What causes 'old man' smell?

1 Answer

Answer :

And people think I ask uncomfortable questions. Ewww, now I have the heebie jeebies.

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Last Answer : answer:I think it depends on what it is. Cigarette smoke, if you're walking past smokers or in a room with it, even for a very brief time, yes. Sometimes the bathroom at work smells like ... days when people didn't always take showers every day), and the cooking smells would make her hair smell.

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Last Answer : answer:It would be strange at first, because it would be different and new. But it would be pleasant, because what we generally consider fresh air (like a cool blast after a storm has washed particulate out of ... And it is refreshing and boosts one's mood. So it would be weird, but in a good way.

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Last Answer : answer:there is no smell that is the equivalent of camp. when im at camp, and i smell, it brings back all the good memories. my camp director always associates things with smell, so he tries to limit the ... at camp so it wont smell bad. smell is a key part in remembering things, for me at least.

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Last Answer : Cinnamon buns. Rose blossoms. Pine trees on a dry day in the high desert of California.

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Last Answer : answer:I will get drunk occasionally and put on Nat King Cole. My Father had always told me he had sung the perfect song. I am eleven again, having my first whiskey, listening to a vinyl record, and smoking a Pall Mall unfiltered in a dark kitchen with the old man.

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Last Answer : I love the smell of newly mown grass & the air after a storm. Oh and roses of course. I hate the smell of cauliflower while it is cooking.

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Last Answer : Chocolate-chip cookies in the oven!

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Last Answer : Smells are stray molecules, we detect them only when they're sufficiently concentrated in the air around us, when we don't sense them anymore it's just because the molecules are so few and far ... Yes, this means that when yousmell shit it's because small shit molecules are getting into your nose.

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Last Answer : the stinky pee thing is actually related to a gene... A very stinky pee gene.

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Last Answer : Did someone put a bread wrapper in the oven ? ? ?

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Last Answer : I know this: Febreze doesn’t even make a dent.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Chlorine can make the ice that is dispensed from an ice machine both taste and smell bad. A bad odor can also come from a wide range of contaminants in your ice machine, in addition to chlorine.

Description : Presence of carbonaceous matter in the sewage (A) Causes reduction in its dissolved oxygen content thereby endangering the life of aquatic creatures (B) Reduces sulphate ions to sulphides causing obnoxious ... quantity of chlorine used for its purification (D) All (A), (B) and (C)

Last Answer : (D) All (A), (B) and (C)

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Last Answer : Who the hell gets close enough? Now – the milkman, that’s another story!