How do you react when someone tells you not to complain about something?

1 Answer

Answer :

When my father used to do it when I was a teenager I shut up. He was my father and he generally paid for whatever it was I was complaining about, so however unfair I thought he was, he had the right to tell me to stop complaining. Nowadays, I don’t complain except perhaps to my therapist, but that is part of what I pay him to do, listen to my woes. If I don’t like something that is happening I tend to speak up and ask that it be changed. Thus people don’t usually tell me not to complain, because I don’t. I find that speaking up is generally more effective, but if it fails, getting even makes me feel better. If the school district tells me not to complain (or speak up) about the treatment they are doling out to my son or the accommodations they agreed to provide but are not, I get a lawyer. Often people who are complaining are very irritating to those around them. That whiny tone is just really unpleasant. Thus I would feel justified in asking them to be quiet or stop complaining if I thought they would have any degree of empathy at all. However, since much complaining comes from immature people it would be pointless to expect empathy, so I vote with my feet and leave them to complain by themselves. If you are irritating people with your complaining they have a right to tell you so. You can keep on complaining, as it is your right to say what is on your mind, but then they have a right to walk away from you.

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