Connecting MacBook to SV projector.

1 Answer

Answer :

What output does your mac have? You’ll need a ____ out to S-Video cable.

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Last Answer : I bought exactly what you’re describing at the Apple Store. It’s made by Thule

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Last Answer : According to this article you need some special tools and be clever mechanically. It can be done look here.

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Last Answer : answer:The extra couple weeks you might be able to get out of the battery by jumping through all these hoops doesn't seems worth it. I just plugged mine in when I was at my desk so I ... I would suggest getting AppleCare. You can get the battery replaced for free with a minimal amount of fuss.

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Last Answer : Look for swipe settings, or touchpad or gestures of something like that, there should be settings you can easily change.

Description : My Macbook is also making clicking noises.

Last Answer : My MacBook Pro does this all the time. And even more often when I move it while it’s on. I’m not sure what it is but so far it hasn’t shown to be a problem.

Description : If I buy a Macbook Pro in the USA will it work in the UK?

Last Answer : answer:Hai Maz Yeah :) It’ll work just fine. You just need to get an adapter for the plug (which you can find fairly cheep @ Boots I think mine was like £7 or something) Also, I’m pretty sure Joe got his in the US.

Description : Where can I find this Macbook case?

Last Answer : Here

Description : Do the new MacBook Pro Core i7 overheat while running Windows?

Last Answer : I doubt bootcamp would properly utilize the gpu switching on the fly. The drivers for windows in bootcamp are pisspoor. Why not run a virtual machine? VirtualBox is free. I have VMWare Fusion which is great, but ... because it half-way converted my Fusion vm, so now it doesn't work in either : (

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Last Answer : It has a built in censor that locks the hard drive to prevent damage when it senses the computer is falling. I am not sure if that is what you are hearing but it is likely.

Description : Where might one find an inexpensive MacBook Pro?

Last Answer : Save yourself the worry and just buy new. Use your student discount and get the extended warranty that way you have peace of mind. If you can find it cheap you have to wonder why.

Description : MacBook replacement battery: What's your experience with non-Apple batteries?

Last Answer : personally I would want a legit one, but I’ve never had to replace a mac battery so I couldn’t say

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Last Answer : Cheap and new MacBook pro are not words that go together well.

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Last Answer : Mine usually lasts about 4 to 5 hours on a good day. 2–3 if I’m running any sort of demanding app. It’s not used all too often so I’m unsure if that will degrade over time though.

Description : How do I figure out what is slowing down my Macbook Pro?

Last Answer : Open up Activity Monitor. Applications >> Utilities >> Activity (I keep it in my dock so that I can always refer to it quickly!) iStat Pro is a great widget that monitors lots of things, from battery performance to CPU usage to ethernet spikes.

Description : Can I get Applecare for a refurbished MacBook?

Last Answer : You can get AppleCare for Apple-refurbished products, but you have to do it before the one-year warranty runs out.

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Last Answer : Yes

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Last Answer : Click on the icon to sync on the toolbar. Then click “open mobil me sync preferences.” Then make sure you have it set to update automatically.

Description : Can i download cursors for my macbook? where?

Last Answer : mighty mouse is good if you have 10.4 or lower

Description : Macbook keyboard issues?

Last Answer : Click on the Apple in the menu bar at the top left of the screen, and select System Preferences. Then select Universal Access. Click the Keyboard tab, and then change the Sticky Keys option from On to Off. This should work, let me know if it doesn’t. And welcome to Fluther, too!

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Last Answer : I had that problem when I was attempting to import the iPhone's predictive text shell, but obviously that was causing A LOT of problems in every app So I don't think that is your problem The only time I ... advice would be to 1) clean the board, then 2) reinstall Mail, and\or Safari, and\or OS X.

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Last Answer : I bought mine in July. I’m disappointed at the keyboard also. I don’t find them stiff, on mine you have to hit them really hard. Like the “T” key I always have to hit twice. Same with the caps lock key. Its very annoying. My trackpad buttons don’t bother me much.

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Last Answer : I have a Rev A MacBook Pro, and the fans do get pretty noisy. I usually take the battery out when I have it plugged in. It has more ventilation that way.

Description : How can i get the new macbook?

Last Answer : Find a way to damage your software. (On a Mac this is very hard hehe) I believe if you have problems with software they’ll give you the new one. Not sure though.

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Last Answer : This is very simplistic but it helps, I bought a couple of those little plastic caps that go on the end of bar stools and raise the back of the lapbook up on those. I also bought a little usb ... laptop has to generate the power to run the fan to cool it??? Macbooks are notorious for running hot!

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Last Answer : Did you try a restart yet?

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Last Answer : which model are you getting? Macbook or Macbook Pro? What size? What Processor? How much RAM? HD size? Accessories? Layout what you want in your machine. You dont need the top spec model, when i replace my ... hand and just go in and talk with them, tell them what you want and they will do the rest.

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Last Answer : most likely, i replaced the RAM in my macbook pro last year and as i double checked, i found that would void any warranty. but my mbp is 2 1/2 years old so i had no more warranty to worry about.

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Last Answer : Yes, you can.

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Last Answer : I have a Core Duo macbook that I have had for a few months. I must saw it is a great machine. I dual booted it, and with its beta drivers out performs other windows laptops at the same price point. I would suggest buying it directly from

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Last Answer : Non-glossy screen (some see this as very important), aluminum casing, worse airport reception, FW800, ... I bet there are other advantages too... Anybody?

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Last Answer : you most likely have a process taking up a lot of CPU resources. Open activity monitor, sort by CPU usage and see what’s taking up processor cycles

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Last Answer : No-they are specifically for that model of MacBook; the OS and utilities only work for restoring as opposed to a clean install of the OS.

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Last Answer : What are you into? What do you use it for?

Description : Buy MacBook Pro now or wait till June?

Last Answer : answer:Do you need a Macbook Pro now, or do you need it later? It depends on your choice: buy now - you've got a Macbook Pro, buy later: don't have a Macbook Pro, but later, you've got a better ... I'm taking the 2,5GHz, 2GB, 512MB video model, but maybe then (in 2,5 years) there are other models.

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Last Answer : With Leopard’s built-in screen sharing, yes you can do that. Speed is just fine.

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Last Answer : Howdy from a non-American mac user…. I believe Apple is a global company, at least I doubt very much it was a Californian who wrote the Danish manual for my MacBook

Description : Is there a screen that I can buy so that I will be able to use my MacBook outside?

Last Answer : answer:YES! It is a notebook privacy scarf seen here: Also on instructables if you feel like getting crafty

Description : I am probably going to purchase a MacBook soon and I was wondering...

Last Answer : Two recommendations: 1) Don’t use XP Home. Stick with XP Professional. And, 2) don’t download a bootleg copy or borrow it from a friend. You can buy Xp online.

Description : I am about to buy a macbook...should I wait?

Last Answer : answer:you’ll probably be safe. This page gives you the average amount of time between updates of an apple product the guide to buying apple products

Description : Someone told me that very soon Apple will be releasing an Aluminum MacBook. Do you know if this is true?

Last Answer : Some people here think it might be.

Description : Any MUST HAVE applications etc. for my new MacBook?

Last Answer : I would suggest something other than notepad if you’re going to be typing documents a lot.

Description : I want to buy a MacBook. Should I wait for the new line (if there is) in September or buy one now?

Last Answer : answer:Depends when you need it for - also, will it be annoying for you if it turns out the lineup is still the same in Sept? Look at the specs available and decide if it's what you want/need. ... 't put off or hold my breath for potential updates, because you just don't know when/if they come.

Description : How do I tether my iPhone to my MacBook?

Last Answer : answer:Download Nullriver’s Netshare from the Apple App Store. It’s $9.99 and is now available (again, after brief hiatus). — The news stories on this are flying today. And this is such a specific question using such unique terminology. I gotta wonder if this question is really a plant.