I heard White Castle has one of the healthiest burgers, is that true?

1 Answer

Answer :

The verdict on soy is still out. I’ve read there is a difference between the fermented soy that Asians have been eating for centuries and the raw soy here in America. Apparently the raw soy is bad for you. I can believe that, as they grow the damn beans around here and nothing smells worse than when they harvest soybeans. YEEUUUCH! Personally, I see everything as being hazardous to your health. No matter what you eat, you will eventually die. I’d rather enjoy myself and eat for pleasure than to worry about what is going to kill me, because it ALL is going to kill me eventually.

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Description : what fast food chain is the healthiest?

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Description : what fast food chain is the healthiest?

Last Answer : I examined carefully many fast food restaurant nutrition facts and by far the healthiest fast food restaurant is very simply Montana's there portions may look big but it is extremely astonishing how very little ... is absolutely amazing! so if you want to go somewhere healthy to eat go to Montana's.

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Last Answer : What? and I say this as a pseudo-intellectual/intellectual/one with brainy testicles/whatever!

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Last Answer : True

Description : Do you prefer warm ketchup on your burgers and fries?

Last Answer : Interesting question. But now that I think of it—fries warm to hot, ketchup cold and plentiful.

Description : Do fast food resturaunts even have flat top grills anymore to fry their burgers on?

Last Answer : Every one I’ve seen did/does.

Description : When did burgers become a fast food staple?

Last Answer : I think burgers were fast food from the beginning. They were first introduced to the masses as convenient finger food at the Chicago World’s Fair aka the Columbian World Exhibition in 1892–3 from stands in the fairway along with the hot dog and the ice cream cone.

Description : Are home made frozen burgers better than fast food?

Last Answer : You would have to compare it to the nutrition facts of a McDonald’s Hamburger

Description : Have you made bison burgers and are they good?

Last Answer : I’ve had bison, emu and ostrich burgers, and all are excellent if cooked right. It isn’t beef with it’s higher fat content, so don’t overcook it.

Description : Are store bought veggie burgers highly processed fake meat ?

Last Answer : This may be oversimplifying, but I figure if food comes in a box, it’s processed. Diet foods are often some of the worst crap out there, but people are misled by words like “diet”, “natural”, “lite”, etc.

Description : Do you have any good recipes for Chickpea Burgers?

Last Answer : The recipe you quoted sounds great. My husband has been asking me to find a recipe for a veggie/bean burger like this. I can’t wait to try this.

Description : Any good recipes for meatless meatloaf or veggie burgers?

Last Answer : answer:I find this recipe is excellent: Tofu and Mushroom Nut Loaf Ingredients: 2 eggs 1 tablespoon soy sauce 350g tofu ¾ cup chopped nuts (I use half & half almonds and sunflower seed) 1 packet onion ... F for approx 60 minutes. Let cool slightly. Turn loaf out and slice. Serve with miso gravy.

Description : For those times when you want to dress up your burgers beyond the ordinary, what do you do?

Last Answer : Your timing could not be any worse, I literally finished eating a burger 3 minutes ago. That said, I think bacon is the most extreme I go with my burgers, and that’s not very extreme at all.

Description : If you knew that a fast food chain, like Carl's Jr, for example, supported ultra right wing causes - and you were of a totally different political affiliation - but you really liked their burgers - would you eat there anyway?

Last Answer : Nope.

Description : Whats your favorite kind of frozen veggie burgers?

Last Answer : Morning Star Cheddar Burgers!