My friend has this great website/idea, how can i help him get users?

1 Answer

Answer :

Find bloggers who are likely to like the idea. Send them press releases.

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Last Answer : answer:I answered a related question a few weeks ago. You might find the answer helpful. Click here

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Last Answer : None of these are answers to my question, but thank you for responding. I am looking for information or analysis that addresses this phenomenon and whether it is common or how this fits in a bigger picture.

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Last Answer : answer:Use Facebook and other social networking sites to cross-promote your online store. Offer some special items on Facebook and ask your friends to cross-post for you. You can even offer a special ... page by throwing their name into the hat. Would you care posting your store's website here?

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Last Answer : Nope.

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Last Answer : The ability to “poke” others.

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Last Answer : answer:Do a press release and send it to all the local media. Tease a little bit about what the site entails. make the start date and time a focal point. Create a Facebook account. If your budget ... a local restaurant or merchant.) Set up a Twitter account and do tweets leading up to the launch.