Why are kids given their father's surname?

1 Answer

Answer :

I assume it’s because traditionally the wife takes her husband’s name. Giving it to the kids also makes the family all clearly part of the same clan.

Related questions

Description : What are the pros and cons of giving my child either my surname or the father's?

Last Answer : answer:In today's world, mothers often have different last names than their children, so I wouldn't worry about feeling uncomfortable in school settings and the like. Since I'm divorced from ... altogether that reflects both last names. For Smith and Johnson, for instance, it could be Smithson.

Description : Fathers, would you pay a sitter $10 an hour to watch your kids while you're THERE!

Last Answer : I get paid to do the same thing. I think for the parents it’s just nice to have someone else around, especially when they’re alone with multiple kids, just in case they can’t deal with all of them at once.

Description : Have you noticed that fathers who are tending small children, tend to not hold their had when crossing a street or a parking lot?

Last Answer : I don't notice any such thing here in Brooklyn where pretty much everyone always makes sure their kids are close as they have a perception of danger or lack of community. Alex will always hold Alexey's ... see, as well, where they would only do this with their male kids and not their female kids.

Description : What attributes do you think fathers naturally teach their sons?

Last Answer : The ones they are least aware of and don’t give a moment’s though to. Those are the ones that are picked up every day, “naturally”.

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Last Answer : answer: I'm sure ask-public will probably deny this question Why? Take the high road and never talk crap about the other parent. But ask for a meeting with the judge or whoever decided the on the shared ... nothing to do with her dad. It's a right of passage to tell a parent that you hate them.

Description : Can we take a moment to wish a Happy Father's Day to all Fathers?

Last Answer : I lost my dad too, but he was totally awesome, and he died doing what he did best; refusing to cut his hair. :D And loving me, despite how bumpy things often got. And just being generally awesome, and ... cool, obscure and and funky music and movies. If he can hear me, happy Father's Day dad! :D

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Last Answer : I feel like we definitely talked this over before but I can't find where. I fundamentally believe that each person responsible for a child should have a say BUT the person who is to carry that child inside ... his own if he truly wants the child and the mother's role will end once the baby is born.

Description : May I wish the daddy jellies a happy Father's Day?

Last Answer : I would love to wish my dad a happy Father’s Day, even though he is no longer physically with me. He is still alive in spirit, was my mentor, was always there for me, and I will never forget him.

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Last Answer : I’m pretty sure when I lived in the south and I saw a parent whack their kid on the ass for misbehaving that parent thought people around them would think well of the parent for doing something to discipline their kid.

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Last Answer : I gave all my kids one when they reached 16. If they wanted one before then I let them but they had to pay for it themselves. Its amazing how fast they decide they don’t need one when its coming out of their own pockets.

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Last Answer : Some of those parents need to be investigated.

Description : When you took your kids to visit other people, did you always make a point of having your kids clean up after themselves before you left, or did you feel it was their job, as a host, to do it?

Last Answer : When other people bring their dogs over to visit my dog, they pull all of her toys out but never put them back.

Description : What do you think of the Jimmy Kimmel challenge, where parents tell their kids they ate all of their Halloween candy?

Last Answer : At first I found it funny and posted it on Facebook. But after that I began to think it was mean and not funny. Strange.

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Last Answer : I wondered about that at Gila. Even adults. Perhaps they tethered the small children, or maybe there was some sort of barrier made from vegetation at the time they lived there. I imagine there had to have been some form of reminder that one more step, and you’re a splat.

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Last Answer : answer:I never knew anyone who was beaten with a belt or anything else while I was growing up; I never knew anyone who beat his kids while I was an active parent and I know no one now who ... or grandkids. That is, of course, my personal experience and doesn't extrapolate into anyone else's world.

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Last Answer : answer:I think Facebook is a bad thing. However, I can't seem to get rid of it. Facebook for young kids is horrible. Kids start posting everything about themselves on there believing that their ... communicate. Instead, they are on a website using text-speak. The opportunity cost is very high.

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Last Answer : answer:It appears to me that the ipods are ruling the meaning of Christmas and not the children and your ex. If the ipods come into your home, your children will be occupied with them and not you or ... if this is the only excuse that will have your children focused on you ....then use it!!.

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Last Answer : I don’t know if there’s any data, but I wouldn’t trust a person that couldn’t make responsible decisions with any life to be a parent.

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Last Answer : Same expectation, no matter the restaurant. No screaming or wailing and you say excuse me if you have to pass by someone. Actually, that’s the expectation anywhere, not just restaurants.

Description : How strict are you with your kids about keeping their room clean?

Last Answer : Not very. My kids usually don’t have to be told to put their toys away or keep their rooms tidy——they get that from their mother, not ahem, me. lol

Description : How to handle neighbors who let their kids freeload in your backyard without asking?

Last Answer : Lock all gates from the inside so kids can get out, but not in. Your kids, and invited guests, can come in and out though the house.

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Last Answer : answer:In the invitation, just list it as follows: This wedding has been rated R by the MPAA (Marital Participants Association of America) for adult content, language, strong sexual themes, and brief ... , and it's your wedding, and with enough notice they should be able to find a babysitter.

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Last Answer : answer:Um. Well, I guess it depends on how serious the charges are. Sometimes people get jailed for “abuse” when it’s not really. Also, how old are the kids? I don’t think total honesty is necessary all the time for younger children.

Description : When parents are blogging, at what age do you think they should cut back on the details to preserve the privacy and/or dignity of their kids?

Last Answer : If it was completely anonymous, I wouldn’t think it would be a problem. However, if everyone knows who the writer is… I have to agree with you, there. I wouldn’t want to expose my childrens’ lives in such detail.

Description : Little kids sometimes say the cutest things or blurt out their opinions at the most inconvenient times. Have you enjoyed such an experience?

Last Answer : Someone should make a TV show about this. Bill Cosby would be a good host.

Description : What kind of alarms, window lights, or other things can I buy for my kids' room? They're going to be in their own room, on a lower floor, away from me...

Last Answer : http://www.google.com/products?hl=en&client=firefox-a&channel=s&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=HsH&q=portable+window+alarms&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=BFfPSriyF8iZ8AbQwajzAw&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=title&resnum=5 http://www.amazon.com/b?ie=UTF8&node=495240

Description : Do you think parents use too much sunscreen on their kids these days?

Last Answer : I think people these days don’t put enough sunscreen! I’m just kidding, but I do agree that parents these days do put a lot of sunscreen on their kids. You should still put on sunscreen, but not like OD sunscreen.

Description : Do you kick your kids out of their rooms when guests come to town?

Last Answer : Depends on the guest. If it is family, then they can sleep on the floor. If it is a dignitary from a foreign government hell-bent on destroying my country should he not get a bed to sleep on, then of course he gets the bed.

Description : At what age should kids start brushing their teeth?

Last Answer : When they start getting teeth.

Description : Do you think parents over schedule their kids?

Last Answer : I think a lot of parents do over task their kids. I think kids are smart enough to make a lot of choices and decisions on their own and parents should try listening to them. If your kid wants to ... it but, like I said, kids are smart and they know if they like playing soccer better than piano.

Description : How often did you bathe your kids?

Last Answer : Pre-teen kids don't need a shower every day unless they got really dirty. Our obsession work cleanliness is certainly not health-related. I bathed my babies when they got really dirty. Then as they got ... necessary. Once puberty hit, I had to remind my boys to hit the shower more than they wanted.

Description : What delightful things have your kids (or grandkids) done recently?

Last Answer : Well, I told a few stories about my younger son in that thread so I won't repeat them. My latest amusement is that my 4 year old granddaughter is showing great resourcefulness during the lockdown and was playing ... that would be at night and he'd miss us too much if he was away during the day!

Description : What are some really creative things you've had kids have come up with?

Last Answer : OK. I'll start. I don't know if this is creative or just strange! My almost 4 year old Grandson, who is a clone of his dad, almost in looks but especially in personality, has developed an ... around it for an extended hug, then kissed it before he left. Yeah. He acts exactly like his father.

Description : Should kids and/or dogs be allowed in an office?

Last Answer : I am okay with occasional kids in the office, when school is closed and a parent has no alternative. But they can’t be disruptive. Since I live in an area with a lot of startups= “dog friendly” workspaces are popular, but I am not a fan of them.

Description : How do kids bounce back like this, and why don't adults?

Last Answer : My grandfather explained it to me after my brother was sick, it went like this, “they’re closer to the ground.”

Description : What kinds of questions by kids do you not give the answer to, no matter what?

Last Answer : “What is your credit card number?”

Description : Parents: how to teach kids not to be selfish with money?

Last Answer : I’m not a parent, but my mom would literally take my money away from me if I ever even let her see me think about being selfish, while growing up. In your situation, my mother probably would teach me a lesson about being charitable and make me donate the toys to a local charity.

Description : Parents: Do/did you consciously create quiet spaces for your kids?

Last Answer : Yes. Calm music. Also, does it happen when they’re tired? In which case, plug in some good movie that doesn’t have a lot of action and adventure. How old are they?

Description : What happens to those kids we see trapped in strollers for hours during prolonged bouts of parental wandering in shopping malls?

Last Answer : Some children are just naturally quiet and enjoy sitting there watching the world go by. Unless you have actually followed the parents for hours, you can’t be sure the children aren’t let out occasionally. My grandsons loved their strollers for up to an hour or so, then insisted on getting out.

Description : Do parents still pull out kids' loose teeth?

Last Answer : I’d have to ask my son in Paris; don’t know.

Description : In your opinion, what are the worst and best kid's books of all time?

Last Answer : I do not know any kids’ books. But “Faust” by Goethe is pretty good.

Description : Why have thirteen kids you don't want?

Last Answer : always fresh meat in the pantry?

Description : Do you know what year your kids were born?

Last Answer : Note: I am not a parent. But I have noticed that most men I know, including my brothers, do not know when their kids' birth year is. I know when all of their kids were born and I know when ... Pure laziness. They can remember episode 6 of King of the Hill but other things are not important to them.

Description : Have you ever known any kids who you thought were bad seeds?

Last Answer : I don't think I could actually say, bad seeds , as in natural born sociopaths but I have known several that were completely out of control due to wussy parenting non-skills. There was one ... guess he has kept his gun obsessions and desire to shoot things under the canopy of military service. LOL

Description : Do you like playing and spending time with kids?

Last Answer : Yes, I love seeing kids smile! I have a nephew who I love to spend time with because he is so fun and adorable. Plus, you can learn a lot from kids :)

Description : Are there ever times your kids behave so obnoxiously and rudely that even you as a parent want to hit them?

Last Answer : What is this “wants to” crap?

Description : Did you teach your kids to clean up after themselves?

Last Answer : answer:Not well enough. My kids are college age now and will both be moving out in the next few months. Tidying up has been a source of friction lately.

Description : Do ALL 20 year old kids know EVERYTHING?

Last Answer : answer:I definitely knew more when I was younger. ~ My late teens and very early 20's I felt like I knew so much and other older adults just didn't or couldn't understand. As I get older I realize ... to me. Now, I would take classes I know nothing about, and be the first to admit I know nothing.

Description : How far do you agree with the article inside? Remember it's not about not loving your kids!

Last Answer : Well, gosh. All I can say is I’m glad I never had those kinds of feelings.