What is the point of a spam bot ad on craigslist?

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Related questions

Description : Is there a way to clear spam activity?

Last Answer : Have you seen this question? https://www.fluther.com/214886/why-do-i-have-so-many-new-notifications-today/

Description : Does flagging spam help the moderator to get rid of it faster?

Last Answer : It helps bring it to our attention, but you don’t need to flag every answer. We’ll check out someone’s entire posting history if they are flagged for spam. I will mention that lurving spammers doesn’t help, but a lot of people do it anyway.

Description : Why is there so much spam today, Fluther is overrun with spam?

Last Answer : I took a break from Fluther. I’m one of those who flags spam at night and afternoon. I was busy today .

Description : What are spam questions trying to achieve?

Last Answer : answer:The spammers are employees, so they don't care about any lasting effects on their company. They just want the links to be online long enough for them to show the boss. The posts don't need ... the day. The links containing, spam have me stumped, as well. Thanks for the compliment(s)!

Description : Do the Mods prefer us to flag the spammer or the spam when we see it?

Last Answer : I think flagging the question is more useful. It notifies the mods about both the question and the poster.

Description : Are you getting spam emails with titles like "Notice to Appear in Court?"?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, those spammers are pretty crafty. The last couple of weeks I have been getting “Your credit report has changed – view immediately!”

Description : Can spam be removed without leaving an additional entry in Activity for you?

Last Answer : Sadly, no. www.fluther.com/154859/is-there-any-way-possible-to-not-get-notifications-for-posts/

Description : Why do I get more spam on Win XP than Windows 7?

Last Answer : Do you use Internet Explorer? If so, use a safer browser. There's a lot of sneaky stuff companies do through the Internet to send spam. Everything you do online is monitored. Install ... sending you spam. Also, do you regularly clear all history and cookies and cache from your browser?

Description : After my recent question on fluther, I received one of those(Spam) offers to give me four million dollars.

Last Answer : Yes, I just recently got one of those as well. These guys just don’t know when to quit.

Description : What's the wackiest spam mail that you've ever gotten?

Last Answer : answer:Lol- I've never gotten anything as off-base as commercial equipment spam. I've also never gotten any spam for particle accelerator parts or coffin repair shops, etc. IIRC, one female member here got ... results for women, but I've never seen an ad for it that included women in its target.

Description : Why is there so much spam email in the world?

Last Answer : It must work. I mean, it only takes a few morons to give their credit card number to recoup the costs of sending the same email millions of times. I have to think that it works often enough to keep people in the biz.

Description : How do you deal with unwanted spam?

Last Answer : What email do you have? And we are talking about email, right? If someone is mailing you the “meat product” on a regular basis, that’s really a totally different issue.

Description : What should I do about SMS spam?

Last Answer : Depending on what kind of phone you are using, you might be able to get an app to block spam.

Description : Anyone else getting comment spam from helen2010 (or helen20101)?

Last Answer : Nope, not me. I wonder if her surname is Back by any chance…..Hell & Back, oh forget it then.

Description : When is it Spam?

Last Answer : I would think if it’s questionable, flag it and let the mods review it and decide, but that’s only a guess. I’ll wait with you Jill to be enlightened.

Description : How could we design a Captcha equivalent for phone spam?

Last Answer : answer:Before your phone rings, have a voice say some numbers and have the caller dial those numbers. Of course, people can develop software to listen and dial the numbers, but maybe if we add different voices/ ... get harder. Edit: You'd want white lists so that your friends don't need to do this.

Description : Spam! Do You Eat It? What's In It? Your Recipe Is?

Last Answer : Everything you ever wanted to know about spam. I would never eat it, but some people have decided to use it for this in the name of art.

Description : Would you find it interesting to learn that e-mail spammers will not always be found guilty under the CAN-SPAM Act?

Last Answer : No, I don’t find that interesting at all. Even if 100% of spammers based in the US would be found guilty that does nothing to stop spammers who operate outside the US.

Description : How do I stop getting spam texts to my cell?

Last Answer : It’s a pain but talk to your service provider and tell them you want a new number without paying a fee. There is no good way to stop it because there’s to many scam artists once they get your number. Good luck

Description : Spam?

Last Answer : Yea, those little trips people get conned into going to California to learn how to make money, yet it costs 1700$ per class. There are a total of about 15 classes.

Description : Is there a law against this?

Last Answer : Yes, there are laws. Spoofing numbers is easy. The local number may be displaying, it the call could be from anywhere in the world. The phone companies haver no method to stop it, and the government can’t force them to.

Description : Are bots/spammers a problem?

Last Answer : I think our level of spam is enough to keep the mods busy, but it doesn’t seem to be overwhelming. It doesn’t bother me.

Description : Are spammers working overtime today?

Last Answer : This was the most activity I’ve seen in ages and yes, two thirds of it was spam.

Description : For the mods: question about flagging?

Last Answer : The flags are sent to us by email. We log into our accounts and view them there. So it depends on the email provider. I use Inbox. This sorts in date order. It also puts like with like so ... spam but does help for other reasons. We all have highly tuned spam radar! Thank you for your vigilance!

Description : Did you see that the FTC cracked down on phone spammers this week?

Last Answer : I am getting more than ever on my cell. Up to a year ago I got none. The worst offenders are the ones who attempt to goad you into a conversation leading you to believe you are talking to a live person with lousy timing.

Description : So, why don't we use captcha, or have a waiting period for registration?

Last Answer : answer: I understand that the developers haven't paid much attention to the site . Make that zero. There is no development. Look around a bit. Questions for you has been broken for months, ... a bit faster since the passing of the founder's beloved aunt and pillar of our community, @gailcalled.

Description : Have you ever seen a spambot here do something interesting?

Last Answer : You’ve seen that? I didn’t realize a spambot capable of posting a reply that would make any sense.

Description : How do you know if someone's pulling your leg?

Last Answer : What I do (and it is just me) is to try to determine how plausible or relevant the question is to life or a life situation. Some questions might be an analogy to a given problem and the OP ... than maybe 8-12% to actually be question questions, so if they are not serious hardly comes to thought.

Description : Am I being spammed?

Last Answer : Yeah – that’s what it is.

Description : Can we have a waiting period on new users asking questions?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t think so. Some spammers wait for a day, even 2 or 3 or more, before they spam. The waiting period will have no effect on these kinds of spammers. Not to mention some spammers spam by answering, and even spam directly on their profiles.

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Last Answer : Question hi-jacker! LOL

Description : (Extremely stupid question) How can I report a spammer?

Last Answer : There is a Flag As button in the lower right.

Description : Has anyone here tried "nomorobo.com" to stop robocalls?

Last Answer : Never heard of it till now but have Googled it and am seeing many links. Sounds interesting and possibly not smelly.

Description : Is NancyBaby1 in love with you too?

Last Answer : No, I was unlucky in love this time.

Description : For those of you who have twitter accounts, do you get random "follows" from people who seem to just want to promote themselves?

Last Answer : Yup, and Linked-in too. They’re looking to add followers or contacts.

Description : How do I get rid of unregistered contacts to stop messaging me on Skype?

Last Answer : Contact Skype Customer Support at this LINK

Description : How does Fluther deal with accounts created for marketing purposes?

Last Answer : BANHAMMER!

Description : How do I rid myself of Dr. Oz and his green coffee beans?

Last Answer : No, but when you find out, give me a holler. Similar problems.

Description : Why doesn't anybody ever follow me on tumblr?

Last Answer : An old Rabbi was beseeching the Lord. Lord, why don’t you let me win the lottery? I’m a pious and honest man. This went on for a couple of weeks. He didn’t win the lottery. He beseeched the Lord again. The Lord had enough. Jacob, you have to buy a ticket.

Description : How do spammers create so many accounts?

Last Answer : I was wondering the same thing. I also thought it was one account per email.

Description : What does tagged mean on an e-mail?

Last Answer : answer:OH – OH SPAMMERS Xtreme Or your Facebook pictures are being tagged.

Description : Should Fluther require a CAPTCHA upon sign up?

Last Answer : Some of the recent questions do make me wonder if it would help to have an intelligence test of some kind. Seriously, 6 questions in the last 24 hours asking why aren’t there video stores any more?

Description : Did you know some spammer have spines? Who would actually do this "work"?

Last Answer : There are desperate, computer savvy people in India that “farm” on Farmville for a small fee. How sad – for both sides of the funds transfer.

Description : Anyone else get a spammy private message from loveonett4?

Last Answer : It’s spam. It’s been taken care of.

Description : Scammers, slammers and spammers: How do you play with a telemarkerter's head?

Last Answer : answer:“I’ll buy one if you tell me you love me” is my line. (some actually do) However this is by far the best I have seen.

Description : Can the mods please deal with this ridiculous spammer (details inside).

Last Answer : I’ve only ever gotten 1 of that type since I’ve been here. What? I’m not pretty enough? I’m not spiritual enough? I shower fairly regularly! I guess true love just isn’t in my stars.

Description : What is up with this question (see details)?

Last Answer : answer:In this particular case (the Q you linked), my bet is on the fact that all the one-lurve people participating found the Q via Google and signed up just to chime in on that ... spammers, which create accounts but never participate in questions, they solely post their spam in their profiles.

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Last Answer : While I have yet to smell LinkedIn, I don’t think it’s that bad. Although, I don’t use it all that much.

Description : You've read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, but did you read Bored of the Rings?

Last Answer : If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit. Yeah I’ve read it. It’s funny, but only to a die hard LOTR fan; it’s a little too juvenile for the average reader. Some of the scenarios are hilarious, I must admit – the nazgul dressed up as a waitress at the Prancing Pony was genius.