lot of benefits to using an Android eBook reader over other types of eBook readers out there. First, you will be able to have access to many of the same apps that you would ... be re-rooted into being fully functional Android tablets-- for a much lower price than actual Android tablets.

Description : How to Use the iPad as an ebook Reader?

Last Answer : How to Use the iPad as an ebook ReaderApple's iPad has become a well-loved device for many of its applications and features. This tablet is one of the most state of the art options available. Among ... reader. It is designed specifically for avid readers who do not want to pile up a mound of books.

Description : eBook Reader?

Last Answer : form_title=eBook Reader form_header=Want to find an eBook reader repair service? Let us connect you with the most affordable and qualified professionals near you. Brand of eBook reader?*= _[50] Model of eBook ... Yes () No What problem(s) are you having with your eBook reader?*= _Please Explain[100]

Description : Benefits to Having a Larger eBook Reader?

Last Answer : The primary benefit of a larger eBook reader is its larger screen, which can be much easier to read. They are especially recommended for those with poor eyesight. Most larger readers have the additional benefit of more internal storage.

Description : Best Handheld eBook Reader?

Last Answer : As with every new type of technology, finding the best handheld eBook reader for your lifestyle requires some research. There are many different brands and features to choose from, and they all seem so ... With the right information, you can find an eBook reader that satisfies you for years to come.

Description : Which EBook Reader is better, Nook or Kindle?

Last Answer : I think that Kindle is better because I think that it is easier to navigate in there and I think that overall experience is great with Kindle. You can read reviews and compare.

Description : I am trying to find out which is the best ebook reader to purchase. Is a Nook or a Kindle better?

Last Answer : I think that Kindle is better because I think that it is easier to navigate in there and I think that overall experience is great with Kindle. You can read reviews and compare.

Description : What book are you currently reading?

Last Answer : Bram Stoker’s Dracula