How do you deal with boredom?

1 Answer

Answer :

A bit of a desert in terms of TV. Video?

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Last Answer : Indifference.

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Last Answer : There must be a lot of people living lives of extraordinary luxury if that is the case – mostly teenagers.

Description : Any tips for relieving boredom?

Last Answer : play BOOOGIES

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Last Answer : I haven’t noticed that having people around or not has much to do with how I feel. I am quite comfortable either way.

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Last Answer : Flag em and forget em.

Description : Would it bother you if someone, being friendly and non confrontational, told you that you were boring?

Last Answer : Depends on who it was. I probably would bore some people half to death.

Description : Have you ever been so bored that you open your bedroom window at night to listen to the drunks rave?

Last Answer : I've got GREAT neighbors where I live now. Don't think I've ever seen any of them drunk & NEVER hear them rave while working on getting drunk so, NO!!! Anyway, it's 10:30 at night & it's still ... windows will stay closed to hold in the cooler a/c air!!! I use the internet to relieve my boredom!!!

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Last Answer : I noticed this a few years ago. Same thing, just a couple questions per section. It gets busy, then it dies off. I don’t believe this is something new.

Description : Is anyone bored right about now? It's like 10:05pm and I always feel bored right about now. Odd?

Last Answer : I’m afraid not. I am nocturnal. No matter what time I roll out of bed, that is when I actually begin waking up. If you are bored, and had a full day, it may be the way your body tells you to go to bed.

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Last Answer : Stir up trouble.

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Last Answer : answer:I believe in planning for the future but not at the expense of enjoying your life now. Almost everyone I’ve ever known who made it to retirement either died shortly thereafter, or are sick and miserable.

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Last Answer : answer:It really isn't widespread, there have been a lot of fake news stories about it according to But really, it's no more that wilding was in the 1980s in New York, or teens beating homeless ... accepting it; just pointing out it's not a matter of how did the U.S. come to this?

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Last Answer : “Hat.”

Description : Day two of insomnia: will people stop sleeping and ask questions already?

Last Answer : Hello there. Theres always a deadzone on every site, it doesnt matter whether its facebook or this but I get where your coming from I am bored out of my mind because no one is on here and no one wants to talk.

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Last Answer : When will he pee?

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Last Answer : No. Develop some inner resources.

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Last Answer : answer:Initially patterns are a visual experience and not an analytical one. Delving deeper, there are always math connotations, such as with fractiles. The two skills are different.

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Last Answer : I got Diablo III in the mail. So yeah, pretty much that.

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Last Answer : Read. Unlike watching TV it’s an active activity so you will either tire yourself out enough to get some sleep, or you’ll get lots of reading done.

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Last Answer : answer:Go to a mall and window shop. Watch a movie. Try on each other’s clothes.

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Last Answer : Probably myself. I realized I’m actually kind of a boring person the other day.

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Last Answer : Depends on who you are trying to impress. In my opinion, you shouldn’t have to do that. If you want to hang out with judgmental, peer pressuring douchebags, sure.

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Last Answer : I recommend staying on this site. It kept me up all night when I found it.

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Last Answer : 6. Same goes for scale questions.

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Last Answer : Shaving. What a pain in the ass.

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Last Answer : Same as everyone else, winning the lottery so I can kick this popcorn stand & retire in the country somewhere :-/

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Last Answer : Put headphones in your ears and turn the volume up…I also tend to sing at the top of my lungs at the same time…let it all out…

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Last Answer : A whole, raw, habanero pepper.

Description : What do you do when you're bored?

Last Answer : Rearrange your house, room, wash your car, catch up on emails, call a friend, bake some cookies, take a nap, water the grass, walk your dog, dye your hair, have a beer, go lie in the sun, prune the bushes, watch a movie…...................................................................

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Last Answer : Feed the birds. They’re fun to watch

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Last Answer : Tolkien. I don’t see how anyone wades through it. (So technically, I guess I only read part of it.)

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Last Answer : I don't think Sartre meant that it's other people who make us miserable. A more accurate translation of the French would be hell is others . I understand this to mean that suffering comes from seeing ... am here, and you are there , a belief in the fundamental separation of one's self from others.

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Last Answer : Oh God. Why are you there for so long? Not an answer to the question, I know, but I can’t get over the horror enough to think of anything helpful at the moment.

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Last Answer : play minesweeper play chess (on your computer) browse the internet read a book read a newspaper

Description : What would you do during free time?

Last Answer : Probably wipe down my belongings with Pledge. I just can’t get enough of that lemon smell and amazing sheen. I would start with my sneakers and move onto my watch. Who can say what would I would do after that? Perhaps I would pick up a book and read it.

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Last Answer : Fluther- but then again I work from my own studio on my own time…

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Last Answer : This is too science-y for me but there’s a well-documented experiment here concluding the fact that heat reduces magnetic fields (or force, or whatever).

Description : What can i do when i'm bored?

Last Answer : Read a book. Call an old friend or a family member. Organize your junk drawer. Make a sandwich and deliver it to a homeless guy. Do a yoga video. Rearrange your living room. Learn how to say “where is the bathroom” in 3 languages.

Description : Anything productive to do at a desk job?

Last Answer : Try ask-public.

Description : Where is the other buck?

Last Answer : answer:What the hell!?!? How does that work? Edit: I have a feeling people are doing the same thing I am; reading this over and over again trying to figure it out.

Description : What should my girlfriend and I get up to this evening? (keep it clean pls [equal]D)

Last Answer : where do you live? If you are in Durham, UK (as in your profile) you might try this page for ideas

Description : My Dachshund bites/chews his toenails! Is this normal?

Last Answer : answer:Here is what i found on another website Allergies is one of the most common causes of feet licking/chewing in dogs. Environmental and/or food allergies could be the underlying cause. I would ... type of dog, to keep them occupied when they are not interacting with other dogs or people.

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Last Answer : I write smut.

Description : Do you think that Boredom between two people comes from being together physically? Or rather from being apart mentally and spiritually?

Last Answer : My relationship with my mom is better when we had some time apart.

Description : What resulting human activities through the centuries are just plain manifestations of boredom?

Last Answer : answer:Human torture in the dungeons of the Middle Ages? Lol. (Or tying up people and torturing them in modern times?! Erg.)

Description : What strange mixed drinks have you concocted out of boredom or desperation?

Last Answer : Beer and tomato juice is about as wild and crazy as I get with my mixed drinks. It’s hard to do much with beer.

Description : Does anybody know any good websites to soothe boredom?

Last Answer : This one has kept me amused for years!

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Last Answer : Secret horrors of Appalachia

Description : Crushing, depressing boredom. Suggestions?

Last Answer : Take the pup out for a walk… to a dog park, downtown, wherever. Dogs attract people like nothing else! Plus, the exercise will be great for you