What iPhone app launcher do you use?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:http://www.apple.com/webapps/ P.S. = Congrats to “Jailbroken” on being the most overused word of 2007! Let’s see if it makes the Top 10 in 2008.

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Last Answer : Nope, even if there was it would have to store these files somewhere in the file system and Apple won’t allow that. Why don’t you just download them onto a computer and sync them on?

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Last Answer : answer:The AppStore uses the security code from your iTunes credit card to verify your iDevice as yours. Once it gets the correct code it should not ask you to re-enter it again. I would use your computer and iTunes to re-enter the credit card information and then try the iPhone again.

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Last Answer : answer:As long as there aren't any images which they would find offensive, I don't see why they wouldn't allow it. The app store already has a plethora of free wallpaper apps, so why not ... it. You might even sell prints of your pics as several other photagraphers do thru their free wallpaper apps.

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Last Answer : The iTunes App store is my favorite. Nothing like user generated reviews.

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Last Answer : Start here. Keep in mind that you need to know objective-C. If you don’t know what that is you have a long road ahead of you. And you need a Mac to develop for the iPhone. The developer tools only work on a Mac.

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Last Answer : In June.

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Last Answer : Sorry dude…. I got in early too, but all is fine…. 2.0 is all they promised!

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Last Answer : Welcome! I believe that the iPhone App is just a web-app at the moment (although I haven't been on for a few days so I may have missed the release of an App-store app). You can get to the web ... you will be redirected automatically, or visit http://i.ask-public.com (you end up in the same place).

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Last Answer : It’s buggy. Well it is on my iPad first gen, iOS 5. I’ve learnt to deal with the crashes and freezing, and I suggest you do the same too. Or you could try using FB through safari.

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Last Answer : You can’t. Once it’s on your accounts list of purchases it’s there forever.

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Last Answer : No. The original youtube app was created by Apple and Apple have discontinued it (along with the original google maps app). Short of downgrading back to iOS 5 which in itself would be tricky as you would need to get that from a 3rd party there is no way to get Apple to put their app back in.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't believe you can (at least without rolling back to 10.7). In 10.8 all updates, including system updates, pass through the App Store. The old Software Update panel is just there for ... Out, but when you try to update it will continue to pass the update request to the App Store.

Description : Is there an app for that this?

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Last Answer : answer:As far as I'm aware they can see your username (typically your email address without the @...com), the date and time you posted it. And possibly the country you're from. I ... re already sharing your location publicly. Is there anything in particular you're concerned about? Or just wondering?

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Last Answer : Hmm… Sorry, I’m not familiar with gifting apps, but have you read this page? http://support.apple.com/kb/ht2736#4 Scroll to the bottom.

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Last Answer : Browse opensourcemac.org, you’ll definitely find some good stuff there.

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Last Answer : If you have a laptop Mac, you can swipe four fingers sideways across the touchpad.

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Last Answer : Yes, it dosent delete your phones information. That will only happen if you do a restore.

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Last Answer : Trying to get a special poster?...

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Last Answer : Trism Drinks Guitar Toolkit Bloom What’s On Now Playing

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Last Answer : Ambrosia Software’s SnapzProX is the one I use-pro strength, I think it’s around $30.00 which for all of it’s functionality is a good deal.

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Last Answer : answer:in outlook on the windows machine go to your contacts folder and select a contact. then go File | Save As... and select .vcf or vCard files from the "type of file" drop down menu in ... OR YOU CAN BUY this software called O2M (outlook2 mac) for only 10 dollars http://www.littlemachines.com/

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Last Answer : Are the messages available for download server side?

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Last Answer : Ha Ha… Now why would they be illegal…? It shouldn’t be any offensive stuff…

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Last Answer : Happiness is only $4.99? Do you know what store it’s from?

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Last Answer : I was looking at the Macrumors live blog, and that never came up, unless I overlooked it.

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Last Answer : I think i will delete all of them except for Ask-public and Digg.

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Last Answer :

Description : What time will the App Store be released?

Last Answer : It’s been out, go here to download the 2.0 firmware and there you go.

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Last Answer : I hope so too, I’ve seen Tap Tap Revenge go in there after the initial release so maybe it’s a constant thing. Difficult to tell when the “new apps” section is always the same! I also find it funny the the Remote app is in the list twice!

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Last Answer : It’s called OSX, command-shift-3.

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Last Answer : http://www.google.com/search?q[equal]aol+address+book+mac

Description : Where can I find the plans to build a CO2 car launcher?

Last Answer : Here’s one.