Apartment dwellers - are there people in YOUR building obsessed with knowing "Did the mailman come"?

1 Answer

Answer :

We’re a bit odd about it, but that’s because about 75% of the time, he delivers all the mail to the upstairs where the other two building dwellers get their mail. And 25% of the time, he delivers all of it to me, down in the garden apartment. And not just, like, ads or whatever—I’ve gotten their bank statements and they’ve gotten my financial aid stuff.

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Last Answer : Damnit AstroChuck, show some respect for other people’s stuff!

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Last Answer : Alaska get moved from US?

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Last Answer : I am assuming it’s because I’d hasn’t all download yet. It should present you with the option to finish downloading or send as is.

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Last Answer : One reason could be if you don’t want people to know your address, but still want to be able to get mail.

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Last Answer : drdoombot This has little to do with you living in an apartment and a lot to do with your family relationships. Either go down to the mailbox (or wherever your buzzer is) and put up a new name ... it's difficult enough living in a bldg with other family members and trying to conduct a private life.

Description : How common is it, where you live, for packages to be delivered to your neighbours when you are not at home?

Last Answer : Standard procedure here too (Netherlands). Recently DHL and the Dutch postal services are also asking their customers whether they want to give up a secondary address (other than neighbors, or neighbors, or ... the supermarket (very rarely I have to go to my neighbors; vice versa much more often).

Description : How much is the U.S. postage for additional ounces?

Last Answer : This might help. https://stamphelper.com/how-many-stamps-do-i-need/

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Last Answer : I’ve noticed that packages are like airlines…there are certain places they have to go before their destination. Like if I’m flying from North Carolina to Florida, they take me to Houston first (made-up example).

Description : Is it true that if a package is marked "return to sender" inappropriately, it will be thrown out after it's mailed?

Last Answer : Not sure but wonder if the sender gets charged shipping costs twice? If so wouldn’t the Post Office notify the sender and thus if he/she didn’t want it it then gets thrown out? possible. I had an envelope that I returned or actually wrote forward to new address and it worked.

Description : When you send a letter certified mail, what's to stop the receiver from saying they didn't get that piece of mail?

Last Answer : Meaning yes, I received your envelope, but the letter is not what you say ? There's nothing to prevent that. On the rare occasion when I worry about that possibility, I take pictures, at the post ... 'm sure I received a blank piece of paper! is an old one that gets waved away dismissively.

Description : Did you know this about the USPS?

Last Answer : They scan the envelope, not the contents. That is the small barcode at the bottom of the envelope, and the piece of tape they put on post cards.

Description : Do I need to print a shipping label before going to the post office?

Last Answer : No. They will weigh your parcel for you, tell you what you owe depending on your shipping method, and affix a label. The post office still serves lots of low-tech people and even people like me who, now and then, still mail actual letters with stamps on them.

Description : Will you get stuff you ordered if you put your mail on hold?

Last Answer : If your order is delivered through the regular mail, your postman should hold it along with the rest of your mail. If you have access to the facility where your mail is being held, you can ... and notify the postal service that you're back early and receive your mail on the next delivery date.

Description : Which shipping carrier do I give this return package to?

Last Answer : Former Amazon customer service employee here: That's an AnyCarrier label - not prepaid, and can be used with any shipper. Basically a printable return address. If the item is from a third party seller ... and sold by Amazon). Just call customer service (866-216-1072) and tell them what happened.

Description : How many attempts are made to deliver certified mail?

Last Answer : From the USPS: If you are mailing to a residential address and no one is home, a delivery reminder slip will be left in the mailbox by the letter carrier. This reminder informs the person a USPS ... and notification. This entire time frame can take 17 to 21 days if no one claims the letter.

Description : What would you do if you received a package in the mail and opened it, but it wasn't for you?

Last Answer : I would explain it to the person, but I’m a retired drag queen, and I’ve worn bras. I’ve never worn a thong, however. If it was an intimate toy, I would throw it in their mailbox with a note telling them to enjoy it and walk away.

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Last Answer : answer:I wish I was a card sender. It's always been a source of guilt for me that I get to near Christmas and realise that yet again, I forgot to send them. I've even bought boxes ... ' skill and that includes cards and letters. Good for you @MooCows. I'm sure your recipients appreciate them.

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Last Answer : I am not sure yo9u can mail agricultural products to the US from overseas. If you are doing it domestically I'd use a vacuum sealer like Seal-a-meal They are not expensive ~$40-60 and they work!. ... depending upon which system you get. After they are sealed I'd put them in a padded envelope or box.

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Last Answer : Different delivery companies? Sent at different times?

Description : How does international mail service work?

Last Answer : answer:Protocols are set by the Universal Postal Union, a treaty organization founded in 1874, that was folded into the United Nations in 1948. They have an operations subgroup. The UPU established that: ... for one flag carrier over another. The mail gets put on the next plane to the destination.

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Last Answer : They only know one address: Their home. They can’t pick any old address. So it works by moving the pigeon somewhere else and then letting him fly home. Hence: Homing pigeon.

Description : What's the worst thing you ever received in the mail?

Last Answer : You’ll always find worse :P

Description : Are you afraid of your mail?

Last Answer : I’m not afraid of my mail… but I am afraid of phone calls on my landline and people in the hallway, close to my door.

Description : Do you still open snail mail advertisements?

Last Answer : I do if they are things I am interested in: the grocery store circulars (the print version is easier to see than online), the occasional catalogue.

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Last Answer : I would like to think so, believe it or not, not everyone has a computer at their disposal,and I still prefer to get my bills in paper form.

Description : Where's my mail?

Last Answer : If you look it up again through its tracking number, you should be able to find where it is.

Description : USPS Mail Advice: How do I get rid of mail of former tenants?

Last Answer : Put a line through the address and write not at this address on the envelopes and put them back in the mailbox. After a few weeks your mail carrier will (hopefully) get the idea and start returning them ... carrier will see it when they open it. You might also want to site only below your name.

Description : How does general delivery work?

Last Answer : General delivery worked very well for me when I was in college (in the 1970’s) and living in my car. I don’t recall asking for permission but it seems like a very good idea to let the post office know of your intensions.

Description : If you have a tiny flat item to ship, does it qualify for USPS's letter rate?

Last Answer : You can pay an extra few cents to hand cancel it. We sold some coins on eBay and they got lost in the machine. I would highly recommend you pay the little bit or you might lose your items.

Description : Anyone work for Public Partnerships in Boston?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : What is the best way to ship a large, heavy package across the country?

Last Answer : answer:Does the chair have great sentimental value, or is it an heirloom / antique of great value? If the answer to both of those questions is no , then I'd question why bother? on the ... ) recliner. The bus freight has to fit into the luggage compartment of the bus beneath the passenger seats.

Description : How many stamps do I need to send these items?

Last Answer : Could this site help you?

Description : When was the last time you got a surprise in the mail?

Last Answer : I got a payment from an insurance company, $600 I didn’t know was coming.

Description : What's the fastest you've ever had something delivered (via mail of some sort)

Last Answer : answer:I routinely deal with a supply company called McMaster-Carr for all kinds of supplies. I work in central Chicago, and they're in a western suburb. If I get an order in to them by 11AM ... kind of responsiveness goes such a long way to building goodwill and loyalty. I love you, McMaster-Carr!

Description : Can I pay for a physical address which has all mail sent to the address scanned and sent to me electronically?

Last Answer : answer:That I know of, no. You could possibly pay someone already at a physical address to do this for you.

Description : I want to send an envelope in the mail, and get it to it's destination in 5 (business) days, but, no signature needed. Help?

Last Answer : USPS.com

Description : Some envelopes aren't stamped but are still sent. How?

Last Answer : answer:That ink square in the corner is the stamp'. It is actually called metered mail because the machine used to place the mark is a meter. Generally you buy postage for a meter in advance, the meter ... with just a phone call. Most of the meters are now linked by phone or internet to the PO.

Description : Does a letter have to be sealed for the mail man to pick it up?

Last Answer : Does it have an address and stamp on it? If not, he won’t take it. Why didn’t you seal it?

Description : In California must one provide return address when mailing with USPS?

Last Answer : answer:Why wouldn’t you want to provide a return address unless you are shipping contraband material? lol I don’t think you HAVE to, but, it’s an at your own risk thing.

Description : How would I go about shipping a digital keyboard/piano?

Last Answer : I would go to a music store that sells such things and ask them how they pack and ship them (they may have extra shipping cartons complete with the styrofoam from a recent order). I would then use UPS or Fed Ex to ship it.

Description : Copyrighting by mailing yourself?

Last Answer : This is called the “poormans copyright.” should you ever go to court, the mail and date postage would serve as proof that the idea or whatever you had thought you copyrighted was yours. But there is such a thing as getting copyright materials actually registered. copyright.gov

Description : Can I ship a pack of batteries?

Last Answer : answer:Do you mean you want to wrap it up and send it to someone—mail it in a package? What are they, like C batteries or AA’s? Where are you? You can order batteries online, so it certainly appears that they can be shipped.

Description : Would Jelly Beans melt if you shipped them?

Last Answer : No – you can have jelly beans delivered from amazon.com so they must not.

Description : Can you purchase international stamps in advance?

Last Answer : A good gift would be a lined journal. I don’t know about the stamps.

Description : Is declared value fee the same as insurance for Fedex and UPS?

Last Answer : That figure is used to calculate insurance as well as for customs if it’s an international post.

Description : How a package got delivered to the wrong place?

Last Answer : I don't think you have any legal responsibility to actually deliver it to her. If she wants it so badly, she should have to come get it herself once you have gotten it out of your mailbox. So, ... all my opinion though, you might want to check with someone else about the actual legal end of things.

Description : Where do letters from Santa Claus go every year? What does the post office do with them?

Last Answer : There are postal workers and volunteers that will answer the letters sometimes. Just depends on where you live and how nice people in your area are. (There’s two links there.)

Description : Why would my retired father receive a letter in the mail saying he was dead?

Last Answer : It could have been a mix up with who ever sent it. Perhaps they got the name wrong or something like that. Either way, if it's a company your parents deal with on a regular basis, they should call ... them in case the company is trying to close your dad's account (or whatever he has with them).

Description : Does USPS move mail on Sunday?

Last Answer : Yes, my brother-in-law drives a truck delivering mail sacks between large metropolitan areas, and he also drives them on Sundays, so even though they’re not delivering, they’re still moving mail.