Photographers: What is your favorite film?

1 Answer

Answer :

Personally, I use Agfa brand film for B&W photography. I’ve been using it for a while now. Here’s a link that describes some different types of B&W film:

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Last Answer : answer:Who is the camera's manufacturer? I've found several websites where you can find a count online. Here's an example of what I mean, read the attached link: ... /

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Last Answer : answer:Great site for exactly what you are looking for.

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Last Answer : answer: I found this one through Google. Just type into google what you are looking for and a PDF version should come up that you can just copy word for word…I know one of my photographer friends did this.

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Last Answer : i believe KnotmyDay is a professional photographer

Description : Photographers: two part question.

Last Answer : answer:I think flickr has some sort of Flash slideshow player. Otherwise there's SlideShowPro if you want to go that route. Finally you could get someone to develop a custom one for you if you ... your photos. Personally I like iPhoto because its very simple but my second choice would be Lightroom.

Description : Any similarly named photographers?

Last Answer : There is an article, published online in 2007, that specifically mentions renowned photographer Jon Narr.

Description : How does photographic image and film differ from other art forms like painting?

Last Answer : Andre Bazin

Description : What do you figure the pros and cons are to using regular emulsion film for photos or going digital?

Last Answer : answer:I worked as a photographer in the days before digital photography. I also ran a darkroom, making museum-quality archival black and white prints, developing film up top 8 10 and prints up to 30 40 . I ... . Though if I had more time and money, I would get a 4 5 camera and build a darkroom.

Description : What is the process for hiring and working with a DP for film?

Last Answer : answer:I'm going to assume you are the/one producer of this thing. In that respect, here are some things to consider: Do you have a finished script? If not, it's hard to take you seriously. And ... (to make sure you get the shots you need), script supervisor (because, yes, there will be changes.)

Description : What brands for film camera lenses can I use on my Vivitar 35mm?

Last Answer : When all else fails “Read the….. MANUAL” The cameras sold by Vivitar use Pentax K and OTHER brands of lens mounts. So read the manual, it will tell you.

Description : Does anyone still use 35mm film camaras or are they obsolete?

Last Answer : My ex-husband does, all the time.

Description : Any tips for photographing in a film noir style?

Last Answer : I think of elaborate costuming, glamorous hair and makeup, dramatic lighting, and cynicism and sexuality. How you translate that into photos is going to be up to your own creativity.

Description : Where to get film developed online?

Last Answer : What’s film?

Description : Film or Digital, Why?

Last Answer : Digital, baby! Digital! Film deteriorates with age, and each successive copy loses resolution, and requires a delay for processing before you get the final product. Digital is final right inside the camera, ... and can be retained forever (as long as you back it up whenever new media comes along).

Description : What kind of cool stuff can I do shooting manually with a film camera?

Last Answer : Myspace mirror photos. That’d suit you perfectly. Har har.

Description : Should I get a Digital SLR or film SLR?

Last Answer : Digital. I clung to my film camera for years before finally switching. Digital is easy and cheap compared to film (as far as producing prints goes), the images are easy to manipulate (if you’re into that), and the technology is amazing.

Description : Why won't my film advance?

Last Answer : It sounds like a simple mechanical problem with the interlock that could be fixed inexpensively at a camera store. (You know the interlock? The little button you push when you are ready to rewind?)

Description : Do you know anyone who still uses a film camera?

Last Answer : I have an 80 year old friend who uses several and owns no digital ones. He is lucky to have an old-fashioned camera shop nearby that sells old-fashioned film and does o-f developing. But it is getting more and more rare. (Fewer rather than less.)

Description : Medium Format Film Processing in the Metro Detroit area?

Last Answer : I don’t have any suggestions on where to go, but you could Google “camera shop detroit” or something like that and see what comes up. I’d bet most camera shops would develop it. Just call and ask them once you find something.

Description : It it legal for the police to delete pictures from your camera or take your film or camera?

Last Answer : Can you give the exact situation including nation? Also check out the Photographer’s Bill of Rights. It is for the US.

Description : Who can manually develop a roll of 35mm film?

Last Answer : You might want to ask TitsMcghee, she is currently studying photography. ;)