Can women work for 'Tech Guys' at PC World?

1 Answer

Answer :

oh, come on

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Last Answer : answer:It puts the device and OS in a state between cold shutdown and traditional hibernate. It was put in place mostly to deliver faster boot/startup times. Cold boot stops everything. User sessions, ... smart phones. There is much more detail but I hope that is a simple explanation that helps.

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Last Answer : Iolo System Mechanic is a system utility designed to speed up your PC, protect your online privacy, and block malware threats. It pools a long list of tweaks, optimizations, and scans into one program, and ... bit .ly/39DtFZM - remove spaces, copy and paste to get your pc upgraded to the next level.

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Last Answer : answer:A big factor may often very well be the fact that, by dating much younger guys, they know that they're the ones in power. Having the power can be a pretty powerful aphrodisiac. There's also ... standard: Fine - all you guys want to date those little girls? We can do the same thing.

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Last Answer : answer:Go to (today – these are one day sales on woot) and buy the Toshiba laptop that is selling for $279.99 It’s a refurb, and it is not super top of the line, but it’s a Toshiba (good name) and the specs are respectable.

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Last Answer : SAS is probably the company your thinking of.

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Last Answer : I’m not at all a techie, but am usually up. I’m also in Cali, so it’s only midnightish here.

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Last Answer : The video might not be the exact way we men look at women, but it does prove they do look at us as well.

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Last Answer : Yes, I don’t compliment them unless I know them well.

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Last Answer : No.

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Last Answer : In movies for sure, but in real life too – probably. Why not, it’s a great opener?

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Last Answer : Sometimes it’s lack of self esteem. Sometimes they’re just stupid.

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Last Answer : answer:Women of that age should approach me bluntly. Friends have zero to do with it. There are a lot of slightly older women around I find very attractive, but I hesitate because they have kids. Not ... , I just worry about the logistics, etc , being a big disruption in their lives, and hesitate.

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Last Answer : answer:Well, from my limited understanding of psychology, women are attracted to men who are older (but not like Rolling Stones old) because they are more likely to stick around and help take care of the ... That being said, I'm not interested in dating an older guy, but have no explanation for it.

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Last Answer : I think you’re hanging with the wrong guys.

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Last Answer : I've seen groups of women play the damsel in distress card too at times. It's just a sign of that person's maturity and self-control. I do think some of it goes back to primal urges ( ... away with age and maturity, but from my experience, the primal urges to provide for and protect stick around.

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Last Answer : answer:Haha, “punched in the ovaries”. Ovaries are INSIDE the body. A woman can’t be punched in the ovaries. To see this illustrated, you can go to this link and scroll down quite a bit.

Description : What could be the reason?

Last Answer : Because they are rejuvenated. Single 30s chicks are more readily available.

Description : When a woman in a swimsuit walks around where are you looking at her? Feet? Butt? Tummy? Head? Hair? Or elsewhere?

Last Answer : Good question. Depending on what interests him when he does. Depending on how much time is to explore, but very often ass (front). Sometimes, however, it's such material that I lower my eyes and say to myself, "God, the girl you're eating ... so young and so fat."

Description : Could you guys give me your opinion of the Windows 10 upgrade?

Last Answer : answer:Here's a taste of the adventure I had before switching back to 7: Also, I do agree with what you said about it being designed more for ... for it to call up additional options. But it took me a stupid amount of time to figure that out.

Description : Guys, in post after post I'm seeing words that are blue and double underlined. Is it just me?

Last Answer : Is it a browser setting? Some browsers have options to highlight, underline or change the color of links. No, I don’t see it.

Description : What do you guys think of Lenovo laptops?

Last Answer : I don’t have it, but I’ve heard a lot of raving comments on the ThinkPad. (Also, they seem to work well with Ubuntu if you’re up for that :)

Description : What Do You Guys Think Of The Program FairUse Wizard?

Last Answer : It’s a great program. I use it myself. No viruses whatsoever. Very easy to use, and very customizable for experienced users.

Description : What is the best chat programs that you guys ever used ?

Last Answer : It’s a web based chat client that connects to aim, google chat, yahoo, and MSN. As a bonus, it works at work, where everything else is banned, or you can’t install new software by yourself. A+ for meebo.

Description : Do tablet PC styli ("styluses") work with just any tablet PC?

Last Answer : Not sure if this applies to all of them, but I had a toshiba tablet and it would only work with the Toshiba pens.

Description : I just got a Sony from best buy and am thinking about returning it. I paid 800 for the laptop. What should I exchange it for? I need to get a PC because it’s for work.

Last Answer : I would go with a Dell; reliable, fast, and great customer service when needed.

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Last Answer : One word answer about tech leaks and the folly thereof: Segway.

Description : How had the earliest printing tech developed in the world. Explain with examples -SST 10th

Last Answer : 'This answer was deleted by our moderators...

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Last Answer : A. Cyber

Description : What computer related certifications are the quickest to obtain and most beneficial to finding tech support or low level IT work?

Last Answer : Hmm probably the A+ cert would be one of the easiest to get. That said, it won't guarantee you any huge wage. Honestly I've been in the tech support industry for a long time and none of my ... jobs you're after require - that way you won't waste a lot of time and money on useless certifications.

Description : people who work on google/amazon/meta or any other big tech company, how is it?

Last Answer : You won't get an honest answer, those companies probably have blackmail on all their employees.

Description : What are some cool web/tech companies to work for in Portland, Oregon?

Last Answer : make great Mac software. I think they’re in that area.

Description : I have severe osteoarthritis and in paticular my index finger large joint is very swollen and painful. Could this laser tech procedure work on that joint.A surgeon wants to replace this joint. X-rays show large white deposits. I really don't want surgery.?

Last Answer : Laser surgery is much less invasive than the old types of surgeries that are available. You will recuperate much faster and have less pain. In my case I have had that type of surgery and though I do ... replacement. Only you can make this decision for yourself. I can tell you that it worked for me.

Description : How much schooling is needed for ultrasound tech Where in Austin, Tx. What kind of $ can be made doing this kind of work?

Last Answer : One option would be The Academy of Health Care Professions in Austin, TX. The average salary of a ultrasound technician is $51,000.

Description : Where does a pharm tech work, in a pharmacy or a hospital?

Last Answer : A pharmacy technician typically works inside of a pharmacy. If they instead work in a hospital, they typically work in the pharmacy within the hospital.