How do you upload pictures to Facebook from the iPhone?

1 Answer

Answer :

If you’re talking about your pictures on your iPhone, I believe you just have to get them on your computer then upload. I don’t think you can mail or upload images stored on your iPhone, yet. I would like to. I read somewhere you could, so hopefully someone has the answer.

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Last Answer : answer:It could be any number of things. Time for some troubleshooting. You need to rule it out the following as causes: Service latency in your area, Facebook application problems, image uploading limitations or ... plug it in . you should see the words Mr. 3000 on the screen. (just kidding)

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Last Answer : The old, old question: Have you tried rebooting the computer?

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Last Answer : You can’t. It’s as simple as that. It only works with profile pages right now.

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Last Answer : Facebook will always resize them, it doesn't matter what size they start. You might want to start with a large image from the camera and crop to what's important before uploading. Here the key isn't ... in the background so you can get it all and still be relatively tight on the person. Sorry, TMI.

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Last Answer : answer:When I worked for a paper, the standard dpi for print media was 300dpi, and for internet it is 72dpi. The photo can be any size, usually sized to fit the online frame, but is set at ... . I haven't worked in publications for 6 years, so others might have more current information than I do.

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Last Answer : I’m not a big fan if rollercoasters and any rides I go on, I’d be clinging on for dear life with both hands! But if you’re ok with the risk of losing grip and having your cam flung out of your hand…...go for it.

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Last Answer : Have you tried just changing the file format to a RAW file? If that doesn’t work, it’s definitely in the camera settings. Rebels have so many features, you just need to dig and find it. Look in your manual and it should tell you exactly how to change it.

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Last Answer : If someone tags you on a photo, that photo will show up on your Facebook page. People can click on your name on the photo and be taken to your profile.

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Last Answer : Loneliness.

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Last Answer : Well, I use the Official Flickr app for Android and it has Facebook connectivity so that when I post a picture with the app I can upload it to my Flickr account and my Facebook account at the same time. It ... Edit: I use Android, but if you use an iPhone, I'm betting these apps exist for that too.

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Last Answer : If you haven’t been given access to the friend’s account, you cannot transfer their photos.

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Last Answer : Facebook=people may stock you but do it anyway. Flickr= photos without getting stalked.

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Last Answer : Do you mean you want to upload it to use as your avatar? Fluther will only host one picture per user, the avatar picture. You can use a picture you made on Paint as your avatar. You can also upload it to a different website, such as imgur and then post a link to it on Fluther.

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Last Answer : answer:Not sure, but do you have the right plugins for viewing stuff? (flash, java, etc.) Also check your filtering.

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Last Answer : What phone is it?

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Last Answer :

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Last Answer : Not sure I understand, but have you tried downloading the files on your computer & then transferring the files to your PS3 through the USB port on a flash drive?

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Last Answer : do you mean that you want to load a picutre from your iPhone? If so, yes. I“ll edit once you clarify.

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Last Answer : There is no way to add images directly to Google search. However, Google indexes the images from various websites. And the text that is in the form of caption of the image and img alt text , Google ... Now, if Google thinks that it will index your image on the activity of that account , it can.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Are those seriousl the only choices? Things are never so black-and-white (pun intended). In real life you get a decent photographer with a decent camera.

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Last Answer : answer:I have Camera+ as my primary camera in my dock, but wind up using the built-in camera because i can access it more quickly through the lock screen. I do then import those photos into ... and exposure, and even the white balance independently, but haven't used it enough to really master it.