Where should I live after I graduate?

1 Answer

Answer :

where the cost of living is highest and so are the salleries...b/c when you retire your higher retirement income and paid off overpriced home equity will allow you to live where ever in the world you please.

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Last Answer : What do you want to do in life? Regardless of what the answer is, I guarantee you that money will make it easier to pursue your goals. Especially in this economic climate, I would advise you to get some ... , so that you don't get swept up in the river and become content with where it takes you.

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Last Answer : Last time you wanted to transfer to be with a friend. Are you testing your argument for your parents with us? Is the quality of your education being affected now? Since your major is being cut ... you gave no valid reason to change schools now. Be honest. Why are you really wanting to transfer?

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Last Answer : At the 4-year state school that my daughters attended, you had to have a 2.0 average to graduate. That may be different at other universities, community colleges, and institutions.

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Last Answer : You should stay where you are, retake the class, improve your GPA, and then try again. It's not the GPA that's the problem. It's the failing grade followed by an immediate attempt to transfer ... professor right away, so start with the main office and see who they direct you to for more information.

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Last Answer : answer:The expectation here is that you will do at least 10 hours of study for every 10 credit points awarded. An undergrad degree is usually 240 credit points/24 courses or 48 units with each ... 2400 hours minimum. Based on full time load. Two semesters per year. Four courses/units per semester.

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Last Answer : answer:The only thing that genuinely surprised me about my MA program was how competitive and petty the students in my department could be. There was definitely some amount of animosity toward the students who were ... helps to be able to bounce ideas off of people who are in the same boat as you.

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Last Answer : If there is a good chance you will get a job afterward doing something you love, go for it. If one of the other schools gives you some funding, go there.

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Last Answer : Not sure but maybe being with younger girls makes this guy feel younger himself, like he still has it. Other than that I honestly don’t know why there would be such an age gap.

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Last Answer : answer:I find Wikipedia to be very bad at math and statistics. Definitely not the place for beginners to look. You might find it easier to follow Wolfram Alpha‘s explanation of natural logarithms (which is the context for understanding what e is). Also… e is never capitalized. :)

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Last Answer : This site can answer your questions about how different factors lead to different school choices.

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Last Answer : answer:I guess you cannot use University as your employer. Look for “Other” option. I don’t know the rules there, but I wouldn’t use the University as my employer. Call up their customer service or call center and better ask them.

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Last Answer : Screw it and give it a whirl. I live in NYS, it’s a great place. Only thing is the schools are under a lot of budgetary constraints. Most are cutting back on staff right now. It’s going to be tough as a new teacher. And most schools let teachers get their masters in the first year or two of work.

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Description : Which graduate school out of these?

Last Answer : answer:It's too hard to answer, with the information you have given. Every student has to choose the school that best serves his or her educational goals and temperament. Without know knowing what your friend ... all research your friend has to do. It is his life. He needs to steer his own ship.

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Last Answer : answer:@talljasperman, do you want to know how to peer review articles OR to write them? Those who peer review articles would generally have a strong research and publication history in that area or with that ... is less of a specialist to read it for meaning. Good luck. Hope this helps a little.

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Last Answer : Have you found an answer to your question? Have you been to this website here?

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Last Answer : Join the Air Force. Seriously. My sister did that, the benefits were great, she was delighted with the whole deal.

Description : Did you graduate? If so, how is your life better? If not, how is your life worse?

Last Answer : answer:Without a High School Diploma your odds of landing any job, let alone a good one, are very slim in today's world. You might be one of the lucky few who has some other skill or just ... But if you don't finish High School you will be severely hampering yourself for the rest of your life.

Description : Did you go to graduate school?

Last Answer : Not yet, but I plan to…one degree at a time…

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Last Answer : answer:I think that if I didn't give it my very best shot, I'd always regret it. If I gave up too easily, it would be apparent that my conviction and passion didn't go very deep. And ... to let it go and move on. Not completing the thesis does not deduct anything from the knowledge already gained.

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Last Answer : I don't think you are wrong for feeling the way you do, but as long as you are living with them, they can set rules for their house. Sure, it sounds like they are over protective and a bit naive with ... that are making you feel smothered. It may or may not help, but you won't know until you try.

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Last Answer : In my experience in academia (I'm life scientist, not a social scientist) an undergraduate school with a good reputation and good anthropology department will be helpful for getting into graduate school. But ... go to graduate school and how you perform there will determine how easily you get a job.

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Last Answer : I think it’s high time that the Electoral College was put to rest. The only thing it ever guaranteed was that the will of the voters was ignored.

Description : Should I NOT graduate in order to receive financial aid?

Last Answer : ay, i hate to un-orphan this question because I really have no advice butttt this sounds like a bad idea.

Description : How do I make myself become more qualified for a graduate assistantship?

Last Answer : Any kind of teaching experience would be a definite plus. The GPA requirement would vary from one school to another and probably have more weight in getting into the program rather than becoming a TA.

Description : Would you rather graduate from college with a 4.0 GPA, and study all day long?

Last Answer : If those are my only choices, I have to go with the 4.0 GPA.

Description : Do you think it will be easier to find a job if you graduate from a CSU, in comparison to let's say USC or Irvine?

Last Answer : I think it’s much more important what your field of study is rather than which of the two state university systems you graduate from.

Description : What are the best (i.e. most affordable, best quality of learning etc.) graduate schools to obtain a Masters degree in Speech Pathology?

Last Answer : I got my Master’s in Audiology (18 years ago) from the same school I got my Bachelor’s. For my stage if life it was the best fit, since it was local and I was starting a family. Also, it was a state school, so as a resident, tuition was reduced.

Description : What is the most polite way to ask my professors to write me a recommendation for graduate school?

Last Answer : I wwould go to them during their office hours and ask in person. If they say yes, you can say you will follow up with an e-mail giving them the specifics.

Description : Trying to understand the Graduate School financial conundrum...

Last Answer : Usually an RA or TA or graduate stipend will be decided based on your existing application and will be a part of the acceptance offer you receive, you don’t have to do anything but accept one.

Description : High School Teachers: How many credits are required to graduate and how many credits are possible each year of school?

Last Answer : I don’t know how it’d be possible to take “extra” credits at my old school now (my sister is still there). From what I understand, “study hall” has been done away with. Every one of the 7 periods a day is filled with an actual credit-earning class.

Description : Other than FAFSA/gov't grants/loans, how can I fund my graduate education?

Last Answer : Your best bet is to research the schools you're interested in and look at what they offer in terms of assistantships. A good assistantship will cover tuition and provide a stipend. Assistantships generally come ... adequately. Feel free to leave a comment on my user page if you need any more help.

Description : Is a university responsible for its graduate students' education?

Last Answer : Students are responsible for themselves.

Description : Anyone graduate with a math related?

Last Answer : I graduated with a degree in mathematics. I used it directly in only one job in my career (designing piece-part measuring software for a metrology company. I used circle of best fit, general statistics ... teaches you to think logically. So a career in programming made a great deal of sense to me.

Description : Can an unclassifed graduate student get private student loans?

Last Answer : Sure. I have a friend who took out a $28,000 loan from a bank to complete a post-baccalaureate pre-med program. …but make sure it’s worth it.

Description : What stereotypes do you believe about the various types graduate and professional students?


Description : Graduate or don't graduate?

Last Answer : I'm a bit confused about why you want to go to law school to be a high school english teacher ? In any case, I think you should stick it out. Time and money will feel like it's bad, but if you ... out now, and for some reason don't get into law school, you will beat yourself up about why you left.

Description : What is the the best entry-level real estate job for an upcoming college graduate?

Last Answer : I just read an article on Inman saying that ranks of real estate staff will thin between 20%-40% by 2010. Real estate folks are dropping out of the busniess in numbers not seen since the 1970's. ... downsized and laid off. Try health care or education, or check our working for the Gov. Good luck.

Description : What to get a master's graduate for a gift?

Last Answer : What’s the degree in?