Any thoughts on the Lost game coming out next week?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Um… all game’s based on TV shows suck. Sorry.

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Description : Where can one find all the available lost series to watch online?

Last Answer : Click on free episodes. Select Lost. All of them are available. Not sure if it works outside of the United States.

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Last Answer : Hugo

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Last Answer : how old are you and what is your current cerfew?

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Last Answer : Well, on the Locke part, it could have roots in ancient politics. In the book, Ender’s Game, Locke is a pivotal character, and if memory serves me correctly, it’s derived from something from history. I don’t watch lost at all, so I have no idea as to the relevance.

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Last Answer : best thing would be to call Apple care. I don’t have the number in front of me, but you can get it from Good luck

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Last Answer : answer:I never got into it at all either. I watched it for awhile and thought…blah. Haven’t been back since. So, no you’re not alone! Welcome to ask-public, btw!

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Last Answer : I have never heard about it. Sounds cool though :)

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Last Answer : Libby1738, welcome! Look here. Browse around. Look at the General, Social, and Meta tabs. Read the help pages. Then answer a question. Or ask one! If you like someone else's question, click the ... on them. More explanation is under the What the? button next to the Lurve heading on the right.

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Last Answer : answer:Here’s a bunch to choose from. Creepy, but effective.

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Last Answer : His name is James Anthony cleghorn

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Last Answer : Thank you @RandolphOcampo. We’ve given it some lettuce and it has water. We’ll go and look for mum and dad again tomorrow morning.

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Last Answer : I wish.

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Last Answer : It’s because your husband is still logged into gmail. Google owns youtube so they’re linked. If you’re logged into one, you’re logged into the other. You would need to sign him out completely then go and log into your youtube account.

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Last Answer : Fluther’s too serious fo’ dat shite deez days, don’t ya’know.

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