How can I prevent my shoulders from slipping out of joint while I sleep?

1 Answer

Answer :

Duct tape?

Related questions

Description : How many pillows do you have on your bed while you sleep?

Last Answer : 2. I don’t understand the need for more than that, personally. My head only rests on one, but the two differ in firmness and sometimes I want one over the other. I also use the two to sit against when I’m watching TV in bed.

Description : Do you derive the same benefits of sleep while just lying still?

Last Answer : answer:Not quite the same as sleep. Apparently here is a bit (to use a computer analogy) of a reboot going on in the brain and in the body itself during sleep. Restorative hormone changes, a bit ... with quiet time. Yet meditation gives one much of the same benefit, just not to the same extent.

Description : Have you ever lost sleep while listening to new music?

Last Answer : Definitely. I’ve found myself lying awake at 5am because of it, and even then I’m reluctant to stop listening.

Description : Have anyone ever experienced these sensations while extremely sleep-deprived (or with drugs)?

Last Answer : answer:I had a slightly difficult time understanding 2, but I think I get you on 1. And I think I've experienced similar when extremely ill. I don't know if it's the medication I needed to take ... the word it represented, or what. I remember getting very anxious that he would think I had lost it.

Description : How to sleep while in severe pain?

Last Answer : answer:This tough I went through this a little while ago. Until I finally got to the dentist, I tried several things but the key seemed to be keeping air from getting to the nerve. I had an abscessed ... it to the dentist this helped for a while Best wishes there is no worse pain in the world

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Last Answer : Glad that you didn’t have a case of morning wood. :)

Description : Any suggestions on how to beat sleep while driving?

Last Answer : answer:Yes. Don't try to do that, ever. Get plenty of sleep, before driving. If feeling tired, pull into a shopping mall parking lot and go to sleep in your car, if you can't afford a motel room. ... very good friend in the 1960s, who tried to drive while feeling drowsy. August 26, 2008, 7:58 AM EDT

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Last Answer : (d) to maintain the balls at a fixed distance apart

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Ans:(a)

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Last Answer : Previous question Can you recommend a good pillow?

Description : How do you feel when you miss out on a lot of sleep?

Last Answer : I never let it get that far. You just miss him so much you can’t sleep? I can’t imagine you’ll go much longer without conking out.

Description : How long can you go without sleep before you start feeling out of sorts?

Last Answer : 2 days.

Description : Is there a sleep aid recording out there that is not nature or white noise?

Last Answer : Are there any movies that work for you?

Description : To all those lovers of sleep out there... I need your guidance about my mattress.

Last Answer : answer:What is the current condition of the mattress? If it's shaped like a soup bowl, it's probably worth investing in a replacement in the long run. Selecting a new mattress can be a real hassle. They ... to reduce wear in one spot. If you have a box spring, that should be rotated every 6 months.

Description : Is it dangerous to be startled out of your sleep?

Last Answer : No. Edit: Unless of course you are 85 years old with a heart condition… ;-)

Description : Do you sleep better (more deeply) if your sheets and pillowcases match?

Last Answer : Yes, because I’m gay.

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Last Answer : I used to have some kind of periodic zit-type thing under one of my ears, maybe some kind of bacterial infection or something. It lasted for a few years then just went away. But during that ... ear. Putting pressure on it would hurt. No idea whether this has anything to do with your situation.

Description : What does and doesn't sleep cure?

Last Answer : Sleep does not cure hunger,. Sleep does not cure air pollution. Sleep does not cure poverty. Can you make your question a little more precise?

Description : Does anyone know a good way to "turn off" your mind so you can go to sleep?

Last Answer : There’s a pretty good list here in @canidmajor’s question from a week ago.

Description : When have you had your best sleep?

Last Answer : If I take a nap it’s usually great sleep.

Description : How can I cool off my head at night so I can sleep comfortable ?

Last Answer : Chillow worked for me.

Description : Older jellies: do you find you need less sleep as you get older?

Last Answer : Yes. But I’m also not busting my ass 24/7 with kids either. Every thing has slowed down, including how much food I can eat.

Description : When was the last time you got a decent night’s sleep?

Last Answer : Last night.

Description : How much extra sleep do you get or staying in bed awake do you do before you feel bad about it?

Last Answer : I’m retired and don’t sleep well. I often wake around 6:30 or 7 but generally stay in bed til around 8 or so. I will sometimes stay in bed until 9ish but if it’s much later than that, I feel like I am being unproductive.

Description : How is your sleep pattern?

Last Answer : Not sure what you mean. Here's how I sleep: Bed time between 11-1130pm Solid deep sleep Awaken at 6:30-7:00 to pee, depending on how much I drank the night before. If it is a weekday, I make coffee, read the ... it is a weekend, I'll get back in bed and if I am luck, I'll sleep another hour or two.

Description : How do I sleep in a way that I don't cut my circulation off in my arms and legs?

Last Answer : Walk for a hour a day. Get the heart strong so it can push blood around. And yeah losing weight would help. Now that summer is here it is perfect to get your walk on.

Description : How to sleep faster?

Last Answer : Read a boring book. Watch “A River Runs Through It”.

Description : How to stay awake and resist the urge to sleep?

Last Answer : How long do you sleep during the night? How is your diet?

Description : When does Trump sleep?

Last Answer : Russian androids don’t sleep.

Description : Why do people sleep better when it's raining?

Last Answer : White noise. Also the temperature is cooler.

Description : Did you install or already have black bedroom curtains and do they help you sleep?

Last Answer : We don’t have black curtains, but our bedroom curtains have very thick lining in, and they keep the light out well. If I sleep anywhere else, I never sleep as well, as you really notice the light.

Description : How well do you sleep?

Last Answer : answer:It varies. Usually I make it through the night, but sometimes I go on jags where I wake around 3:00 and stay up a couple of hours Nd them return to sleep. I sleep fewer hours now than when I ... I sleep less than when I was younger, which to me means I'm on the downhill towards death. Oy.

Description : Who else l-o-v-e-s to sleep?

Last Answer : Sleeping and dreaming are high-class activities. Ask any cat!

Description : What is the longest time you've gone without sleep?

Last Answer : About 28 hours. Pulled an all nighter reading Cancer Ward by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, then had a final.

Description : Do sleep cycles get interrupted, or reset?

Last Answer : I think you would start a new cycle as you fall back to sleep. Possibly, we go more quickly into the deeper stages of sleep when we are very tired? Like when we wake at night and barely ... have an abnormal brain pattern during sleep. Not extremely rare though, but it ideally shouldn't be there.

Description : What do you do with your arms when you sleep?

Last Answer : And now I will think about it, and never sleep again. Thanks a lot. :-P

Description : This is a question for people who have two-car garages (or a two single garages) and who also sleep with a spouse in a double (or full, or king) bed. If you sleep on the left side of the bed, do you also park in the left spot of the garage?

Last Answer : There are people who put cars in their garages?

Description : Why do I scratch my boyfriend in my sleep?

Last Answer : I do all kinds of stuff in my sleep. I’ve redecorated rooms, crashed, and just about everything else. Maybe try some light gloves for a while? Why would you suspect PTSD?

Description : Do you take any sleep aid, like Melatonin?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t, but I’m curious: Do you set an alarm, just in case? When I sleep without setting an alarm, I experience something similar – it’s like my brain doesn’t dare to sleep soundly. Also, ungh. I feel for you.

Description : When you go on vacation, does your sleep schedule get all screwed up?

Last Answer : answer:I don't really have a work schedule. My schedule today was wake up 11am. Work for a bit. Nap at 6pm until 1am. It is now 2:35am and I will probably be awake until 9am. And from there your ... clock in over a decade. I actually have a more regular schedule when I am on a vacation. ¯\(ツ)/¯

Description : Why do people think that they can sleep off depression?

Last Answer : People aren’t trying to sleep off depression, they have no energy to do anything else.

Description : How to overcome a fear of sleep?

Last Answer : answer:Have you tried light? By that I mean using lights to help synch your circadian rhythm. Have plenty of brighter lights on during the day. Have them turn off when it is time to sleep and a ... the magazine slips to the floor. And don't eat anything 2 hours before going to bed. Sleep tight.

Description : Do you wake yourself whilst talking in your sleep?

Last Answer : answer:The only time I talk in my sleep is when I am having days and weeks of reoccurring nightmares. I'm usually unaware I am doing it, except that my husband will wake me if he hears ... you know what the talking is related to? Have you started a new medication that interrupts your sleep pattern?

Description : If you sleep a bit in the afternoon, do you wake up refreshed or unwell and even worse than before?

Last Answer : i feel refreshed after an afternoon nap. it is the actual sleep during the night that wrecks me in the morning.

Description : When you sleep, can you sleep if someone is holding onto you or do you need your space in bed?

Last Answer : Mostly, I need my space, mostly.

Description : How can I fix my sleep schedule?

Last Answer : answer:IME there is no such thing as fixing a sleep schedule. Only adjusting to a shitty schedule and dealing with being half asleep for the better part of the day. Without things like school that ... 're just dramatically shifted. It's possible you also have a form of Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder.

Description : Do you sleep with your window open?

Last Answer : I leave as many open as I can, depending on the weather. My house is in the country, well off the road and it’s in a safe area, so I usually don’t have to worry about after hours visitors. So far. I love fresh air.

Description : Why can't I do this anymore and still sleep at night?

Last Answer : answer:I've had a similar history, used to drink coffee into the evening, now have to take some melatonin to sleep through the night. Part of it for me is a reflection of stress in ... reflected in high blood pressure. That is symptomatic of high levels of cortisol, which disrupts sleep patterns.