Learning how to speak Mandarin online?

1 Answer

Answer :

Mandarin is not just one language but a complicated set of regional dialects; plus tone and pitch are an integral part of learning whichever dialect you choose.. I can't imagine learning it online...Do you have access to a college w. a language lab or can you find a native speaker? Maybe you can barter for lessons?

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Last Answer : how did you did that???

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Last Answer : I only have experience with one program, and that’s the Rosetta Stone program. I really liked the program and know many other’s that have used it and liked it as well. They have 2 different Spanish programs (Latin America and Spain), along with a lot of other languages.

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Last Answer : Gamsa is really informal like if i had a friend the same age as me and we are good friends or to someone younger than me. gamsahabnida is the formal way of saying it. that's to an ... but still considered informal. best bet: gamsahabnida. you can never go wrong with speaking to someone formally.

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Last Answer : A microchip implant? Good luck. How fluent do they expect you to be? I really thing that an intensive Berlitz Total Immersion Class may be your only hope. Very effective, extremely expensive. On the ... the coffee pot, everywhere you go, someone drilling you with flash cards. Maybe that could work.

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Last Answer : answer:Rosetta Stone gets pretty good reviews. Then again, if cost is not an issue, consider spending some time in Italy.