On an ad for shared housing, why don't people talk about who lives in the house?

1 Answer

Answer :

Huh, when I was looking into that in the Bay Area, I found lots and lots of postings with people who wrote too much about the daily habits of the residents. “Then there’s Stevie and his size 11 feet. At 8:10 am, you’ll often find him in his green flannel pajamas enjoying a cup of Folgers with two splendas…” Not an exact quote. I’d think that people who don’t write about the housemates are just looking for someone to pay rent, not be a friend. Pass ‘em up…

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Last Answer : About half.

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Last Answer : answer:I know you're in a really sucky situation with her right now, but I don't think this is the right tactic. Especially since she has threatened suicide. Imagine how guilty you would feel if she ... it. Just move out as soon as you can and then enjoy not having her in your life anymore.

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Description : Will I be kicked out?

Last Answer : answer:Wait until she organises papers and makes it official, meantime, look for some assistance. http://michigan.gov/dhs http://www.michiganhousinglocator.rentlinx.com/MI/Lansing

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Last Answer : A condo is a dwelling that you own rather than rent; an apartment is usually on one floor and you can own or rent it, a townhome is on two or three floors, attached to other townhomes and you can own or rent it. There are more subtleties in types of condo communities but those are the basics.

Description : How to handle roommates as an adult.

Last Answer : I don't agree with your roommates theory that if you are there more, you should pay more. It doesn't even make sense to me. Your agreement was made with them before they moved in and with full ... out of the agreement. Since they are friends of yours, it would be better to leave on good terms.

Description : Roommate/Landlord situation in NYC. What are my rights?

Last Answer : answer:I’m guessing that you don’t have a signed lease / sublease with the “official” tenant, and if you do, then it’s probably worthless. I’d look to make other arrangements and move out as soon as you can physically manage that, without notice, and definitely without a forwarding address.

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Last Answer : It looks like a smoke detector or a motion sensor. Do you have an alarm system?

Description : I need to get out soon?

Last Answer : It sounds like you have to just leave while they’re gone. You could start moving stuff little by little and just not come home from work.

Description : Need a place to go ASAP?

Last Answer : Any Youth Hostels? Here we have Backpackers Hostel. Is there anyting line that? Good luck.

Description : Is normal for a rental company to sign a lease for an apartment to a new tenant without giving the current tenant the option to re-sign and continue living there?

Last Answer : Are there any clauses in your current lease about renewal? Most states have housing and tenants’ rights information on the web. It sounds to me like your upstairs neighbor was making a deal behind the scenes for a while, check to see if any of your rights have been violated. Good luck!

Description : What should I ask my prospective landlord?

Last Answer : Can you have over night guests or even day time guests? How much refrigerator space do you get? (silly maybe, but I've seen judge shows where they fight over this stuff) Are there specific times ... use the kitchen and bathroom? edited to add: Does landlord smoke or drink and would it bother you?