What is the name of the SNL skit where two ladies have a talk show of sorts and they would say things like "That's nice" "That's great"?

1 Answer

Answer :

Delicious Dish?

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Description : Whats your favorite SNL skit?


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Last Answer : I’d have to think it was just better back then. If you look at the success of the people after they left compared to recent times, the former are more successful.

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Last Answer : You can watch the whole episode on Hulu Plus. It's the the seventh episode of the twelfth season of Saturday Night Live. Yeah, I looked that last bit up. :-) It's not on regular Hulu, only on Hulu ... service but you can sign up for a free trial for a week which will give you access to the show.

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Last Answer : answer:MadTV is far better than SNL. SNL was good up until about 1982–84.

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Last Answer : He stole idea’s from someone else and used them on SNL http://www.mentalfloss.com/blogs/archives/51080

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Last Answer : SNL has always had pre-recorded skits to some degree. (Perhaps you remember the infamous John Belushi I'm a dancer skit). But the digital skits started out when Andy Samberg and the rest of ... began to actually air, people really liked them, so it started becoming a regular feature on the show.

Description : Am I alone in finding SNL to be just awful?

Last Answer : wait, you mean you watch Televison? No i don’t find anything on tv to be funny.

Description : How do you get the original copies of SNL Sketches...

Last Answer : Rip it from hulu.com :)

Description : What are your favorite SNL characters?

Last Answer : Chris Farley as Barney, the wannabe Chippendales dancer. Or as Matt Foley, motivational speaker.

Description : Why does SNL suck so much?

Last Answer : I’m watching it right now because Ellen Page is hosting. I don’t have the answer but you are right. Just about nothing has been funny, not even the cartoon.

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Last Answer : JLeslie Hey lady this cuts both ways. :)

Description : SPOILERS! ! ! ! ! So, who wants to talk about Breaking Bad?

Last Answer : I watched the mythbusters episode about some of the chemistry in the show. “Breaking Bad” Chemistry: Busted. Hack writers: Confirmed. (You just had to see the so called “writer” try to pull excuses out of his arse why the shit in the show does not actually work when tested.)