Searching for file management tool?

1 Answer

Answer :

Windows, OS X, or Linux?

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Last Answer : Adobe Bridge handles all that I think. Got pretty upgraded in its last version. comes with the Adobe CS3 suite. Check it out. Bridge is the free part of the suite, maybe it can be used standalone.

Description : Is there a simple tool to down convert the quality of mp3s for size purposes?

Last Answer : Yeah. No problem. You just use something like iTunes and convert to MP3 at 128kbs. You just need to change the setting that rips to AAC to MP3 (the default bit rate is 192 I think so you might want to ... folder. If you don't like iTunes any music player that can rip to MP3 should be able to do it.

Description : Need Web service/application that's kinda a survey tool?

Last Answer : Might want to check out google docs. You can create a form (which can be published like an online survey). All data that is collected is saved right into a spreadsheet. ... changed. Here is a sample poll that I started to create with it: Link also check out

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Last Answer : Try this yo!

Description : Enlist factors considered for selecting a testing tool for test automation.

Last Answer : The following factors are important during tool selection: i. Assessment of the organization's maturity (e.g. readiness for change); ii. Identification of the areas within the organization where ... the tool is another important point to be considered while selecting and deploying the test tool.

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Last Answer : Have you considered pirating the Adobe Suite?

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Last Answer : Try GoldWave.

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Last Answer : Calibre can, or you can just email the PDF to your address and it will convert automatically.

Description : What is a good desktop application on Mac for file sharing other than DropBox?

Last Answer : A friend said he uses a site called very successfully. It is not a desktop application but you could go look at it; it is free.

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Description : Once I download a torrent file, how do I open it?

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Description : Which is the best music file sharing software program?

Last Answer : answer:I prefer BitTorrent But there's nothing like going to your local music store or Amazon to buy a physical CD or vinyl record. Scientifically the audio doesn't sound a whole lot ... experience is amazing compared to the pirated music which you put absolutely no hard work into obtaining.

Description : File convertion question, specifically DRM protection?

Last Answer : ASUS soundcards include the ability to copy DRM protected files. What happens is the soundcard decodes the file in order to play the music and then encodes it MP3. Unfortunately it does this in real time so an hours worth of music will take an hour to turn into MP3’s.

Description : How do you open a .dat file on a mac?

Last Answer : .dat file extension is used by many programs and it doesn't have s predefined data structure unlike say a .pdf. There could be anything in there from graphics, text or just binary data. The best thing ... you look at the first line of the file you may be lucky enough to see what program created it.

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Last Answer : Deja vu

Description : Developers: Does a database of Mac OS X file extensions exist? Or do you just cross your fingers when choosing and hope nobody else uses it?

Last Answer : answer:At minimum there's always Seems like it would be useful to know what you might be mistaken for in a windows environment too (especially if you are creating exchangeable document file ... extensions are definitely present, though I'm not sure how comprehensive it is on the Mac side.

Description : Do you know of software that can generate .mht, .pdf, or similar single-file documents from the many .html and image files I've saved on my hard disk?

Last Answer : answer:Counter-intuitive maybe, but Internet Explorer will do that for you. Try: - pointing IE at one the pages you want to convert to .mht, - selecting File > Save As (or Page > ... steps for every major page. (Unless someone can recommend a Windows-based equivalent to Mac's Automator utility?)

Description : Is file sharing stealing?

Last Answer : answer:No, it is not stealing. When you steal something you remove something of someone else’s. Despite what you think, when you copy a song it is copyright infringement. It is not stealing. The picture at this link illustrates my point:

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Last Answer : Google: Adwords Keyword Tool

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Last Answer : answer:I like Harvest, and it sounds like it fits the bill for what you're looking for. The invoicing design options are limited right now, so you may not be able to use that portion, but the time ... use and effective. The reporting features have improved a lot in the last 6 months or so as well.

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Last Answer : Google Calendar has great collaboration and scheduling features. I have mine set up so that I receive a notification via SMS whenever someone who I’m sharing my calendar modifies or adds a schedule block.

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Last Answer : Try It sounds like what you want, and it’s a webapp so you can access it anywhere.

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Last Answer : LoL. I had a boss that asked me to do something like that once. I would say that you could probably roll your own, but I don’t know of anything that’s already built.

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Last Answer : Test infrastructure management Testing requires a robust infrastructure to be planned upfront. This infrastructure is made up of three essential elements. 1. A test case database (TCDB): A test case database ... Everyone gets access to only the most recent version of the test files.

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Last Answer : Internal standards are: 1. Naming and storage conventions for test artifacts. 2. Document standards 3. Test coding standards 4. Test reporting standards. 1. Naming and storage ... Standard: are defined at international level and these are applicable to all customers across the globe.

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Last Answer : i’ve been using copernic search and it seems to be doing quite well.

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Last Answer : Je ne sais pas. J’utilise le renard brûlant.

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Last Answer : lunaPic Restore photo feature does this in one shot.

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Last Answer : I stopped using firefox, a while back but most of the things you've mentioned come under personalization tabs (that is what it was called when I was using it). Under settings> Personalization. Usually, ... . You will only have this version for as long as they continue to support it in the backend.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : I have heard it in two ways: 1) when someone is complaining about it, it is Hashtag Pollution 2) when it’s mentioned, but not being complained about, it’s Hashtag Enhancement

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Last Answer : Completely different tools for completely different reasons. Powerpoint is for presentations, lessons, etc. Word is for writing and editing documents. It isn’t a question of habit. It is a matter of choosing the right tool for the job you have to do.

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Last Answer : You can use your mouse or the arrow keys.

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Last Answer : I’ve been off and on facebook all day (East Coast, US) and it has always been up for me.

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Last Answer : I have never seen software that does BOTH translation and conversion. I have the feeling it would be horrifically hard to do, because the computing behind translation and determining context would be so ... it, it would be Nuance link because they are up front in the voice transcription world.

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Last Answer : Is the mouse not working or the computer is locked up? Always reboot before anything else. If it wont reboot, unplug it and try again. I hope I understood the question lol

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Last Answer : Hi David, how and where do you think this would be useful?

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Last Answer : Nothing inherently wrong.with a product based company. But not all companies are the same. Microsoft or Google or Adobe have dozens of products, so if one falls out of favor or gets competition, they ... If their software gets competition, they may fail. So the real answer has to be it depends

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Last Answer : Maybe @LuckyGuy will see this question. I think he would be a good resource.

Description : Which is your favorite CRM? Why?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What CRM features do you use most? Which additional features you wish were available?

Last Answer : If your CRM doesn't tie into your bug ticket system (and by extension, the development servers) it is no good. If the CRM doesn't import/export, it is useless. Why reinvent the wheel ... of wrong decisions because it doesn't have perspective and intuited history on a customer by customer basis.

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Last Answer : You can’t; the license is through Solidworks! The license is forever but costs $4000 and $1300 a year for updates and maintenance.

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Last Answer : My field is softwares and related stuff. You just said it yourself. Your expertise is computer related.

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Last Answer : I use the mobile apps for everything possible. The few times I need to do something on the desktop, I turn on my laptop. I’ve been using a tablet for the vast majority of my computer experience for about 2 years or more. I’m used to the mobile experience.

Description : Is there any software by which a person can talk to himself in chat conversation style GUI?

Last Answer : Yes. It’s called a mirror. Or just talk to yourself, or get a doll to talk with. Works the same. I don’t guarantee you will solve your problems, though.