For all that you've gone through, what are some of things that you learned (about life) on your own?

1 Answer

Answer :

Doing the right thing is good for my own sake, even more than for the sake of others. learned the hard way.

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Last Answer : Appreciation (similar to what you said) and adaptation – learning to deal internally with whatever comes your way, because changing the external situation isn’t always possible.

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Last Answer : answer:I'll start. Personally, I really dig Mexican food - it fills me up and satisfies my hunger like no other kind of food can. I have Buddhist friends whose ability to remain balanced and ... the people there in making homes out of the materials at hand, and with their friendliness and music.

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Last Answer : answer:Love yourself first. The story behind it? Helping others without helping myself first and getting hosed because of it. Did that twice, will not do it again.

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Last Answer : And for my My friend and colleague taught me backgammon. It was a game I've wanted to learn for ages, and I found it to be mentally stimulating, so much so I started playing chess a ... recommend backgammon because it's a classic game and involves alot of luck, skill, and some reasoning skills.

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Last Answer : If you mean objectively speaking, yes, English can be a nightmare. I think it should be made illegal, and everybody who speaks it should be shot on sight. But it's my first language, and I obviously ... a narrative, and lacks flair. I'm sure that the same story would sound a lot better in English.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Parents of , what is one thing you could go back and tell yourself that you’ve learned while raising your child?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Parents of , what is one thing you could go back and tell yourself that you’ve learned while raising your child?

Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Trust is the first step to a dagger in your back.

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Last Answer : I’ll start. If you have several tasks to perform, begin with the thing that is making you the most anxious. After that, the rest will seem a breeze.

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Last Answer : That I have underestimated and sold myself short for ages. I mean, modesty is one thing, but bull-dozing yourself into the ground! It has not gotten me ahead!

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Last Answer : Love is never stronger than that first time. Each time after it will be a little weaker. Each love leaves a scar on your heart that will always ache. Women can be filled with love, and 2 years later laugh off a relationship that was once all consuming.

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Last Answer : Life is too short. This kind of hit home for me about a year ago when I realized I am not young anymore and I am having to accept that I can't do everything as hard and as heavy ... I know who have terminal illnesses and others who have potentially life shortening disease .yes life is too short.

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Last Answer : That there is nothing more restorative than time spent in nature. This morning I saw a deer with three-week-old twin fawns.

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Last Answer : 5 days. Ripped an entirely new asshole like a lizard grows it’s tail back.

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Last Answer : About 28 hours. Pulled an all nighter reading Cancer Ward by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, then had a final.

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Last Answer : Hubby was driving but when we picked up our BMW in Germany we got it up to 140 MPH in the rain.

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Last Answer : I bathe or shower at least once a day. Even when camping I would bathe in a river or lake. You can’t ever stop me! XD

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Last Answer : That sounds incredibly difficult. I wouldn't feel like an idiot for not remembering calculus after all those years. What such things usually make me feel are the limitations of the human brain, and I don't fault ... . I don't know how the hell you can do diff eq while rusty on calculus. Good luck.

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Last Answer : I have chronic insomnia. I have gone months on just a few hours of sleep. It took meds to finally get more than one decent night’s sleep in a row.

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Last Answer : Tijuana. Work trip. You guys seen Traffic? It looks kinda gloomy, doesn’t it? Well, the real thing looks even worse, believe me.

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Last Answer : Three and a half days. With about eight ounces of water. Power was out, water was cut off, Florida middle of August. It was terrible. And I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

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Last Answer : 64 hours. Ouch! I don’t recommend it.

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Last Answer : We had a fantastic trip to central/southern Belize. English is spoken by everyone (it was a British colony until surprisingly recently) and eco-tourism has just surpassed citrus as the main ... town and pottery/carvings/painting directly from the local artist and the resort treated us like royalty.

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Last Answer : My go-to is always just staying up

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Last Answer : I went like 10 days without a shower during Basic Training. It got to the point where I could smell my own balls.

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Last Answer : I am a 3D artist. I would basically be out of work.

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Last Answer : It could come back… We came after the dinosaurs. Most the life on the planet was wiped out then.

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Last Answer : Maybe the point would be to remedy the situation and find a person who would miss one. If we accept failure at its first sign, we can never learn from it and learn how to defeat it.

Description : What has gone bad in your life lately,what aspects of life have really sucked for you as of late?

Last Answer : I think I have Chronic bronchitis so that’s just swell. xD

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Is it legal to sell things you learned how to make in a craft book?

Last Answer : answer:If you're not copying a pattern, you're in the clear. People can sell knockoff Louis Vuitton if the pattern is something like 2% different than the proprietary aspects of the original (like the ... or the colours of the print) No one has exclusive rights to handbags made from old t-shirts.

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Last Answer : The English to 12 year-old AOLer Translator IM HAVNG AN INTELIEGNT CONVARSATION!!1!11 OMG