Is there a good way of denying someone on Facebook or is it okay to be a jerk?

1 Answer

Answer :

I would ignore and decline the friend request. I guarantee she’s prepared for that to be one of the possibilities.

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Last Answer : answer:I have gotten several mortgage loans, and most recently, we refinanced our primary residence and are now in the process of refinancing our rental house. The worst thing about it is the long wait between ... about two hours. I always have a snack before we go, and take a water bottle with me.

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Last Answer : Yes definitely; although you can’t know the whole person (the “chemistry”) unless you actually meet them.

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Last Answer : Report it to facebook and block whoever did it.

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Last Answer : Ocean marketing

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Last Answer : answer:It is possible yes, but I don't recommend it. When you make a website you first need a place to store the files, a server or hosting, this costs money. However, if you don't want to spend ... all you want is a blog or something, there are a million and one places you can do that for free.

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Last Answer : Fishing in a motorized boat without casting.

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Last Answer : I think it is fair for developers to want some monetary gain from pre-order purchases but frankly I think there are much better ways they could do it, e.g - give everyone who buys new some ... become all about making money anyway? Bring on the indie development future, Mojang etc. for the win!

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Last Answer : I met my wife though eHarmony. I may have embellished a bit in how compassionate I am.

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Last Answer : answer:I'm looking for a young, very attractive female. One person sent a message saying, Why haven't you posted a photo? You must be fat. Nice. e-Harmony had the option of using using ... probably misread it and thought it was Suspicious. He was the only one I ended up meeting in person.