What is the most unusual thing you ever saw someone do?

1 Answer

Answer :

this should be interesting.

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Last Answer : It would have been funny, yes. It would also have been cruel in a way. Who knows how wifey will respond, but planting that seed of doubt in husband is a kind of awful thing to do purely for entertainment ... it. A goof is a goof and can be let go, deliberately playing with people is not so nice.

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Last Answer : NSFW if my penis was a pogo stick robin williams

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Last Answer : answer:Being correct is a tricky notion. It applies if the first impression was, This person is untrustworthy and he turns out to be cheating on his wife, or something. But if my first ... I have initially liked people who eventually let me down for some reason, causing me to dislike them.

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Last Answer : answer:Often. I'm a gamer, but I dislike D&D. I'm a computer geek who doesn't code. (I'm more of a hardware guy.) I'm a Liberal who supports gun rights and small business owners. I'm a ... or mechanic tries fast-talking my mother; she used to be a VW mechanic back when Volkswagen meant Beetle .

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Last Answer : Clearly the man was NOT in his right mind. Some people want to feel rush of power by bullying others. Had a man been with you at the time, be sure he would not have done that! Just the way people like that get a thrill out of their day.

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Last Answer : I have. I’m trying to remember the situation. This is a good question.

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Last Answer : Sure.

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Last Answer : Yep all the time. I get caught staring.

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Last Answer : No, but it’s certainly contributed to the other things they were already doing to make me dislike them.

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Last Answer : I recently found out that a guy I went to high school with (he wasn't really a friend, but we had some mutual friends) has been committed because he's seriously out of touch with reality. I ... but he's convinced that he can communicate with aliens and is severely paranoid. It didn't surprise me.

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Last Answer : answer:I feel kinda bad for them. If it’s important, I’ll try to think of a kind way to correct them. If it’s an opponent, then they get the full broadside. :D

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Last Answer : Let it rest and absorb it for now.

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Last Answer : Before I read your details, I thought of certain high school teachers of mine and how much I’d thank them!

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Last Answer : Yes, but it’s a damned quick read.

Description : What is the longest grudge you've ever held against someone?

Last Answer : 14 years with my biological father. Still holding it.

Description : Have you ever experienced someone who immediately thinks you are an idiot?

Last Answer : I think everyone encounters that at some point in life. There are just certain people out there who are so narcissistic that they believe they’re superior than everyone else, thus they talk to others as if, well, they were two.

Description : What is the most interesting/curious/unusual thing you've ever seen while out driving?

Last Answer : Probably not unusual for people in paradise California, but I saw a whale while driving along the Pacific Coast Highway. Not long after that, I saw a mountain lion while driving near Big Sur. Again, probably a common occurrence for people on the west coast. But quite the novelty for me.

Description : What is the most exotic or unusual thing you have ever eaten?

Last Answer : I spent 16 days in China 25 years ago. While there I ate Rat, Bird Nest Soup (which is made from bird shit), slug, water fungus, and monkey hide. While in Alameda, at a chinese food restaurant, I ate dog (it was supposed to be chicken).

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Last Answer : If they have your permission and you signed off on it, then yeah if you are filing a simple federal form. As for state taxes, you may want to have some who knows your state taxes rules for deductions ... on top of state and federal. But a simple form that you fill at home is usually not an issue.

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Last Answer : I talk to family and friends. I try to show mercy and grace. I internalize blame in my self and take responsibility for my beliefs and walk away.

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Last Answer : I'm the most trusting (OK, naive) person in the world, mainly because I am a bad liar, and I assume that everyone else is, too. I look like I am lying even when I am telling the truth. It's ... say something completely bonkers for me to catch on (like, And then I got abducted by aliens . . . ).

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Last Answer : Depends on the advice, and in what exact ways is the said adviser same or different than me.

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Last Answer : I just faced this situation and wasn’t able to. I suspect it will depend on what your teller says but I imagine they will have had to endorse it.

Description : What makes someone "boring?"?

Last Answer : In a group it will depend on what is general trend they're following. Depending on that they'll label you as boring if you're not with them. In reality a boring person in my opinion is one who ... 't enjoy beauty of nature and tries to find loophole in everything he sees. That I would call boring.