What's a good website for baking recipes?

1 Answer

Answer :

epicurious.com gives readers' ratings ..4 forks being the best I think.

Related questions

Description : What is a good website for finding recipes?

Last Answer : I don’t like recipes from standard websites. I like to search the chef I like and pick a recipe from them.

Description : Do you use a convection oven for baking and if so, what is your experience with it?

Last Answer : I use it fairly often when making chicken or roasts. I'm very happy with the results and it does speed up the cooking. I have not had as much luck with baking cakes and cookies. I ... better for some cooking though, supposedly the humidity is different, and for broiling is fantastic in my opinion.

Description : What is the umbrella term for baking , cooking, etc.?

Last Answer : Cooking covers all of it.

Description : Should I wrap a potato for baking in foil?

Last Answer : answer:Wrapping it sets up more of a “steam” event than a “roast” event. Wrapped, the skin is kept moister and more malleable. Baked without foil, the skin is crispier and drier. And now I want a potato.

Description : Why is it no longer required to reduce the oven temperature when baking in glass?

Last Answer : I just made a white cake (Kroger brand) with my daughter last week. I can’t remember if it mentioned glass, but it did mention dark non stick pans. Next time I go to the grocery store, I’ll check.

Description : Can I refrigerate cookie dough that relies on lots of butter to spread the cookie during baking if I bring it to room temperature before baking?

Last Answer : answer:I frequently refrigerate cc cookie dough and bake it off in small amounts. I will let it soften a bit before putting on the baking sheets. What works even better is to put it on the trays and then ... it soften some. I wouldn't leave it more than about three days or so in the fridge though.

Description : How is your luck with cooking and baking in a convection oven?

Last Answer : Times are shorter in baking and roasting in a convection oven. The cooking is much more even and with a little practice, start with cookies not anything more involved.

Description : Can I substitute coconut milk for regular milk in my baking?

Last Answer : It would impart a coconut taste. Otherwise, it should work in biscuits. I would cut back on the fat in the recipe since coconut milk contains a lot.

Description : Have I rendered my aluminum baking sheet pan unusable?

Last Answer : Aluminum is a neuro-toxin and is suspected of leaching small amounts of toxins into the foods cooked in it. I’d just replace it anyway.

Description : What to do with leftover baking beans (pastry making)

Last Answer : You mean the ones you put on top of the pastry while it’s being baked blind so it doesn’t puff up? I keep them and reuse them a few times.

Description : Baking chocolate bar. Can I sweeten it with splenda if I melt it?

Last Answer : I don’t see why not.

Description : Baking emergency! Please help with a cocoa substitution.

Last Answer : Semi-sweet chocolate will make a fine replacement. Just use a little less sugar.

Description : What if I put four packages of boxed casserole potatoes into one baking dish?

Last Answer : 20 minutes x 4 four boxes of Betty Crocker scalloped potatoes = 80 minutes? Don’t really know, I’m not a cook.

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Last Answer : whoever gave me a great question made me hit 15k lurve. Thanks!!

Description : Gluten-free baking: Do regular grocery stores carry what is needed?

Last Answer : You could try Whole Foods or any larger health food store for gluten-free flours, etc. Some large grocery chains carry them (depends on your part of the country).

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Last Answer : In my experience there hasn’t been much difference other than it just tastes… wheatier. I’ve made pasta, pizza dough, and pancakes with it. I’m not sure what kind I used.

Description : Baking emergency! How to make a great cheesecake from scratch?

Last Answer : What other kind of baking pan do you have? It’s going to be more important to watch the temp and possibly a water bath.

Description : What are your favorite bread recipes?

Last Answer : This Corgi bread looks really interesting.

Description : Do you like yogurt, if so, what is your favorite kind, and do you have any recipes for which you use yogurt?

Last Answer : I also love Labneh a thick Middle Eastern fresh yogurt cheese. I have made this at home many times. It’s very easy and super delicious.

Description : Got any good and easy cauliflower recipes?

Last Answer : answer:I love this recipe Sorry about it being NSFW

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Last Answer : I don’t think dried smoked salmon needs cooking does it?

Description : What are your favorite dishes and recipes using tomatoes?

Last Answer : You know, a caprese salad is delicious. So if you can find some beautiful tomatoes why not just team them with a lovely mozzarella and some basil. Other than that you could stuff them or make your own tomato sauce (ketchup) or a marinara sauce that you can use in a whole host of dishes later.

Description : Polenta: I want to know your personal stories and recipes?

Last Answer : answer:I one time made a polenta loaf for Thanksgiving dinner that I topped with melted cheese and mushrooms. It was delicious. I naturally love polenta because I grew up eating grits.

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Last Answer : I know this isn’t strictly what you’re asking, but you don’t have to have a tagine to make tagine. Other types of cooking vessels will do.

Description : What are some good eggplant recipes?

Last Answer : You say you don’t like parmesan cheese, but if you’ve never had it this way you should really try it. Eggplant parmesan is a great dish and not hard to make. Many recipes online, including this one.

Description : What are your pumpkin recipes?

Last Answer : I can only comment on baking the seeds, which is a tradition in my house. Delicious. Make sure you clean the seeds and thoroughly dry. Put in a bowl and put olive oil and salt, and mix up until they are all covered. Cook at 300 (?) degrees until they brown, stirring occasionally.

Description : Quick, I need some easy crock pot chicken recipes!

Last Answer : Add a bottle of Italian dressing and some veggies. Super easy and good.

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Last Answer : answer:I use various recipes, but my personal favorite is teriyaki deer jerky (or beef if you prefer.) Depending on the amount you're making I use @½ cup honey to ½ cup soy sauce (high end!), ... to drizzle honey or lightly sugar the fruit. Remember it gets sweeter as it's dried, it concentrates it.

Description : Hey jelly, tried any good new recipes lately?

Last Answer : answer:I'm a fellow vegetarian, and I can get into a real rut with vegetable side dishes. I recently found a recipe for Ginger-Glazed Carrots with Cranberries in the Washington Post, and it's ... reduced to a glaze. 8 servings at 150 calories, and much simpler and easier than the recipe sounds.

Description : Will you share your uncomplicated slow cooker recipes with me? (Also an additional question about this CrockPot)

Last Answer : The plastic smell is probably the heating element being used for the first time. The food should be fine. if they're meat eaters throw a roast in with a can of condensed soup, usually cream of mushroom ... get a feel for it. And try to resist opening it too often. it really slows the cooking time.

Description : Got any simple recipes for salmon fillets and a nice, easy sauce?

Last Answer : answer:Sear on both sides in a little EVOO. Add some chix broth and poach until done. Sauce with half mayo, half sour cream with lots of fresh dill. Serve with lemon wedges. Salt and pepper to taste. ... (and possibly a few ears of corn if they're fresh off the farm. Berries and cookies for dessert.

Description : Do you have any creative but VERY SIMPLE toddler friendly recipes?

Last Answer : Mashed potatoes and meat gravy (with ground beef or ground turkey).

Description : Do any Jellies have corned beef hash recipes to share?

Last Answer : answer:I am more inclined to make roast beef hash with leftover roast beef. But I think the principle is the same. Finely dice some onion (Note: you can also use green onions.) and saute in the ... Add the finely diced, cooked meat. Salt and pepper to taste. Heat through and serve. It's delicious.

Description : Do you have any savory recipes that use buttermilk as an ingredient?

Last Answer : Salad dressing is the first thing that comes to mind. Low fat and delicious! Here is a quick recipe I found by googling buttermilk dressing recipes.

Description : What are your best seafood recipes?

Last Answer : Buy wild salmon steaks. Sear on both sides in a hot pan with a little EVOO. Then add some lo-sodium chicken broth and poach until done. Garnish with sprigs of fresh dill and lemon wedges.

Description : Care to share your cabbage and beef soup recipes?

Last Answer : This recipe for corned beef, cabbage and red pepper stew is good and spicy.

Description : It's that time of the year. Share your FAVORITE Turkey Day dishes and recipes?

Last Answer : My favorite is stuffing; mo recipe needed really. I make my stuffing with homemade buttermilk cornbread baked with lots of butter. As the cornbread cools a bit, sauté in butter in a big saucepan a bunch ... veggie sausage. Pack it into a greased baking pan and bake at about 350 until crispy on top.

Description : Any scrumptious crock pot recipes that you'd care to share with the rest of the class?

Last Answer : Thank god for a question that at least gets me going a little! I love ham, cabbage, and potatoes in the crock pot. Throw in however much of any of the ingredients you like and a little water.

Description : Any good recipes for Red Velvet Cake?

Last Answer : This one from Food network is good.

Description : Care to share your favorite fall and winter soup recipes?

Last Answer : answer:Smoked sausage and cabbage soup Herb and garlic stock ( Lipton makes a good instant and you can add more seasonings if you desire ) 1 thinly sliced smoked sausage 1 large red bell pepper sliced in ... , reduce heat and simmer for about 45 min. to an hour until veggies are steamed and tender.

Description : Any good recipes for meatless meatloaf or veggie burgers?

Last Answer : answer:I find this recipe is excellent: Tofu and Mushroom Nut Loaf Ingredients: 2 eggs 1 tablespoon soy sauce 350g tofu ¾ cup chopped nuts (I use half & half almonds and sunflower seed) 1 packet onion ... F for approx 60 minutes. Let cool slightly. Turn loaf out and slice. Serve with miso gravy.

Description : What recipes for a watermelon?

Last Answer : Inject vodka. Enjoy.

Description : What does the "starter" do in bread recipes such as ciabatta?

Last Answer : The starter gives the yeast time to activate and grow as yeast is the primary rising agent. The longer the yeast activates for the more flavourful your bread will be. I like to have my bread rise slowly, ... hours and then again, on the counter, for another 5 or 6 hours. Makes for very tasty bread.

Description : Got any easy recipes for bay scallops?

Last Answer : answer:I just sautee in a light olive oil (not EVOO) and sprinkle some salt before cooking. My husband loves them. I once had Scallops with a white sauce that had some cheese and wine in it that was baked and got brown on top. I don’t have a recipe though.

Description : Does anyone have any good recipes that require a lot of yolks?

Last Answer : answer:Tiramisu for example. More here

Description : Would you share your favorite summer salad recipes?

Last Answer : answer:The magic salad: Black and White Bean Salad (Yield: 8-10 servings) 2 cans drained black beans (you can be pure and start with dried beans) 2 cans drained small white beans ( ditto) 1 can ... T dijon mustard 1 t freshly minced garic 1½ C EVOO Salt and pepper to taste. (Kosher and ground).

Description : What are some good recipes with caramel?

Last Answer : The easiest way to have a nice caramel treat for me is to have fresh sliced apples and then you take a block of cream cheese, lay it on a plate and push a spoon into the middle of it to make a well ... all over that. Fill it up and let it run over the sides. There you have it. Caramel apple dip.

Description : Has anyone any good smoked mackerel recipes?

Last Answer : How about as a sandwich on a bagel with butter or cream cheese and onions and/or tomatoes?

Description : Will you share your favorite Chex mix recipes?

Last Answer : What is Chex?

Description : Any good pizza recipes/suggestions?

Last Answer : http://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/pizza-recipes