Hey ask-public gardeners, is there any product out there to save my garden cucumbers?

1 Answer

Answer :

They might not have enough nitrogen. It depends on a number of things – such as the distribution of yellow on the leaves, if any other icky stuff or bugs are around. Here are Cucumber Disease and Pest Troubleshooter and Problems of Cucumbers links to help you look into this further than we can help here. Good luck! Cucumbers fresh off the vine and warm from the sun with a little salt are one of the best things about summer, imho.

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Last Answer : Will it wash off................if not trim it off and cut it in slices and see if it is inside............

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Last Answer : side dress with composted horsemanure.............check the ph.............should be 6.0-8.0.....................they need water when it does not rain. Next season, save the leaves, grass and put more ... .......................we cover with the black cover to keep the moisture in............

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Last Answer : side dress with composted horse manure and check the ph............should be 6.0-8.0 .....might need lime..............when it does not rain you have to water the roots........................

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Last Answer : I would check the PH....it should be 6.0-8.0 might not get along with other plants......we plant them by themselves........you decide which one should be moved...........

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : PH should be......................6.0-8.0 hope that you mixed old horse manure before planting the seeds....................

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Last Answer : For cucumbers, you can put strings in the dirt in the pot and tie them up 6 to 8 ft from the pot to a nail or hook somewhere up.......they will grow up on on it..............For the tomatoes use a cage ... - peppers6.0-6.5....sweet peppers 5.0-6.0....potatoes sweet need 5.0-6.0 other need 4.8-6.5

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Last Answer : test you soil first.......................PH should be 6.0 to 8.0

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Last Answer : This is usually the sign of an unfertilized female flower. Cucumber plants have male and female flowers. Bees go around spreading pollen from the male flowers to the female flowers. All female ... bumps become full grown cucumbers after doing this. Zucchinni and other squash work the same way.

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Last Answer : i need help with my cucumbers why are they orange

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : The little prickly things....just when you are going to use them wash them off under water with a paper towel and it comes off.....that is the way that the cucumber grows and protects itself.

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Last Answer : usually lack of water

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : how do i know when to pick my cucumbers

Last Answer : depends on which kind you planted............ones for making sweet pickles are usually small...3 inches or so..........................if you want to make dilled pickles, the larger ones 6 to 8 inches ... or flavored breadcrumbs and fry them in oil..........a little bit of ketchup................

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Last Answer : I just picked cucumbers and put them in a big pan of very cold water and they floated...............mine are just off the vine...............none of mine sunk................ ... they still should be able to eat in salads unless the are soooo big and yellow and then they would be too bitter to eat.