Would you get excited about participating in a contest involving creating your own short online video advertisement for Product X (assuming the prize and organizations behind it were reputable)? Why or why not?

1 Answer

Answer :

No, but 16–23 year old guys would.

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Last Answer : You need to download it and use video editing software.

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Last Answer : Is it about microlending? Because there are several talks about that.

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Last Answer : This?

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Last Answer : answer:I think it's absolutely sickening. That they would do it in the first place, that they would be so unapologetic about it, and that that lady would be such a sassy bitch to the reporter. ... internet communities heard about it, though, the kindness of strangers showed up. Which has me in awe.

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Last Answer : answer:I think it's absolutely sickening. That they would do it in the first place, that they would be so unapologetic about it, and that that lady would be such a sassy bitch to the reporter. ... internet communities heard about it, though, the kindness of strangers showed up. Which has me in awe.

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