Do you think that a performing artist should stop performing when they get too old to provide the level of performance they gave in their younger years?

1 Answer

Answer :

I guess not if people are still willing to buy the tickets and the shows are still selling out. Hey the Stones are still rockin. I know when my parents went to see Bob Dylan a couple years ago they were pretty disappointed. But I guess that’s on a different performance scale than Madonna.

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Last Answer : I had a chance to stay out in California and start to work in film but instead, moved back to Wisconsin to finish up my bachelors degree. While I'm happy I have my degree, I really would rather be ... . Guess I'll just have to do something huge in the midwest and hope that it gets noticed. :-/

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Last Answer : Younger generations are pretty occupied nowadays with much more entertainment available especially from the internet. Take for example in a family, i think most kids now prefer to spend their time ... to accumulate wealth and the exposure to wider aspect of life with the advent of technology.

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Last Answer : no, guess i was lucky

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Last Answer : Yeah! I’m still trying to have one.

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Last Answer : For future reference, you can just ask the question in the question field. Also, you might not want to use ALL CAPS.

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Last Answer : Hulk!

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Last Answer : answer:Generally, my concerns consist of day by day issues. ie, what am I going to wear/do/go today? I've stopped with the constant wonder about relationships, and am more money orientated with my thoughts. ... I'm glad my dad can relate to me. Other than that, I dont have much thoughts on it.

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Last Answer : Reasonable.

Description : While performing services for their clients professionals have always had a duty to provide a level of care which is a. Reasonable. b. Greater than average. c. Superior. d. Guaranteed to be free from error

Last Answer : Reasonable.

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Last Answer : Cavetown

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Last Answer : Alan Jackson. he has it made, monentarily, but he appears to enjoy his singing talent, simply because he loves the music.

Description : The Philippine Framework for Assurance Engagements a. Provides a frame of reference for CPAs in public practice when performing audits, reviews, and compilations of historical financial information. b. ... of an assurance engagement, and identifies engagements to which PSAs, PSREs, and PSAEs apply

Last Answer : Defines and describes the elements and objectives of an assurance engagement, and identifies engagements to which PSAs, PSREs, and PSAEs apply

Description : Customers that are willing to pay for products with cutting edge technology that are fast performing and small in size are in the a. traditional segment. b. high end segment c. low end segment d. performance segment e. size segment

Last Answer : b. high end segment

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Last Answer : B) Disk scheduling