How bad must the economy get before I return to prostitution guilt free?

1 Answer

Answer :

Only you can answer that….

Related questions

Description : What or whom is responsible for the bad economy?

Last Answer : Greed is the culprit. People (corporations?) are grabbing whatever they can and not giving anything back. Plus, we depend on a “growing” economy, and we live in a closed system. Something will break in that setup.

Description : Has the bad economy put a dent in your enjoyment of life?

Last Answer : Yeah, life is a bit less fun and the future looks a lot more unhappy. I have to work a lot more because of people getting laid off and I’m spending less because I don’t know if I’m getting laid off next or what. It bites.

Description : If the economy is in such bad shape that the president is signing bail-out bills, why are charge card companies allowed to increase their interest rate?

Last Answer : They sneaked the increases in before the legislation took hold.

Description : What is meant by free market economy ?

Last Answer : Capitalist economic system is called free market economy. In this economic system the production , distribution , distribution of goods are all driven by the interaction of demand for ... individual ownership of society and the freedom of individual decision making in production and distribution.

Description : What is a free market economy ?

Last Answer : An economy in which the government has no influence is called a free market economy.

Last Answer : Free market economy was introduced in Bangladesh in 1991.

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Last Answer : Seems that way, Trump is Putin’s puppet more than anyone knows. And I truly hope that comes to light when Mueller makes his report public.

Description : The perversity of the American economy - should I be happy or sad?

Last Answer : answer:Depends. What’s your industry? If it’s construction, be sad. If it’s hospitality, be happy.

Description : What would happen, to the world economy, if all stored physical gold, and most other precious metals, were suddenly reported to have vanished with no trace, while some still exist on paper?

Last Answer : They would find another resource that that approximated the beauty, nobility, and malleability of gold. It would not be the same. But if you can not have plan A, you have to take plan B.

Description : Fed Chair says economy is struggling. What happens if, as it so often does, the next election turns out to be all about the economy?

Last Answer : Obama wins. Most people have internalized that Republican’s don’t understand the economy and destroyed it. If it weren’t for social issues (many people really don’t like abortion, etc…) Obama would be up 20 more points.

Description : How were you and the area you live in affected by the economy?

Last Answer : answer:I live in a tourist town famous for whitewater rafting and camping and several big music festivals. This was a slow season for sure. Our little river store was slow, sales down, and ... curious what our Christmas festival will be like. The economic issues have spared no community it seems.

Description : How long do you think it will take the U.S. economy to get out of it's slump?

Last Answer : Different segments will take different times. For the housing industry, never.

Description : Could marijuana help the economy?

Last Answer : It would probably help us to forget all about the economy.

Description : Would shrinking the worldwide American Military footprint hurt or help the world economy?

Last Answer : Probably wouldn’t help the Capitalist economy, but it might herald in a new socioeconomic era. The capitalist economy is basically sustained by military force and coercion. So called neoliberalism is forced upon the throat of the developing world at gun point, nothing free and liberal about it.

Description : If we Blame the Economy, isn't that a bit of a cop-out? Aren't we really blaming ourselves?

Last Answer : If you want to accept the blame for all the ills within the US including the economy by all means be my guest. But I'm not going to join you. I have been the unwilling participant in a great many ... an unconscious bias we have. We need to get REAL. I will now relinguish the pulpit to someone else.

Description : Because of the economy what guiity pleasure did you have to give up?

Last Answer : I’ve given up pedicures, which I love. I’m very tight with my money, so that is about the only guilty pleasure I partake in.

Description : Have we hit rock bottom in the economy? If not, when? Sooner or much later?

Last Answer : We are in the middle of a sturdy recovery. Maybe you should read the paper once in a while.

Description : Would you say that a condo that didn't sell and just raised its price is a good sign for the economy?

Last Answer : I hope so.

Description : How would you "fix" Americas ailing economy?

Last Answer : Take it and bury it in a very safe place. Therefore it will earn no interest and banks can not lend it to anyone. I will also not spend any of it :).

Description : What's your honest take on the U.S. economy?

Last Answer : Well.. We have a party which is spending our currency into the ground. We are have 2 major wars sucking the money right out of the federal reserve. Our job situation is not good for much of ... honestly don't think the people in charge knows the full extent of the problems let alone the solution.

Description : How has this economy affected you?

Last Answer : I have no money, was laid off, my parents may lose their jobs, my boyfriend lost his company and has to work offshore now.

Description : How are falling gas prices and a drop in consumer products going to hurt the economy more?

Last Answer : I am not an economist: People pay their bills with the money they earn. It's rare for someone's salary to go down (although, I'd rather keep my job and make less, than lose my job). If the ... chime in? I'm sort of looking forward to a little deflation so the value of my savings account goes up.

Description : Is it okay to spend money on luxury brands? in today's economy?

Last Answer : If you have the money and are able to do it, there is no reason to cut back or stop spending on luxury brands. However, I am generally of a more cautious and, frankly, cheap nature and wouldn’t have been doing that pre-recession to begin with.

Description : What country has the best economy.

Last Answer : I don’t think there is an answer to this question, really. Depends on what you mean by best.

Description : So when do you think the economy will crash?

Last Answer : it’s not going to crash. we might be in a recession and head into a trough, but I don’t think we’ll “crash”. there’s safe guards for that these days . . .

Description : How long for the economy to get better?

Last Answer : Man! You really believe the stuff those people tell you?

Description : Do you think Castro's take-over helped or hurt our economy more?

Last Answer : Do your own homework.

Description : When is the economy gonna completely drop to the doom of everyone?

Last Answer : answer:Not anytime soon. Depends on how you define “doom of everyone.” Are we in a recession? Probably. Will it matter in a year? Probably not.

Description : Is the collapse of the US economy more likely to take place in September or October of 2008?

Last Answer : Halloween

Description : Do YOU think you know enought about the economy to call your representative and say "Vote No" for the bailout?

Last Answer : answer:I would not have made that call. But, then I was pro-bailout. I was watching C-SPAN during the vote and the calls that were coming in were driving me crazy. They were letting people ... frustrating as I'm sure that they were the same people calling their congressmen telling them to vote no.

Description : What is meant by socialist economy ?

Last Answer : Socialist economy is the economy in which government ownership of resources and elements of production is maintained or no private ownership exists . In this case the ownership of the resources of ... authority empowered by the state for social welfare . This economy is also called planned economy.

Description : What is meant by mixed economy ?

Last Answer : An economy in which private enterprise and government enterprise coexist is called a mixed economy. Mixed economy is basically a combination of capitalist economy and socialist economy. This economy has ... . Again, government control was maintained over many sectors. Bangladesh has a mixed economy.

Description : Who is the author of the book “Planned Economy for India” ?

Last Answer : The author of the book "Planned Economy for India" is M. Vishwesaraya.

Description : What is meant by parallel economy ?

Last Answer : Parallel economy means black money economy.

Description : What is meant by utility in economy ?

Last Answer : Utility in economics means meeting human needs.

Description : What is Mixed Economy ?

Last Answer : An economic system in which individual ownership and private enterprise as well as government enterprise and control prevail is called a mixed economy. In other words, private and government initiatives play a combined role in such economy.

Description : What is instructional economy or socialist economy ?

Last Answer : An economy in which most of the resources and means of production of the society are owned by the state or government is called instructional economy. This economy is also called socialist economy. ... . Because in this economy all economic decisions come from a central planning authority ( CPA) .

Description : What is the Islamic Economy ?

Last Answer : Islamic economics is based on the rules of the Qur'an.

Description : What is Islamic Economy ?

Last Answer : An economic system that follows the rules of the Qur'an is called an Islamic economic system.

Description : In which economy is profit real ?

Last Answer : Profit is the real thing in capitalist economy.

Description : What is Mixed Economy ?

Last Answer : In an economy where government and individuals have equal influence.

Description : What kind of economy is there in Bangladesh ?

Last Answer : Bangladesh has a mixed economy.

Description : Would you starve before stealing?

Last Answer : Only those who have been starving can answer this question but I think keeping yourself alive is a moral obligation as well as an instinct and so stealing can become a virtue. A government that removes food stamps and lets people starve loses its legitimacy and will result in anarchy.

Description : Investors, how low do you think the markets would go before recovering?

Last Answer : I honestly expect things to hold their own. Copper prices have been steadily climbing for quite a while now which tells me demand for copper is growing and that is the canary in the coal mine for ... to grow a pair and start taking some initiatives to make this change he has promised for so long.

Description : Is U.S. still seen as powerful as before?

Last Answer : answer:I personally as a us citizen view the country weaker. I worry about the future and the way things are going it dosent seem to get better soon. I think other countires view us weak as well. I mean look at the work market. The us dollar is not excatly the best its ever been.

Description : Which of the following is FALSE A. The digital forensic investigator must maintain absolute objectivity B. It is the investigator's job to determine someone's guilt or innocence. C. It is the ... maintain strict confidentiality, discussing the results of an investigation on only a need to know ba

Last Answer : B. It is the investigator’s job to determine someone’s guilt or innocence.

Description : Which of the following is FALSE? a. The digital forensic investigator must maintain absolute objectivity b. It is the investigator's job to determine someone's guilt or innocence. c. It is ... maintain strict confidentiality, discussing the results of an investigation on only a need to know ba

Last Answer : b. It is the investigator’s job to determine someone’s guilt or innocence.

Description : Which of the following is FALSE? A. The digital forensic investigator must maintain absolute objectivity B. It is the investigator's job to determine someone's guilt or innocence. C. It is ... must maintain strict confidentiality, discussing the results of an investigation on only a need to know

Last Answer : B. It is the investigator’s job to determine someone’s guilt or innocence. 

Description : Why is prostitution so bad?

Last Answer : Because they can get arrested and a prostitution arrest does not look good on a college graduates resume.

Description : Why is the minimum wage going up?

Last Answer : Inflation