What is the greatest answer you have ever heard to a question you had in your lifetime?

1 Answer

Answer :

Because you can!

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Last Answer : September 11th is the biggest one for me. I was 10 years old and in 5th grade. I just remember it was the morning before school and I was in the livingroom and my mom had the news on. She didn ... TV. My grandmother's death was news that was brought to me after I came home from school this January.

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Last Answer : No.

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Last Answer : Videotaping shows. Cable television. Stopped watching TV. Went back to TV but only watched the few shows that weren’t a waste of time and space. Watched movies and series online. Netflix.

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Last Answer : answer:The charts aren't that accurate because everyone is different. Yes, they take the averages, but the group as a whole can vary greatly. Why not get a start by doing your own survey. ... find accurate figures wherein they've lumped together lives for a lifetime. Especially in today's world/era.

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Last Answer : "Eat poop"

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Last Answer : I have many that I like, especially by Pushkin in Russian…thinking if people mention Frost’s poem about the intersection at the road/road not taken, I’ll poke myself in the eye with a fork.

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Last Answer : Hmm okay so my greatest accomplishment within the past few months is the sheer number of patients I've been able to see per week when compared to same for other navigators across the region the ... and we deserved it and because anything I do with my love or kids multiplies the happiness.

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Last Answer : What a Beautiful World. Louis Armstrong.

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Last Answer : I have only heard of one such item, and they really do back it up. I really would like to know if other items have such backing.

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Last Answer : No. I said the same thing when I saw that ad.

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Last Answer : Well as you know I'm a musician, passion is practically my life, so I couldn't say that any one thing would be more inspirational than the next. I could give a bit of an idea as you so did here. ... to bring my passion to those in need of it. because lets face it. Where would life be without music?

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Last Answer : Most of my greatest fears end with death, so no. ….not yet anyways.

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Last Answer : Being in love. Theres so many emotions at once.

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Description : Without Googling can you list, in order, every president who has presided in your lifetime?

Last Answer : I was born during the Reagan years. Then George H. W. Bush (my dad voted for Dukakis; I pulled the lever). Then Clinton, then Dubya, then Obama.

Description : What was your "experience of a lifetime"?

Last Answer : Going to the Tony Awards with my sister in 2013. Quite the magical night and a dream come true for a lifelong theater geek.

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Last Answer : I read the article, and I’m at a loss for words. I even forgot he was being considered for that award while reading the story. I have no idea, but what sick shit.

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Last Answer : When they realized they could save money,by getting rid of old and worn out employees.

Description : In your opinion, what was the most brilliant commercial or commercial advertising campaign of your lifetime? (Details)

Last Answer : answer:Nike’s ‘Just Do It’ – brilliantly simple and a perfect fit to the product line. —————- This is my favorite commercial ever in terms of entertainment value.

Description : In your lifetime, according to your personality, have you spent more time regretting your your past or worrying about your future?

Last Answer : answer:I dwell on the past often. I try to stay in the present but whenever a routine or boredom sets in the past arises once more. I’m haunted more by “If only I had(n’t).” The Future is blank to me, I can’t see, guess, anticipate, despair or hope for what may lay ahead.

Description : Congratulations! You've just won a lifetime supply! Of what?

Last Answer : Lube.

Description : What would you like to see mankind achieve within your lifetime?

Last Answer : answer:I really would like to see Racism and bigotry disappear but I know that is unrealistic and will never ever go away at least not in the time I have left. I would like to see fossil fuel burning vehicles off the road…that I think is doable in my lifetime that is left.

Description : In a human lifetime about how many times will one catch the flu?

Last Answer : answer:I don't think a hard number would be credible, it's going to vary a lot from person to person (profession, travel, vaccination, etc.) and there's no reliable reporting. Buuuut . for the ... it's a statistically proven fact you will get precisely 7.9 flus in your lifetime. or your money back

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Last Answer : Saying as though I’m the guy who still leaps for joy when I find a nickel on the ground, I’ve found more than I lost.

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Last Answer : Have a diversified friendships… Have lots of friends and be honest seeing time with anyone can be short.

Description : Can dogs barking give you lifetime tinnitus?

Last Answer : answer:See an Ear, Nose and Throat MD. Tinnitus is caused by many things, some of them mysterious. Who can say whether the dogs are responsible. That is irrelevant now You ... identified underlying cause sometimes helps. Other treatments reduce or mask the noise, making tinnitus less noticeable.

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Last Answer : It’s worrisome to me that China and India’s economies are slowing – a true global recession will be disastrous.

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Last Answer : answer:I do think that facebook helps stay in touch, and high school friends might have more communication than we did 20 years ago. But, I still think college is where the longest lasting friendships will ... lived with them. My mom commuted to college and didn't make as strong a bond with anyone.

Description : Has your physical appearance changed radically over your lifetime?

Last Answer : answer:Hmmm… I don’t know if I’m more or less attractive. Gay men hit on me less than they did when I was younger. But straight women hit on me more now that I’m older… at least I think they do…

Description : Has your hometown changed a lot in your lifetime?

Last Answer : Not much. I grew up around Gresham/Portland, OR. I’m actually afraid to go back for economic reasons.

Description : Can you name all the US Presidents who served during your lifetime? No fair looking them up.

Last Answer : Yes, but I am so old that if I list them here, it will help every person who answers after me. I was born when the 34th President was in Office and can list all 11 since in order. Please note that I can’t see Russia from my house . . .

Description : What are some of the most ridiculous, real-life titles for "Lifetime" movies that you've seen?

Last Answer : answer:Panic in the Skies! Dancing at the Harvest Moon Lifetime movies get on my nerves. Seriously, what is “Panic in the Skies!” about?

Description : Is there a way to calculate how much money a person uses in his/her lifetime?

Last Answer : answer:There are numerous calculators for the cost of raising a child from birth through college, like this one. Most come in around $225,000 for kids born in 2009. I haven’t seen anything through average lifespan. Edit: this is more of a tool

Description : Do you think we will actually land on Mars in your lifetime?

Last Answer : Yes… but after a couple os setbacks…

Description : Do you think Humanity will make contact with an alien species in your lifetime?

Last Answer : Yes, but then I’m a Scientologist.

Description : Do you think there are less chances of finding cures or vaccines for diseases now, since pharmaceutical companies make more money maintaining people on meds for a lifetime?

Last Answer : It’s always about the dollar. Sad but true.

Description : Is going to Disneyland a "once in a lifetime" sort of thing? Or is it not that special?

Last Answer : It’s like anything else in life. It’s what you decide to make it.

Description : Wrestling fans, would any of you like to see Hornswaggle finally get the beating of a lifetime?

Last Answer : Well, Mark Henry has already beaten the crap out of him once, badly. Everyone has already beaten the crap out of him anyways… But no, not really, I like Hornswaggle. Especially when he cracks that little Irish type stick on others heads it’s funny.

Description : How much CO2 might a healthy Douglas Fir ("Christmas") tree absorb during its lifetime?

Last Answer : I do not know, but I will say thank you! That is how the “issue” of excess CO2 should be addressed.

Description : When having windows installed, is it foolish to do have them do it without the flange? They are offereing lifetime warranty on the installation.

Last Answer : A properly installed and flashed flange may help protect against water damage in the future. If It were my home, I would make my decision based on my time horizon for living there. If I didn't see myself ... some reason, I would include the flange. If you will be gone in five years, don't bother.

Description : What is it about celebrity that seems to compress a lifetime into a few short years?

Last Answer : Artists can be a crazy breed. Personally, I think these behavior patterns have more to do with selfishness, narcissism, self absorption and a lack of consideration to others.

Description : In your lifetime, what has been the most positive learning experience?

Last Answer : Life lesson. Going through (hopefully almost done!) cancer. It's taught me more lessons than I ever imagined. It has truly humbled me and made me really understand what is important to me and ... and things other cancer patients shared with me, how they changed. I'll cherish those lessons, forever.

Description : What do you feel are the most important myths that have been shattered during your lifetime?

Last Answer : To me, it's religion. More specifically, the concrete proof in evolution and natural selection showing us that we were not created by some invisible sky guy but that we and every single other life ... millions of years. It really is a thing of beauty, far more beautiful than the creation myth.

Description : What actions warrant a lifetime boycott of goods or services?

Last Answer : Personally, I think that, while noble, this makes no sense anymore. A lot of VWs, BMWs, etc. are built in the U.S. now. Diamler owned Chrysler for a while - so should Chrysler be boycotted? (maybe ... they be punished, so to speak, for something that they do not approve of, nor are able to change?

Description : Is it "holes in one" or "hole in ones" when someone gets more than one in a lifetime, say?

Last Answer : Holes in one.

Description : Is peace in the Middle East possible in our lifetime?

Last Answer : I highly doubt it. I think about the great strides people have made in the US over the last 50 years or so in terms of acceptance and tolerance and it gives me hope, but I don’t think things will move so quickly there. I hope I am wrong.