Which is greater: the number of international photo-journalists and reporters in Iraq or the number of international photo-journalists and reporters in Mumbai following Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt?

1 Answer

Answer :

Thanks for a great question. I don't know the answer, but suspect you're right.

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Last Answer : Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

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Last Answer : answer:There is no data explaining people's opinions, as far as I know. In fact, I don't even know if it is true that people do support this action. Assuming they do, my crystal ball says there are ... crazy. We will not be involved in a ground war. We like to shoot at things and make big booms!

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Last Answer : Well the problem with all those clandestine, black ops types is that you aren't supposed to know what they're up to. Although in my opinion they've been extremely useful. In WW2 they supported Allied ... info here. I'm assuming you've looked at Wikipedia. You should also look at this TV show.

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Last Answer : well, he is GIVING every person that files a tax return $600. Sounds like a considerate action to me.

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Last Answer : that kind of info should not be posted over the internet