When you take home leftovers from your family dinners or brunches, do you typically end up eating them or do they sit in your refrigerator until you throw them out?

1 Answer

Answer :

It’s a race between me and one of my roommates as to who will actually end up eating it, at times. The home cooking I take back with me is fantastic!

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Last Answer : Like a Ham, or a roast beef? Or a vegetable dish? Or something like an Apple pie?

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Last Answer : I seem to do best when I have quite a light dinner in terms of weight.

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Last Answer : I don't think they are. They have to be made cheaply so the packaging doesn't cost so much. Ever try to heat one up a second time. It becomes soft. To me that says its melting. So you figure some ... cabinets. Best to put it on a plate and then heat it in the microwave. Best to be safe than sorry.

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Last Answer : You can’t go wrong with a Stouffer’s Pot Pie. The price is affordable, and it’s a bit of a comfort food for me.

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Last Answer : No. I bring it expecting it to be eaten, and if it’s not I assume that the host will enjoy it later. It’s like a very small token of appreciation to them for opening their home.

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Last Answer : I recently made some mild curry with lots of vegetables (eggplant, potatoes, carrots, celery, tomato, broccoli, bell pepper, and many others) and then made curry burritos, sloppy joe's, and a ... for leftovers, and see what happens. Though some of my fusion experiments have ended in total failure.

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Last Answer : answer:Granny's pasta salad recipe, if anyone is interested. 1 box rotini pasta, cooked & cooled to room temperature Half a jar of olives with pimentos, drained (or as much as you feel like) a ... mushrooms, or whatever else in there. This is a very forgiving recipe that's hard to mess up.

Description : What are you doing with your leftovers today?

Last Answer : We always make meals from leftovers, until none is left or they have gone off. Leftover rice can be boiled again. Fish or meat can be ingredients for other meals. Some go to the fridge and can be reused for days.

Description : What do you do with leftovers?

Last Answer : answer:We eat all of the leftovers unless they have spoiled or if the dish was unsalvageable (just a generally awful failed cooking / baking experiment.) We had leftover tenderloin yesterday and needed ... food out in the garbage. I would like to look into composting the failed experiments, though.

Description : What dinner can I make with my leftovers?

Last Answer : Well, you can just make some rice at the side and I think it would make a pretty good meal. Although, i would like to add some steamed vegetables to the leftovers to increase the nutrition value ( vitamins and healthy stuff). You can add some squarely chopped carrots,some beans, etc…

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Last Answer : Gotta be: – good bread – turkey – mayo – stuffing – cranberries – black pepper

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Description : Marketers at Premier Brands want to determine the effects of a price increase on sales of Gourmet Dinners. In setting up an experiment, the dependent variable would be: A)production costs B)price C)advertising costs D)sales E)wholesale purchases

Last Answer : D)sales

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Last Answer : To avoid getting a custard pie smashed into his fat face.

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Last Answer : answer:The frozen dinner has (or more than likely has) added salt, sugar and other ingredients which you would not have added during your own cooking. Those include food coloring dyes, stabilizers ... good a choice as, for example, a salad with raw vegetables and simple vinegar and oil dressing.

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Last Answer : answer:Huh, what's the big deal indeed. I don't know. If I did have a spouse, I would go to places and do things on my own, as my spouse would very be allowed to do himself, too. You can't ... gets when it's time to change tires. Nobody says it, it's like some unspoken rule, but I sure notice it.

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Last Answer : why jack worry about Sunday dinners

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Description : Does it have a "reheat" option for heating up leftovers?

Last Answer : Yes this microwave does include a "reheat" option for reheating leftovers.

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Last Answer : answer:I bought stuff I like. And I'm glad I did, because the last year I bought candy, we had exactly ZERO trick-or-treaters. It was totally lame. Now I don't bother. We drive out to ... yuppies. Dodging the lazy people in minivans is the worst part. Doesn't anyone else actually WALK door to door?

Description : What do you do with your nasty leftovers if the garbage disposal is out?

Last Answer : I have no garbage disposal in my apartment, so I take leftovers that are likely to smell directly to the dumpster. My mother, who lives in an area with regular trash pick up rather than a dumpster ... trash day-she puts any garbage that she doesn't want inside the house directly into that trash can.

Description : Recipe challenge: mismatched leftovers = dinner?

Last Answer : Yummy.. all I see is a big beautiful with-lots-of-stuff-in-it omelette with toast. Maybe have a nice lunch tomorrow with the potato and chick breast and green beans. Give the half a yam to your dog, they love them!

Description : Do you refuse to eat leftovers and why?

Last Answer : I eat leftovers except sometimes I forget them and then end up discarding them. As far as what goes on between the other couple, don’t get yourself worked up about it. It’s between them.

Description : Is it safe to eat my McDonald's leftovers?

Last Answer : Personally, I think any food from McD’s is unsafe for human consumption. But I get the feeling that their food is designed to have a shelf life of three years, at least. You’re better off eating the wrappers.

Description : What foods do you think make the best leftovers?

Last Answer : Spaghetti, pizza, and Chinese.

Description : Why not boill the veggies in the same time with the chiken leftovers to spear time.?

Last Answer : It is because it is more quicker and easier to boil both the chicken leftovers and boiled veg at the same time rather than separately due to not having to clean out twice the equipment.

Description : What kind of kitchen leftovers should you not put in compost bins?

Last Answer : You should not put any meat, fish, chicken, dairy products or oils in compost bins. Some also say not to put things that are acidic such as citrus fruits, tomatoes and pickles and others recommend against breads and grains.

Description : What's the least amount of wattage I need if I only reheat leftovers and make microwave popcorn?

Last Answer : The minimum wattage needed to only reheat leftovers and microwave popcorn would 400 Watts. If a bag of popcorn is put into a 400 Watt microwave, it should take approximately five minutes to be finished popping ... more time than the usual 500-800 Watt microwave, but it will still get the job done.

Description : How long are leftovers good for?

Last Answer : The best website with guidelines for food durability is www.allfoods.org. This website contains nutritional information about all kinds of food items.

Description : How to Cook Using Leftovers ?

Last Answer : How to Cook Using Leftovers Leftovers are a common problem in most households, and a lot of us are loathe to throw them away completely. If your leftover ingredients are still good, put ... soon as possible lessens the possibility of the food spoiling or rotting without you even noticing it.

Description : How to Cook Using Leftovers ?

Last Answer : How to Cook Using Leftovers Leftovers are a common problem in most households, and a lot of us are loathe to throw them away completely. If your leftover ingredients are still good, put ... soon as possible lessens the possibility of the food spoiling or rotting without you even noticing it.

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Last Answer : My worst memories was of a Beef Wellington that arrived at table at midnight. My French hosts were drunk, I was exhausted, stuffed full of brie and had a bad headache. And there were the beef fondue parties of ... into your guests's eyes. I'm no help. Sorry. I am a veggie and no longer like cooking.

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Last Answer : : You should not throw away the water soaked in raisins, drink them but throw away the water of gram.

Description : Does health insurance typically cover the cost of a residential eating disorder treatment center?

Last Answer : You have to read your policy to find out. It depends upon whether the disorder is defined as a disease by the company.

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Last Answer : The answer might seem a little counter intuitive at first but we'll see... The short answer is that it is in your advantage to exchange. But why? Well initially there was a 1/3 chance that you were holding ... /3 of $20 and afterwards you will have 2/3 of $20, ie the advantage to you is about $6.66

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Last Answer : beer is for slugs..................after the sun goes down & the plants cool off...............mix up 2 tablespoons dawn & 1 qt tap water and spray..........spray again after a rain........

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Last Answer : A standard size refrigerator, 36 in. wide, should be adequate for a family of three.

Description : Do you ever cause yourself to throw up to alleviate a feeling of fullness?

Last Answer : Male. No. The idea is to stop eating before you get uncomfortable.

Description : How do you get a cat to not throw up so often?

Last Answer : I'm not sure on the throwing up part, but I'd try feeding him wet food for a while until he puts on some weight if you can find a way to prevent the other cats from eating it too. Edit: If ... for. If it stops which is what we found with our previous cat then a new food should be introduced slowly.

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Last Answer : God the Father YAHWEH God the Son YESHUA HA MASHIAH God the Holy Spirit RUAH HA KODESH

Description : If a company is given credit terms of 2/10, n/30, it should a. hold off paying the bill until the end of the credit period, while investing the money at 10% annual interest during ... desperate for cash and withhold payment until the end of the credit period while negotiating a lower sales price.

Last Answer : b. pay within the discount period and recognize a savings.

Description : Do you think it's OK to throw food out your car window, sans the paper, or the cup, just the food?

Last Answer : No - it's tacky. And if you're doing it for the sake of the animals, keep in mind that they may get run over by another vehicle while dining on your burger. Eating @Dutchess_III s food may kill you. ... wild. Now, I pour out my ice/coffee/coke onto the road all the time. But I figure it evaporates.

Description : What part of the shallot/green onion do people throw out?

Last Answer : answer:I eat the whole thing! FYI, green onions are also called scallions, not shallots. Shallots are like regular onions but smaller.