What are your favorite trivia?

1 Answer

Answer :

Harry S truman’s middle name was S.

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Last Answer : Damn! I thought that my hats were shrinking. It is my ears pushing them up.

Description : What is the difference between knowledge and trivia?

Last Answer : Trivia is the random, disconnected, small scale facts that are incidental to a thing or person. It may appeal to others in the sense that it seems interesting, but it rarely explains any larger context. It ... here amount to trivia. The rest involve some kind of knowlege - Guess what this one is ;)

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Last Answer : Yes, I would be annoyed. What happened when someone asked him to stop?

Description : Has anyone here played Buzztime trivia games at Buffalo Wild Wings or at a similar venue?

Last Answer : We did have that but it was ages ago…have not seen it anywhere since the 80’s but I don’t go to bars all that often anymore except to watch live music. You are right about it being fun and addicting.

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Last Answer : Detroit is north of Canada.

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Last Answer : Can you tell us a little more about your team? Who do you have on it? Profession? Ages? That kind of info will make it easier to come up with a good name.

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Last Answer : A portrait removed from where? Like expunged from history itself? No. Any portraits, photographs, films, recordings, stay on to mark that history.

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Last Answer : Regarding the problem with questions, that has been a topic of discussion on Meta recently. As for the first and more vital question, all I do is read, question and pay attention. To everything I can.

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Last Answer : answer:1. I'm going to guess on a round number here: 150. (I'm only counting unique people, not double-counting or more for those who have participated in multiple launches.) 2. Let's see: USA and USSR / Russia ... I don't think that India has. So I'm going to say 2, for the USA and USSR / Russia.

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Last Answer : certainly the fulcrum of the Roman Empire was shifted East after Constantine established his new Capitol. The strategic location of Constantinople rendered it the better center for the wielding of power, and the city quickly displaced Rome in every aspect but nostalgia and monuments.

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Last Answer : answer:Thermopolis, WY. And Thermopylae. And Constantinople (which was Constantinopolis). Don’t forget the Acropolis.

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Last Answer : Have you tried watching the You Tube episodes. There would surely be something there.

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Description : Do you know any surprising truths?

Last Answer : answer:If you haven't been to the Alamo, yes that Alamo, in San Antonio, it's way, way smaller than you probably think it is. You might be shocked at how really small it is. Not a great ... imagine to be, well, that's a little soft and outside the parameters of your question, I think. Sorry.

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Last Answer : Visit freerice.com

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Last Answer : answer:There's a whole long article in wikipedia about it with a time line and explanation of why it is not yet implemented. I remember how excited I was that the U. S. was finally ... sensible measuring system, only to see the efforts suffer set back after setback by ignorant, close-minded people.

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Last Answer : I have heard of this and seen it done many times, but I have no idea where the tradition comes from. This is interesting, but I have no idea if it is true.

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Last Answer : answer:Oxford, founded around 1167 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Oxford

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Last Answer : Did you Google that?

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Last Answer : Donnie Darko.

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Description : Would you play this trivia question and answer game?

Last Answer : The answer to the question, Which of the two leading actors in the movie “TWINS” is a friend of the leading actor in another movie where in the last scene, a yacht travels along a street in New York City? is Danny de Vito and @DrBill GOT IT!

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Last Answer : answer:Duke of Gloschester Pub 649 Yonge St. Duke of Richmond Pub 20 Queen St. W.

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Last Answer : Nobody here plays in National Trivia Night? That’s two random hooks for ambient intelligence that have come up empty.

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Last Answer : answer:Pay for my plane ticket from Ireland and we can trivia as much as you like. :)

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Last Answer : Have you looked on eBay? People sell all kinds of things there. You might get lucky. If it’s not on eBay, I’ll bet it’s somewhere else online. Good luck!

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Last Answer : That link takes me to a FileDropper homepage. Is that what it’s supposed to be?

Description : Invite friends to a virtual trivia night with an online sign up. View an Example

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Description : Has anyone ever played K.O. Trivia?

Last Answer : Hello! I have played and it is just a waste of time to be honest. You enter games to win $1, then you play sometimes get extra lives and if you are the last ne standing you get the $1. However sometimes you want to ... ... It is a big NOPE, at least for me. Now if you are in for the fun go for it.

Description : Has Anyone Ever Played HQ Trivia?

Last Answer : It is a game of questions and answers in the most varied categories, as well as the Questioned - which was very successful among Brazilians. The big advantage is that the HQ Trivia rewards the winners ... values distributed via PayPal. I never managed to get any cash on it nor know anyone who had.

Description : How to get free games in trivia crack?

Last Answer : Basically, there are some ways that you can earn extra coins when playing the game. These are called hacks and people find them useful. This isn't cheating or using a crack program to cheat with. Here are ... hacks can help you earn extra coins. They are legal and they don't cheat the game at all.